My Psychic Casebook: The amazing secrets of the world’s most respected department-store medium. Jayne Wallace. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jayne Wallace
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008100148
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from rheumatoid arthritis since my early teens, and some days I’m tired. However, I’d promised I’d meet my friend Claire at Selfridges, so off I went. And I sensed that Star wanted me to be there, too.

      While chatting in Dolly’s tea room with Claire, I laid out some tarot cards for her. As I was giving her reading I looked up, and was drawn towards a tall, well-dressed man with grey hair walking across the sales floor. ‘That’s the man who will give me a concession here,’ I said aloud. This gentleman wasn’t wearing a staff name badge, and I did not know who he was – but Star was giving me that message.

      The gentleman approached our table.

      ‘What are you doing?’ he queried in a soft Irish accent, indicating the layout of cards. I explained that I was giving a tarot reading, and that I’m a clairvoyant.

      ‘Can you do that anywhere?’ he asked.

      We chatted generally for a little while as I explained how I work. He seemed interested, and I felt we connected well.

      ‘I want you in my store.’

      ‘Wow,’ I smiled. ‘I’m Jayne.’

      ‘Paul Kelly. Managing Director.’

      I began Psychic Sisters in a two-room cubicle, and within a few years we’d moved on up to a permanent stand with a crystal shop in a prime location in the store. I have to say, Selfridges have been incredible. They’ve supported us every step of the way. I’m also blessed to have such an amazing team and a business that’s unique; to date, we are the only psychic concession in a department store in the world.

      Since that time, the concession has gone from strength to strength. Thanks to Selfridges and the Psychic Sisters team, clairvoyance, palmistry, tarot and angel readings have left the dark backrooms of occult shops and stepped into the bright lights of mainstream society. And what’s been great about it is that we often attract people who are opening up spiritually, but don’t know where to go. They come across us, and find a whole tribe of women who understand what it means to be intuitive, psychic, a medium or healer – call it what you will – or just ‘different’. We often spend time chatting to those who otherwise might not have anyone else to talk to. I’m proud of that. But we took it one step further, too, and began our own ‘psychic school’, mini-classes for those who are just opening up spiritually. We now teach angel tarot, intuitive writing and aura healing, and offer spiritual counselling.

      As Psychic Sisters has continued to thrive, so much has happened for me, too. Talk-show veteran Larry King invited me to read for him on King’s Things, his show in the US. What a funny, amazing guy he is. I’ve recently read for the lovely Kim Kardashian, and had the good fortune to film in Los Angeles for other shows over the past four years. But what’s been really fantastic is that my work enables me to meet so many people from all walks of life, and I value this so much. We see everyone from celebrities to cleaners, oil magnates to escorts, and Saudi princesses to taxi drivers. We treat everyone equally, and have huge respect for their trust in us. After all, they’re often confiding parts of their lives they may not reveal to anyone else.

      About the readings in this book

      All the readings in the following pages are based on true stories. Some stories have had specific locations, names and other details changed to protect privacy, but the overarching themes and messages are those experienced by me and the other Psychic Sisters (who do use their real names).

      Of course, the readings in this book don’t always represent my typical day at Psychic Sisters. Sometimes, I have a week of those truly ‘special’ readings, when the link with loved ones is strong – and those in spirit want to talk! Occasionally, I can’t connect with a client. It may be because I’m not the right person to read for them, or the person in spirit they want to communicate with doesn’t want to communicate with me. On other occasions, it can be down to the client. If clients are anxious or desperate, they subconsciously block my link to them.

      Here’s what happened with a lady from Los Angeles, who had flown in to Heathrow just to see me before returning to the West Coast by private jet (yes, really – these people do exist!). If you’re a developing medium yourself, the following account may give you some insight into when you can, and can’t, connect – it happens to the best of us.

      Talia marched in to my reading room.

      ‘Well, we’ve flown 3,000 miles just to see you!’ she began, dumping her smart Chloé handbag in the corner and settling herself back into a chair. ‘I want to see what you can get for me.’

      I linked in with Star. Nothing happened. No sensations, emotions, images, movies or inner voice. I tried again, asking Talia to relax a little – she’d rushed from the airport, and perhaps the pressure to be on time was blocking my connection.

      Again, nothing.

      ‘I’m really sorry, but I just don’t feel it,’ I said. ‘I can’t connect with you. I’ll give you your money back now, or you can have a reading with one of the other girls, if you’d prefer.’

      ‘What?’ she exclaimed. ‘But I don’t want anyone else. My husband said your Skype reading for him was brilliant, amazing. I don’t see what the problem is.’

      ‘I’m sorry again, but I can’t force it if it’s not there … why don’t you come back in an hour and we’ll see if we can connect then?’ I was hoping Talia would relax a little in the interim.

      As I closed my reading room door, I heard fierce whispering outside. She was talking to her friend whom she’d travelled with. I hoped she wasn’t desperately disappointed.

      Talia called me when she got back to Los Angeles.

      ‘I was tired, jetlagged and really cranky. I’m sorry, Jayne.’

      ‘Look, when you’re ready, Skype me, or come back when you’re next in London,’ I suggested. ‘This time, try to relax, and be more open. You need to have a positive attitude, because if you are demanding, it can block the reading … okay?’

      And that’s exactly what happened. Three months later, a new, relaxed Talia walked into my reading room, and she finally got the reading she needed.

      I hope, too, that you get what you need from this book. If you’ve downloaded this or picked it up in your bookstore, there’s a reason it has come to you today. Perhaps you’re curious about the psychic world, you’re already involved, or you’re drawn to these pages because there’s a story here with a message for you. This Psychic Casebook is my way of sharing some very special experiences, and I hope that the words in these pages will touch you, and offer hope, healing and insight – whatever is perfect for you right now.

      With love and blessings,


       Annie’s Angel

       While my heart pounded, pleading, ‘Don’t turn round! Don’t turn round …’ the rational part of my four-year-old brain was saying, ‘Annie, why are you so scared? This is silly … there’s no such thing as monsters or ghosts!’ I took a deep breath, rolled over in my bed and forced myself to glance down. I froze, terrified of the entity on the floor right next to me. A misty, iridescent figure lay an arm’s reach away – and the more I stared, locked in horror, the more defined it became, just like gazing at a strange cloud and seeing it take on a shape. This was the body of a man, huge, broad and glowing white. I could make out two wings tucked under his shoulders. His eyes were closed and his round face was in perfect repose. He was beautiful, like a classical statue, with curly hair – and a face that was unforgettable. I was just a child, and felt enchanted, confused and