Into the Sun. Takalani M. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Takalani M
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780795709784
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to have to come to Cape Town, after the way I left things with Thandeka. But I have hopes of opening a branch down here in the future and the meeting with my old friend Njabulo Buthelezi about a possible partnership could not be moved. I’m not sure yet if I want to partner, but if I do, Njabulo is the right damn person to do it with. It is always great to grab any opportunity when it arises and Njabulo is the best marketing specialist I know.

      Our meeting today went well and it is only three-thirty now, so I think I’ll change into jeans, take a drive to Canal Walk to get Ciara that teddy bear she asked for.

      I hang up my jacket and pace around my enormous hotel room, reading emails on my phone.

      Oh, the photoshoot took place today.

      I ring the office and our receptionist forwards my call to the creative team. Phuti answers.

      ‘How did the photoshoot go?’ I ask.

      ‘It was perfect, to a T,’ he says happily. I trust him. He has been the team leader since I started my company. Just like me, he knows not to compromise on quality.

      ‘Does the client feel the same way?’

      ‘Of course. They liked the angle that Thandeka brought to the project,’ he says and I curve my lips into a smile.

      How I miss her difficult self. I have failed to get her out of my mind. No matter how much I try.

      ‘Did she manage to attend the shoot?’ She must have been excited to see her idea come to life.

      ‘No, sir, she left the company on Monday.’ I feel like a dagger is thrown into my chest. What does he mean she left the company on Monday? Did she resign? Did she have to go to Venda for some reason? Is she on leave?

      ‘Do you know why?’

      ‘Apparently she resigned.’

      ‘Are you sure?’ I ask.

      ‘Yes, sir, I asked her colleagues and they all said the same thing.’

      ‘Okay, forward my call to Diana’s office,’ I say.

      ‘Sure, boss,’ he responds and I hear the waiting tone. Okay, this tone needs an upgrade. We need something young and funky.

      After about a minute the phone is answered by Diana’s personal assistant .

      ‘I am looking for Diana,’ I say.

      ‘Mr Radzilani, Ms Diana is in a meeting with the finance team.’

      ‘This is what I want you to do: Go down to the HR office and ask them to pull Thandeka Sibiya’s file. She was a cleaner there. I want you to scan it and email it to me.’

      ‘Uhm … okay,’ she says hesitantly.

      ‘Is there something wrong?’

      ‘Not at all, sir. I will get to it right away.’

      I hang up and throw my phone on the bed.

      Why would Thandeka resign? Was it because I kissed her? But she told me off and we haven’t spoken since. Surely the matter is settled in her mind? I have the feeling that she desperately needs the money from this job. I saw the place where she lives … She wouldn’t just resign. Not before she had another job at least! It doesn’t make sense at all. I unbutton my shirt and take it off before picking a clean golf shirt from the closet. I exchange my formal pants for a pair of grey jeans and sneakers. If I need to stroll around the mall, I’d better be comfortable.

      My stomach grumbles. I have been drinking water and not eating any good food. This is why I hate travelling solo. I forsake my diet. I pick up my wallet and head to the restaurant on the ground floor. I am too hungry. I need something to eat now. My phone is in my hand, I want to see when the scanned file from the office comes through. We usually require an exit interview when an employee resigns. I want to see her reasons and take her cellphone number.

      A smile creeps onto my face.


      Just the thought of her makes me smile. She loves me for some reason – I know that kiss meant something to her. But she hates me for other reasons. The wrong reasons! Where did she get the idea that I am some kind of womaniser? I have given her time to cool down, but I was planning on having a talk and straightening everything out with her as soon as I am back in Joburg. It is not something one can do over the phone. She needs to look into my eyes and know the truth. I want to be in her world. I want her to love me. I want her to fall deeply in love with me the same way I am falling for her. I want good times. Good times only.

      Sitting at a restaurant alone sucks. I am not the kind of a guy who would take a solo holiday. I always travelled with Diana when we were still married. All I want to do right now is to jump onto the next flight and head home.

      My phone rings, saving me from my thoughts. It is the office number. Perfect.

      ‘Sir, Mr Ndlovu from HR said Ms Diana handled the hiring of the recent cleaners, so if there are any files, they should be in her office.’

      ‘Go check in her office.’

      ‘Sir, I will have to ask her where she put them. She doesn’t like it when I fiddle with her files,’ she says.

      I keep quiet.

      ‘Okay … okay … I will check for you just now,’ she says.

      I hang up.

      I don’t care if everybody feels like they are walking on eggshells around me, like Thandeka said. Laughing with them makes them forget who hired them.

      The waiter walks to the table with my order. This is close to a home-cooked meal: mashed potato, spinach, and meat. I had to request that my spinach not be creamed, I like the raw taste.

      My phone rings. Diana. I pick it up with urgency. She has some explaining to do.

      ‘I heard there is something you are looking for,’ Diana says, lazily.

      ‘Please tell your PA to email it to me.’

      ‘There is nothing to email. I didn’t keep the files of the cleaners. I didn’t intend on keeping them forever.’

      ‘Did you fire her?’


      ‘You know who I am talking about.’

      ‘Thandeka? She resigned. Maybe she couldn’t carry on with your fling. I am disappointed in you, Gundo. Do you know the amount of damage you would have caused if someone else walked in on you gripping her hands and forcing her into … whatever you were forcing her into? She resigned.’

      I hang up. I was not forcing her into anything. I wanted her to tell me what she really thinks of me.

      Fuck it!

      I just lost my appetite.

      The waiter notices my hand. He collects my plate and packs the leftovers in a take-out box.

      Thandeka resigned? I don’t believe that she resigned. Diana fired her and I think it is about time I do the same to Diana. How could she sidestep HR with the hiring of the cleaners? And not keeping their files – if that is true – goes against company policy. Firing Thandeka without any warnings is also wrong on so many levels!

      How do I get hold of Thandeka now? If I were in Joburg I could drive to her apartment building but there are hundreds of flats and I don’t know which one is hers. As it is, I’m stuck in Cape Town with no way to contact her. I know she might not want to see me ever again, but I must at least try to get her back to the company.

      How can I get hold of Thandeka? I ask myself while driving to Canal Walk. It is after six but the sun is still shining brightly.

      Aunt Angie! I remember she knew Thandeka in the village.

      ‘Nwana wanga, how are you,’ my aunt greets when she answers the phone. I ask her how everyone is back home. I hardly talk to my parents. Dad only cares about his