Nations's Bounty. Nontsizi Mgqwetho. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nontsizi Mgqwetho
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781776143184
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hoot in derision

      at college certificates brandished by bums.

      All our crooks are in school,

      all our thieves are in school,

      all our witches in school: 15

      by Nontsizi, I swear you should all be expelled!

      You wear red blankets in God’s very house,

      you’re Christians by day, hyenas by night;

      the pastor, the shepherd of God’s own flock,

      scurries past you without a nod. 20

      What do we make of this curious conduct?

      Which voice do we choose from among this babble?

      Pride is one of your Christian companions,

      God wears a cloak of crocodile hide.

      You Christians are suckers for every fad, 25

      you cast off skin garments and dressed up like whites,

      your ears are tinkling for white man’s booze,

      but whites won’t touch a drop of yours.

      Zip’ intombi zenu Izwi liyintoni.

      Zigqibe lomhlaba zifuna ukwenda

      Ziqeshe zindlwana zishweshwe utuli

      Zibet’ onomtatsi kwa Tulandivile!

      Onina balila amehlo azidudu 5

      Kushiywa lusapo lumka bekangele

      Beyala belila bengenakuviwa

      Zintombi zemfundo nonyana bemfundo!

      Kuzel’ intolongo kwapuk’ i Hovizi

      Ngalamatshivela asezikolweni. 10

      I Certifiketi zase Simnareni

      Ziyinto yentsini ebukwa zi Jaji.

      Onk’ amabhedengu asezikolweni

      Onke namasela ase zikolweni

      Onke namagqwira asezikolweni 15

      Ningabokusikwa ndifung’ u Nontsizi.

      Niko ngaku Tixo nasebuqabeni

      Nigqobok’ emini kuhlwe nizincuka

      Udlul’ u Mfundisi angakubulisi

      Kodwa ngumalusi wemvu zika Tixo. 20

      Sotinina tina xa bese njenjalo

      Sibambe lipina kulo mpambampamba

      Neratshi likuni nina magqoboka

      Nambatis’ u Tixo ngengubo yengwenya.

      Nina magqoboka ningodludla nazo 25

      Nayek’ izik’ak’a nanxib’ ezomlungu.

      Nite nzwi nendlebe butywala bomlungu

      Kodwa yen’ umlungu akabudl’ obenu.

      Every Sunday you romp on the veld,

      kicking a football, whacking a racquet, 30

      clothing your shame in the name of God:

      Satan’s struck dumb in amazement.

      You’re bereft of love, bereft of all,

      yet you proclaim a God of love:

      that faith of yours stands just as tall 35

      as I do down on my knees.

      If you ever try to come near us again,

      we Reds will roast you like meat.

      But I’m not saying the word of God

      is entirely barren of truth. 40


      Ngemini zecawe nihamba ezindle

      Nik’aba ibhola kunye ne tenise 30

      Nigqishel’ ububi ngezwi lika Tixo

      Nixak’ u Satana usinkwabalala.

      Aninalutando aninayo nani

      Kodwa nizibiza ngo Tixo wotando

      Lonkolwana yenu yokusikohlisa 35

      Mina ingangam ndiguqe ngedolo

      Nakufika kuti tina bomaqaba

      Tina sakunoja siti niyinyama.

      Anditsho ukuti Izwi lika Tixo

      Ukuteta kwalo akunanyaniso. 40



      Mgqwetho sees an earth tremor as a warning from God to the people of Johannesburg to mend their ways.

       9 Johannesburg earthquake

      Lord, you alone created all things,

      you said let them be and they were;

      earthquakes occur by your will,

      you arrange their trembling;

      mountains stand by your will 5

      to crush us if we deny you.


      You rain floods on our dwellings,

      scourge us with whirlwinds to bring us to know you.

      Peace! 10

      This earthquake’s your sign of future destruction

      if we don’t repair our ways.

      Listen, Joburg: if you deny me

      you’ll burn like paper in storm after storm.

      Mercy! 15

      Don’t you see what this is, my people,

      this thrashing quirt of an earthquake?

      In this quake Jehovah addresses us,

      distressed, a Creator abandoned.

      Earthquake, slow in approach, 20

      older than even the sun!

      Earthquake, the voice of Jehovah,

      urging return to virtue!

      Earthquake, tumbling anthills;

      oh! the nation’s mountains turn to each other! 25

      Earthquake, the voice of Jehovah,

      releasing springs for you to drink,

      cracking a whip when you spurn him:

      you’ll die like flies if you don’t all come back to him!

      Mercy! 30

      Take care, Joburg, you will be consumed

      by the rager like fire on the move.

      Earthquake, a knock at your door,

      condemning your sins to correct you.

      Mercy! 35

      Do you heed this earthquake here in Johannesburg?

      Wazidala into zonke Wena Tixo wedwa

      Ute Wena mazibeko zabako ke zona

      Nenyikima ezikoyo zazidalwa Nguwe

      Zizanyazanyiswa zona ngokusekwa Nguwe.

      Kwanentaba ezimiyo zazidalwe Nguwe 5

      Nezo zosidilikela xa singakwaziyo.
