Time to Shine. Lisa Clark. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Clark
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007339709
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but hearing her call him his actual name, Lawrence, well, that implies that they might be getting close or something.

      “Is it his birthday?” I ask.

      “No, I just wanted to get him a little something to say, I…” The ma-parental pauses and slips into a trance-like state. And it’s then that I see it. The face. She’s making the same face that goddess-girls in old black and white movies make when they’re in L.O.V.E. This is weird. This is all kinds of crazy-weird. And not in a good way. “Oh, I don’t know,” she says, shaking her head free of any dream-like thoughts, “I just wanted to get him a present to say…thank you, I suppose.”

      “Oh,” I say, not knowing entirely what to say. I don’t want to ask her outright, because, y’know, we’re still working on the whole mother/daughter thing and while there’s definite progress, I don’t think we’re at a place for me to ask if she’s dating my gal-pal’s dad.

      Also, I’m not sure I really want to know the answer, especially if that answer is yes.

      “Well, I think he’ll really like it, mum” I say, because while I don’t know yoga-dad all that well, thanks to my Eastern philosophy 101, I do know that both he and Bella are big fans of all things Buddha.

      The Mothership smiles with satisfaction and like a mirror, I find myself reflecting a smile right back at her because despite the icky feeling I’m feeling in my tummy, I’ve not seen the Mothership this happy in a long time, and I like it.

      “I’m just heading over to Sadie’s,” I tell her as I hold down the paper ready for sellotaping. “She’s just texted me to say that her and Ooh-la-la Charlie are planning one of Sadie’s famous soirées, and they want me to help!”

      “Is Bella going with you?” Ma-parental asks, sticking the sellotape over my fingers. Turns out we’re not altogether too good at wrapping.

      “Er…I don’t think so,” I tell her. “She’s not really talking to me at the moment.”

      “Really? Why?” Mum asks, peeling the back off a self-stick silver bow.

      This is a definite first in my movie, Livin’ La Vida Lola.

      It seems that the Mothership and I are about to enter into what they commonly refer to as a mother/daughter convo, and apparently, we don’t suck at it either, because I find myself telling her all about the school production, how Bella got angry at me, the fact that I’m going to audition tomorrow and how Evil Eva is too - all the stuff I usually would have told my Aunt Lullah if she was here and not in swanky NYC, but would never, ever have dared tell the ma-parental, because…well, she just wouldn’t have got it.

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