Her Improper Affair. Shea McMaster. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shea McMaster
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Robinsons
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781601838216
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arms went around her, and he cursed under his breath.

      “What’s that?” She finished with the front of his shirt and pressed her hands against the warm skin of his chest. So defined, and hard, and warm. He had a little hair, but not much. Just enough to tickle her palms.

      “Cufflinks,” he responded. “Damned nuisance.”

      She snuggled closer, enjoying the warmth of his chest against hers, letting her hands glide over his skin, down his sides, and around to his back where she discovered more muscled contours. So different from the boys who’d tried to get her into bed, or out of her swimsuit in the pool.

      This was different. This was her wanting Ozzie as much as he appeared to want her. Finally, with a final curse, he shrugged the vest and shirt from his shoulders, then wrapped his arms around her back again, his hands soothing and heating her at the same time.

      “Okay there?”

      “Yes. Very okay,” she said with her lips against his skin. “Touch me. All over.” As much as she wanted his touch, a tiny part of her had trouble believing this was happening. Never, ever, had she truly imagined Ozzie wanting her. Well, she’d certainly managed to believe he wanted to strangle her a time or two, but this? No. How had she not picked up on this? The way he made her feel now was almost too much, and yet, not enough. She wanted him like she’d never wanted anything else in her life.

      “As you wish,” he whispered against her ear, causing shivers of heat to race along every nerve in her body. From there his lips traveled down her neck, teasing and gently nipping. His hands stroked every inch of her back, pulling her closer, reverently touching, inflaming her as she did the same to him, her lips brushing along his collarbone.

      When his hands once more palmed her rear cheeks, she wanted to feel his. Not that his clothes could hide the perfect shape of them, but she was suddenly hungry to feel his flesh, every bit of it. She followed the waistband of his slacks around to the front. One of his hands stopped her when she fumbled with the fastening.

      “Easy, love. Not yet.”

      “Not fair,” she complained. “I want to touch you too.”

      “No. Never said this would be fair.”

      Her world tilted, then stopped. He’d laid her back on the turned-down bed. It took another few seconds for him to tug the covers out from under her. He didn’t give her a chance to move before he crawled between her legs, holding her down with his hips perfectly aligned with her pelvis.


      In answer she reached up and gently pulled his glasses from his face. “I want to see your eyes.” Somehow the glasses found their way to the bedside table as she stared into the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen. Oswald’s silvery blue eyes darkened with his focus one hundred percent on her. This time it was a shiver of pure heat that weakened her limbs. She reached up to lock her hands behind his neck and pull him down for a kiss. The move, while foreign to her, felt completely natural and right, their gazes never leaving one another until their lips met.

      The kiss was hot enough to melt her into the linens beneath her.

      Oswald kissed her until they both needed great gulps of air, but he didn’t pause upon leaving her lips. He began an exploration of her face, never giving her chance to kiss him back. Instead she tunneled her fingers into his soft, thick, close-cropped hair. He could grow it a little longer, she thought, the better to touch and pet.

      At her earlobe, he used his teeth to gently nip, sending a shot of fire straight to the quivering spot between her legs. The minutes passed while she lost herself in his touch as he moved down her throat, across her collarbone and shoulders, around her now aching breasts, teasing her, avoiding the nipples so peaked they almost hurt. His hands cuddled her breasts, gently squeezing, molding, shaping them to his heart’s content, driving her mad.

      The hard length of him pressed into her, reminding her she wanted his pants off. His shoulders blocked her way, and when he settled his lips around one nipple and sucked, she tossed her head, forgetting her goal to undress him. Involuntarily her hips rose, pressing her needy parts against the part of him she wanted inside her.

      Oswald switched to the other breast and suckled the nipple, his fingers rolling the wet one, ramping her up more. If he kept that up, she might very well come from the nipple attention alone, but she’d sure hate for her first orgasm with a man to happen that way. This time she wanted everything.

      She might technically still be a virgin, but she knew what went where. She knew how it was supposed to happen. All those romance novels had to get that right, didn’t they? And yes, after one bad experience she’d sworn to herself to wait for the right moment. The right man. Sure, she’d been kissed, had even participated in petting, but she’d never gone all the way. The way he inflamed her, she knew Ozzie was the right man.

      She tugged on his ears until he looked up at her. The sight of him with his mouth around the peak of her breast was almost as arousing as the feel of him there. And then he grinned and all her brains fled.

      The man was downright gorgeous when he smiled, especially without his glasses on. No wonder women followed him both with their eyes and their feet. He certainly hadn’t lacked for dancing partners at the reception, every single woman hoping he’d be with her like this tonight. Instead, he wasn’t with them. He was with her.

      She fought to find air. Ozzie. With her. Making her feel things she’d only dreamed about.

      Their gazes locked, his grin faded as he wrapped his lips once more around her nipple and sucked it into his mouth. The intense heat emanating from his eyes started a core meltdown.

      Every nerve ending in her body spiked as if she’d been hit with a live wire. She especially wanted to connect their parts. Once more, her hips rose, and she pressed her very wet panties to the front of his trousers.

      “You’re killing me,” she moaned. “More.”

      He didn’t speak—his mouth was too full for that—but he did move his free hand down her stomach and into the front of her panties.

      His fingers passed through the trimmed patch of hair before touching the heated core, riding the slick juices his touch produced to slip between her folds.

      “So sweet,” he managed to say around her breast. Or rather moaned. The vibrations an incredible, new, never before imagined sensation.

      She wished the man had four hands and two mouths so he could touch her and lick her everywhere at the same time.

      “Please,” she begged, her body aching to be possessed fully by him. Only him. She’d never wanted a man the way she wanted him now, a fact that she’d have to think about later.

      In answer he pulled his hand from her panties, rolled to her side, gripped the waistband, and tugged them downward. When the stretchy fabric caught on her hips, she reached down to help, lifting her hips to speed things along. All at once they gave way, and she felt him rip them down her legs and off. Heaven only knew where they landed because his hand drifted up her stocking-clad leg, urging it to fall to the side. Mouth still working, he once more moved between her legs as he kissed his way down her body, skimming her stomach, moving lower, until he slipped one hand beneath her hips and lifted her to his mouth.

      Oh! She’d never been kissed there before. It was wonderful and naughty. Her mouth watered at the thought of returning the favor to him. What would he taste like? Would she like it as he seemed to like tasting her?

      Only briefly he touched her clitoris, leaving her writhing in need. How could he? She’d be sure to torture him when her turn came around. She’d never given a blow job, had never wanted to wrap her mouth around a penis, but when it came to Ozzie, oddly, she didn’t want to wait a moment longer. But wait she would, because he wasn’t letting her move beyond burying her fingers in his hair.

      “Yes. There.” There. The man was going to drive her to insanity if he didn’t…

      One finger