Forever Starts Tonight. Roni Loren. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Roni Loren
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эротика, Секс
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008108236
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him. He wasn’t necessarily against it, but it’d been an unwritten line between them. Maybe because despite his experience in kink, Jace was still pretty new to being with a guy. Before Andre, there’d only been women. But now he wondered if Andre held some things back for that reason.

      As if hearing Jace’s thoughts, Andre pulled back and peered up at Jace. “Okay?”

      Jace wet his lips. “I’ll stop you if something isn’t.”

      Andre’s lips quirked up. “Yes, sir.”

      Then Andre went back to the job of rocking Jace’s fucking world.


      Evan pulled her robe around her, rubbing the chill from her arms, and walked to the kitchen, hoping to God that they had antacids tucked away somewhere. But when she stepped through the doorway, she froze in place at the sight before her. Jace was leaning back against the counter, shaggy blond hair in his eyes, pants around his ankles, and Andre was kneeling in front of him, sucking him off and stroking him with his fingers.

      The sight took the wind right out of her, and she put her hand to the doorframe, steadying herself. Holy hell, were they a picture. She’d lived with these two for almost a year and the sight of them could still take her breath away. Jace with that long, lean swimmer’s body, his tattooed arms straining with the effort of staving off the release Andre was surely about to give him. And Andre with his dark hair, caramel-colored skin, and soulful eyes, somehow looking more alpha than most of the male population even when on his knees for another guy. They were beautiful together.

      And maybe she should care that they were doing this without her, but somehow that jealousy never seemed to take hold of her. She knew how long it had taken these two to admit their feelings for each other, knew how deep their love and respect for each other ran. So beyond the mind-melting desire that always went through her when she saw these two get naked together, all she felt was happiness for them and a thrill that she got to be part of this. That they were hers.

      Normally, she’d make her presence known because, without a doubt, they would draw her into the tableau. In thirty seconds, she’d be flat on her back on that island with both of them lavishing her with erotic attention. But she was still feeling sick and didn’t think she could handle them at the moment. That did not mean, however, that she wasn’t going to take advantage of the moment and watch.

      That chill she’d been fighting off on the walk to the kitchen had definitely disappeared. And even with her nausea, her body was growing very aware, very quickly. She tried to ease back into the shadows of the living room so she wouldn’t inadvertently interrupt, but Andre’s eyes must’ve caught movement. His gaze swung her way and his eyebrow lifted—an invitation.

      She put a finger to her lips and shook her head. Without stopping the pleasure he was giving Jace, a smile touched his eyes. She stepped back into the living room then, but he knew she was watching and clearly approved.

      Evan clung to the darkness, leaning against the doorjamb, and indulged in the view. Jace hadn’t opened his eyes since she’d arrived, and his belly was pulsing with quick breaths as he made those sexy, gritty sounds he was prone to when riding his edge. Andre was pulling out all the stops, and the wet, sucking noises were one of the most erotic things Evan could imagine hearing. And though she wasn’t close enough to see exactly where Andre’s fingers were rubbing, she had a good idea, and the image had her panties clinging to her. Maybe she hadn’t needed antacids at all. She just needed a distraction. And these two were providing it in spades.

      Andre pulled back for a moment, and the broad head of Jace’s cock gleamed in the low glow of the under-cabinet lights. Evan’s tongue pressed to the back of her teeth. But she didn’t have the view for long because Jace reached out and gripped Andre’s hair, pulling him forward. “Don’t fucking tease me, Dre, or I swear to God, I will send you to bed with a raging case of blue balls.”

      Andre smiled, an evil edge to his grin, and took Jace into his mouth again. There’d be no going back now. Andre wasn’t going to let up until Jace lost it. Andre increased his fervor, and Jace’s hands gripped Andre’s head, his hips canting forward as he fucked Andre’s mouth.

      Evan licked the sweat gathering on her upper lip, her body responding to that flare of dominance in Jace. She loved when he tipped over from the sweet guy she knew into that intense, almost feral dominant space. He could be rough and relentless and sadistic when he went into that zone. And she thrived on it.

      So did Andre, from the looks of it. Andre was a passenger on the train now, the control shifting fully to Jace as Jace directed the pace and position. Andre’s fingers curled into his own thighs, as if he was having trouble banking his need, and his erection stood proud against the fabric of his pants. If Evan hadn’t been feeling so shitty, she would’ve crawled over and helped him out with that. But Jace would take care of Andre. Jace could be a sadist when it came to doling out pain, but unless there was a punishment needed, he wasn’t into denying pleasure. Prolonging it? Yes. Making them wait for it to intensify things? Definitely. But outright denial? No. Jace was a hedonist at heart.

      Jace’s shout made Evan jump, and she watched, enraptured, as Jace’s knuckles went white against Andre’s head. There it was, that moment when everything faded away. Evan’s body pulsed as if she were a part of it all, and Jace pumped his hips with long, deep thrusts, no doubt giving Andre every bit of his release. Andre’s sweat-slicked throat worked as he swallowed everything Jace gave him, his eyes closed and pleasure on his face. She knew that feeling. Yes, she was submissive, but there was a heady power in knowing you’ve brought such a strong man to the breaking point. A satisfaction.

      Andre eased away, his tongue licking over his lips, and his gaze slid over to her for a brief second before returning to Jace. Jace was panting as he tugged his pants back up his hips, then he slid down the side of the island to the floor. He grabbed Andre, pulling him in for a kiss, and his hand deftly unbuttoned Andre’s slacks. Jace freed Andre’s cock from his open fly and smoothed the moisture that had gathered on the tip over Andre’s shaft.

      Andre made a choked sound into the kiss and Evan decided she would leave them to it. If she watched for another second, she wasn’t going to be able to resist joining in. And she knew her body wasn’t up to that tonight. Vomiting on your lovers would not be sexy. So she went back to the bedroom and found an Alka-Seltzer in the back of the bathroom cabinet. After downing that in a glass of water, she crawled back into bed.

      But she couldn’t fall asleep until both the boys returned to the bed about twenty minutes later. She listened to them strip in the dark, then felt them settle down on each side of her, their big warm bodies brushing against hers. She kept her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. But when Jace checked her forehead for fever, and Andre kissed the back of her shoulder and whispered an I love you, she snuggled into the contentment and finally drifted off.

       Chapter 3

      Jace shielded his eyes from the sun as he crossed the open fields on the edge of The Ranch, searching for the horse paddock. He wasn’t overly familiar with this part of the property. Most of what he needed at The Ranch was either at the main house or in the cabin he, Andre, and Evan often rented out. But ahead he could see the stables and the cowboy he was looking for.

      Jace headed over that way and heard Grant Waters, owner and operator of The Ranch, explaining the ins and outs of saddling a horse to his girlfriend, Charli, who was standing with her hands on her hips and a frustrated expression on her face. Jace smiled. That seemed to be Charli’s go-to expression when it came to Grant. Jace had watched the two scene together at the main house before, so he knew Charli was a fantastic submissive to Grant, and the love between them was obvious. But when not in those roles, she was a no-nonsense, highly opinionated tomboy who kept the big man on his toes.

      The whole thing amused Jace to no end because Grant could be such a stoic, all-knowing bastard sometimes, and it was fun to see the guy get flustered or perplexed by his