My Psychic Casebook: The amazing secrets of the world’s most respected department-store medium. Jayne Wallace. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jayne Wallace
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008100148
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you,’ I explained. ‘There’s nothing dark or problematic with your house; it’s just that sometimes loved ones visit when you’re about to embark on a new phase of your life. And he wants to be around when the new baby comes.’

      ‘How did you know we were trying for a baby?’ Nita exclaimed.

      ‘You son has seen her already, and it’s a little girl. She’s waiting to be born.’

      Five months later, Nita came for another reading.

      ‘I’m pregnant, and it’s a girl,’ she smiled, running her hand over her growing bump.

      In cases such as this, I advise parents not to be too concerned about their children’s experiences, provided they are not causing them any distress. We all have psychic ability, particularly as children, and often ‘grow out of it’ – although some of us don’t!

      When I was six years old, I had a friend called Adele. I didn’t realise that no one else in my family could see her. I played with her every week when we went to my gran’s house. Adele lived next door, and I’d usually find her playing on the high wall at the bottom of the garden. I’d have to ask her to come down and play with me on the grass, which she did. I’d show her my dolls, we’d make up a game and then my gran would come out with some juice. I never understood why she only brought one cup. When Gran went back into the house to talk with Mum, I’d offer Adele a sip of juice, but she always said no. She was a tiny little thing, with plaits and a buttoned-up dress like the girls we saw in picture books on the Victorians. I remember thinking she looked a bit strange, but I was just grateful for someone else to play with. I had lots of brothers and sisters at home so it felt natural for me to be playing with other children all the time. I wasn’t used to being on my own.

      I told my mum about Adele after a few weeks. Mum was pretty open-minded about spiritual matters – more than I realised. She went to spiritualist church regularly, and started taking me with her when I was nine or ten years old. Mum didn’t criticise or mock me for talking about Adele. She didn’t say much, but I felt she kind of accepted it. She didn’t push me to ‘prove’ my invisible friend existed, or give evidence that I had any kind of special talent – unlike my client Georgia.

      Georgia had lost her husband three years before we met in my reading room at Selfridges. She’d flown in from Italy for a business meeting the previous day, and decided to pop in for a reading before her flight home that evening.

      I brought her husband in spirit through. She needed to know he was okay, and I gave her some messages from him. But I had the feeling she’d heard it all before. So why was she here?

      ‘My son is very intuitive,’ she said, after a pause. And then I saw a clear picture of him: a teenager, athletic – and very sensitive spiritually.

      ‘He’s been bringing messages through to you from his dad,’ I said, as her husband in spirit continued to talk to me through my inner voice.

      ‘Yes,’ she confirmed, only half smiling.

      ‘Your husband says, “Stop putting pressure on him.”’ At this, Georgia looked really irritated with me.

      ‘What do you mean?’ she retorted, taking a sip of water, a frown spreading over her brow. ‘We get on really well. We’re very close.’

      ‘He can’t keep doing this for you any more. It’s not fair …’

      ‘But he could always link to his father, since he passed away when my son was nine, and I don’t understand why he won’t do it now.’ Her anger was really starting to come out now. What has she been doing to this child?

      ‘Georgia, your son linked to your husband easily at first. He’s naturally gifted, and the trauma of the sudden death of his father opened up what I’d describe as a strong portal to the spirit realm.

      ‘But now he’s a teenager, he’s growing out of this: he doesn’t want to do it any more. When he’s older he might be drawn to spiritual work, if that’s his path, but this has to be his choice.’

      ‘It’s just … he’d given me messages every week, so I got used to asking him for a message when I was feeling low.’

      ‘And you’ve become dependent on it.’

      Georgia sighed deeply. ‘Yes, okay.’ She seemed to accept what I was saying, but I sensed she was reluctant to hear it.

      ‘It’s time to let go. Your husband doesn’t want your son being pressurised.’

      The reading room was silent.

      I can’t say Georgia threw her arms around me at this realisation. Maybe it would take her time to accept that things had to change. She left, quietly, and I didn’t see her again. I just hope her boy is happy and following his own path. After all, his father in spirit has his best interests at heart – even when that meant ending the one way he could communicate with his dear wife.

      Jayne’s Wisdom

      Often, psychic ability can be awakened by emotional trauma. Read the life stories of famous mediums, and you’ll find that virtually all have suffered in their lives to some degree: serious illness, like me; early bereavement; family break-ups; bullying. I believe that suffering as a child can heighten our intuition and sensitivity, so that we may help others in their lives – but only if and when we are ready to do so.

       The Ten-year Blessing

      ‘There’s a man in the room. He looks exactly like you … he’s short, with the same complexion. He’s with an older woman; he’s telling me it’s his mother-in-law – your grandmother.’

      Elisabetta nodded, blinking back tears.

      ‘I know, he’s –’

      ‘Don’t tell me anything,’ I interrupted. ‘I’ll talk for now, and you can say yes or no.’ I held Elisabetta’s wedding and engagement rings as I connected with her father in spirit, and the presence of this warm, protective man filled the room so palpably I could almost touch him.

      ‘He’s your dad, and he’s showing me the room in hospital where he passed away after a heart attack. No one else was there, just the two of you.’

      ‘But how do you know this?’ Elisabetta stuttered.

      I kept on relaying the images, the movie playing fast.

      ‘Your dad’s saying he wanted it that way, that you’d be the one with him when he passed. You’re closest to him. He knew he’d have another heart attack that night, but this time he wouldn’t survive. He wanted you to be the last person he saw in this life.’

      Shaking, Elisabetta looked right at me, as if to say, I believe you.

      ‘He’s telling me what you whispered to him just before he passed [this message was highly personal, so I can’t repeat it here]. You told him “x” and “x”. And he read the note you left for him at his grave after the funeral. The note that says how much you missed him.’

      Elisabetta inhaled sharply. ‘Yes, yes.’

      ‘Don’t tell your mum you’ve been to see me, by the way. Your dad’s saying she has never believed in psychics, and she won’t become a believer. But you’re to give her a kiss, without saying it’s from him. And to kiss your son for him, too.’

      Elisabetta smiled sadly through her tears.

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