Time to Shine. Lisa Clark. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Clark
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007339709
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name choices we more than made up for in dedication and enthusiasm. Our audience, consisting of a somewhat varied assortment of teddies and cuddly toys, never failed to be impressed, and why wouldn’t they be with such sparkling performances as ‘Davina’s Day of Dreadful Disasters’? Granted, they weren’t the most animated of audiences two would-be starlets could hope for, but they never criticised either, and well, that was just fine with us.

      But Time to Shine is the real deal. Livin’ La Vida Lola the movie starring me, Lola Love, rocks, there’s no doubt about that, but getting to perform on a real stage with lights and everything is too exciting for wordage. This is my chance to step into the pink-tinted spotlight and rock a role that could have been written all about me - except for the bit about Lilly kissing her boy crush, because my boy crush is Jake Farrell and he is kissing Eva Satine. Boo. Nope, if I’m ever going to score me the role as leading lady in this production, there is seriously no one more qualified to coach me than the Queen of Dramarama, Miss Angel Trueman. And with her on Team Lola, what could possibly go wrong?

       Chapter Four

      “Lola Love, what do you think you’re doing?” Sadie shouts in her best teacher-like tone while grabbing the pen from my hand.

      “I, I…” I stutter, but it’s no use. I’ve been caught. She knows exactly what I’m doing, that’s why she’s pulling a pout and has her hand on her hip.

      “Lo, I thought you were cool with auditioning,” she says, frowning. “Is it because of Bella? Because if it is, I’ll talk to her, I promise…”

      But I’m not about to cross out my name on the audition poster because of Bella. In fact, after speaking to Angel last night, I’ve been super excited x 1000 about the whole auditioning thing. But today, when I arrived at school having been listening to the Time to Shine soundtrack on my mp3 player, full blast, on repeat, I saw that Evil Eva Satine had signed up for the role of Lilly too.

      I don’t know why I was so surprised. The school production is Eva’s territory after all, and no one has ever dared challenge her for leading lady status. Well, until now, that is, but when I saw her name in her distinct loopy handwriting, I became an instant Doubtful Doris.

      Sadie follows my eyes to the audition poster and lets out a big Sadie-sized sigh when she spots the real reason for my attack of the nearly cross-outs.

      “Lola, that’s even worse! You simply cannot let Evil Eva stop you from auditioning,” Sadie pleads. She’s reading my mind in the only way a gal pal who has known you for a little while can, because she’s right, that’s exactly what I was going to do. “This is your chance to take centre stage, Lo-Lo. You’re a Think Pink Princess, right?”

      I nod, because I am.

      “Right, so when we Think Pink we don’t let Eva-shaped obstacles stop us from doing what we want to do, do we?”

      I shake my head, because we don’t.

      “Besides, you’re cool and kick-ass just like Lilly, and Eva…well, she’s neither cool or kick-ass…”

      Sadie’s voice trails off and she tugs at my school cardi while doing a googly-big-eye thing.

      “Um…Sades, what’s up?” I ask, trying to work out why my prettilicious pal is making really wrong shapes with her face, but then I smell it. It’s a strong and sickly-sweet scent of rose-perfumed rudeness, which can only mean one thing.

      Eva Satine has entered the building.

      Followed, of course, by her girl-gang, the Negative Ninas.

      It’s really obvious that their straight-from-a-teen-flick corridor strut has been practiced a million times, yet it never, ever fails to impress. Not that it impresses Sadie and I, obv. No, we know they’re badness x 100. But the rest of the school…well, they just don’t see it. With a flick of her signature gold-spun locks, a fixed smile without teeth - which FYI is a neon-flashing sure sign that someone is being false - and the clickity-click of her totally-not-appropriate-for-school heels, Eva Satine really does have the pupils of Parkfield Comp in a constant hypnotic state of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs.’

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      Sadie and I are about to vacate the vicinity, not because we’re scared of Eva - because really, she’s not scary at all, she’s just super-mean - but because we know that if we don’t, there’s a good chance that Eva and her hang-gang members will take it as a go-ahead cue to turn their mean switch to the highest setting of all: wicked.

      But we’re too late. Eva has shimmied up beside us and made her way straight to the Time to Shine audition poster.

      “So Lola,” Eva says, glancing from the audition poster to me, then back to the poster with her ice-blue eyes. “It seems that a certain someone has got a tiny bit too big for their rather unattractive footwear, doesn’t it?”

      The Negative Ninas all laugh out loud at Eva’s first-of-many-I’m-sure put down. Seriously, could they be any more predictable?

      Answer: No.

      “Do you know,” Eva coos sarcastically, “I think it’s really, really sweet that you, Lola Lard - oops sorry, Love - with your trash pink hair and over-sized…well, everything, think that you actually have a chance at playing Lilly. It’s quite possibly the sweetest, most deluded thing I’ve ever heard - what do you think girls?”

      She turns to the Negative Ninas who, as if controlled by a remote control, all mimic Eva in an eager-to-please over-enthusiastic way, saying stuff like ‘yeah, she’s totally deluded, Eva. Totally.’


      Even though I know that being mean is an Olympic event for Eva, it still feels like a hefty punch in the tummy when she delivers one of her gold-medal-winning verbal blows. Y’see, in Eva’s universe, someone like me, with my pink hair, love of writing and my go-girl ways would never, ever be a star-girl. Eva’s universe is all about the superficial. For a start, to hang in her gang, you have to be blonde. People have actually dyed their hair Eva’s suggested shade of blonde-girl-blonde in order to score a position as an official hang-out bud with the Negative Ninas. I know, how crazy is that?

      But people do that sometimes. They do whatever they can to fit in and NOT stand out. For sure, being yourself and celebrating what makes you totally fabulous is quite possibly the coolest thing to do, ever, and really, it’s the absolute most sure-fire way to becoming a star-girl in your own universe, but it’s not always easy.

      In fact, it can sometimes feel like really, really hard work.

      Especially when every magazine, TV show and so-called ‘pretty’ girl in your school is rockin’ a look that’s so very different to your own.

      Or when a mean girl, like Eva, who feels completely threatened by your go-girl ‘tude and stylin’, will do and say anything to take you from hero to zero in a nano second.

      Now, I try not to let Eva make me feel bad, but if I’m really honest, that’s why I was going to skip the audition; it just seemed like the easiest way to avoid her nasty-rude comments. But the easy option really isn’t an option at all when you’re a Pink Thinking Princess. Nope, when you Think Pink, you do the right thing.

      Even if it does mean having to deal with Evil Eva. Grr.

       Chapter Five

      I say nothing, because I know that more than anything, Eva wants me to react. That’s how girls like Eva work. She wants me to make like JT and cry an entire river, or get so mad I turn a shade of super-rage-red, but I