Her Improper Affair. Shea McMaster. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shea McMaster
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Robinsons
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781601838216
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felt this good when she did it. No, his finger was larger, more invasive, but in the right way.

      “So tight.” He worked his finger gently, slowly stretching her until he could add another.

      Oh yes. That was what she wanted. “More.”

      “Slowly, love. Don’t want to hurt you. You’re so tight, it’s as if…” He delved deeper, then stopped.

      She was watching as his startled eyes flew open and met her gaze.

      Not wanting to speak, she merely nodded and burned with embarrassment. His gaze noted her hot flush, his eyes softening to something that looked a little like affection.

      “I’ll take proper care of you.” His softly spoken words created a vibration she felt very deep inside.

      She nodded again. He would. She knew that much about him. He lived up to his word.

      Ozzie bent his head again, and when his lips closed about her clit, her eyes rolled up into her head, and she dropped back on the downy pillow. Nothing felt as good as this. His lips and fingers thrilled her, brought her alive in a way she’d only read about. No wonder women trailed after men like him. Not only was he gorgeous to look at, but he knew where and how to touch. The room spun as he took her higher, digging himself deeper under her skin, molding her into someone new.

      The man was a god as he suckled just right, lightly biting down, filling her with wickedly wiggling fingers. Before she knew it, she was flying, light bursting behind her eyelids, sending her into the stratosphere, her body no longer her own as her head tossed back and forth on the pillow, the blood pounding in her ears the only sound she heard.

      “Again,” he demanded.

      * * * *

      Oswald watched as Courtney shattered under his touch for the third time. How he wished his conscience would let him strip off the rest of his clothes and crawl right up into her body where he knew the fit would be more perfect than anything he’d ever experienced before. The grip of her muscles around his fingers was enough to tell him she didn’t have much experience. In fact, the tightness he’d encountered on his first foray into heaven, and her blushing nod, had confirmed what his gut had been telling him all along.

      This woman was a virgin.

      And he’d be damned if he took that from her now. Not with the level of alcohol bubbling through her system. Not with her parents downstairs in the ballroom. In fact, he’d have to find a graceful way to exit before she worked her wiles enough to tempt him into completing what he’d started when he touched her.

      “Come ’ere,” she whispered, eyes still shut as her body relaxed into the soft mattress. Maybe now she was exhausted enough to fall asleep so he could make his escape.

      Slowly he pulled his drenched fingers from her, taking time to stuff them into his mouth and suck her taste greedily from them. Good God she was just as sweet as she looked. And the remaining trace of her signature lemon scent blended perfectly with her luscious juices. If ever there was a woman made for bedding, she was it.

      “Oz,” she called softly.

      This time he obeyed, slowly working his way up her body, worshipping as he went. Her eyes were open just enough to watch him, something he found incredibly erotic. If only he could answer her demand to see this all the way through. If she pushed, he’d go down on her again and again until she passed out. A state she was already close to if he was any judge.

      Courtney pulled him down on top of her, and he had to work to resist the temptation to dry hump her. She didn’t deserve a horny bastard like him rubbing against her only to get off in his pants.

      She licked his lips. “So that’s what I taste like.”

      “Mmm, delicious.” Even better when she opened her mouth and kissed him. Long and deep, their tongues lazily dueled, neither one wanting supremacy, only the intimate tango of two people enjoying the give and take, take and give, of being close, making love without intercourse. Warmth like he’d never felt before started in the vicinity of his heart and spread throughout his body, making it even harder to think about walking away from her. No one had ever taken the time to play with him like this, and Oswald discovered a new joy. Kissing had never been about intimacy before. Never about merely kissing just to be close.

      He never wanted to stop.

      That thought brought him back to his senses. Mostly. Head swimming with new emotions, he rolled to his side, cuddling her close.

      “Don’t let me fall asleep. I just want to rest a moment….”

      “Take your time, love.” He’d hold her until she was deeply asleep, and then he’d exit stage right. Too bad he wasn’t the one taking off for a couple years in a foreign office like Drew. No, he had long months of torture to look forward to. Just this afternoon Court had asked him to mentor Courtney when she joined the London office. Court and Randi wanted to travel more and visit each of the satellite offices, leaving him in charge of the home office. With their daughter in Oswald’s direct care.

      Like he could be trusted with her care. He was the one she needed protection from. Hell, he needed protection from these feelings erupting from his heart.

      And if being assigned as her mentor didn’t suck, he didn’t know what did. Now that he’d crossed the line and touched her, how would he keep his hands off her at work?

      Chapter 4

      Birdie woke to sunlight peeking around the edges of the curtains of her room. And a bed empty of Ozzie. In fact, all signs of him were gone, from his cufflinks to his tie. She pushed her hair from her face and realized she’d fallen into a deep sleep right after he’d snuggled her into his arms. When had he left?

      Why had he left?

      A sunbeam worked its way between the curtains and stabbed her in the eye, bringing with it a pounding in her head. Damn. A hangover. She’d never gotten around to taking a couple aspirin along with a quart or two of water. Neither had she removed her stockings, washed her face, or brushed out her now impossibly snarled hair.

      With a groan, she dropped back on the pillow and tried to block out the morning. But she was naked between the sheets, and her body gloriously relaxed. Down there her parts pulsed with a satisfaction she’d never felt before. She smiled at the memory until she remembered she hadn’t taken her turn to satisfy him. Which meant, dammit, she was still a virgin. Mostly. Did it count that he’d had his fingers inside her?

      From the desk across the room the phone rang, driving another spike of pain into her head. Brunch with the family. She rolled her head enough to glance at the clock and noticed she was supposed to be downstairs right now.

      Instead of running for the hotel phone, she grabbed her cell phone from the bedside table where she’d left it before the wedding and reception. Saw three texts from her mother.

      She punched out a fast reply: Just woke up. Give me 30.

      The return ping was fast. You okay? Need me to come up?

      As if. No. I’m good. Just a little hung over. 30 mins.

      Another fast reply: Okay. See you then.

      Well that bought her a little time, but not much. She could only imagine the conversation between her parents downstairs. Surely she’d get concerned looks and maybe some inquiry. However, she was a grown up. As Ozzie now knew.

      As tempted as she was to stay in the shower for a solid hour—it felt that good—she rushed through it only taking time for an extra dose of conditioner to comb out her tangles. Thoughts of seeing Ozzie again helped speed her through getting ready. Wet hair twisted into a simple up-do, she casually tossed on her favorite yellow sundress and a pair of sandals, completely skipping makeup except for the lip gloss she applied in the elevator down. With a minute to spare she sauntered into the private dining room set aside for the wedding party brunch that included out of town guests staying at the hotel.
