Hotter Than Hell. Jackie Kessler. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jackie Kessler
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Hell on Earth
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420120301
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to go away.”

      “Oh, Virginia, I haven’t even started yet. Don’t I get to at least do a decent pickup line before you break my heart?”

      A pause. Then: “How do you know my name?”

      “I listen. I watch.” I smiled my good intentions.

      “Great. Now you’re a stalker.”

      “Nope. Just a horny little devil.”

      She turned to look at me over her shoulder. “Excuse me?”

      “I’m a regular demon of love.” Even though I wasn’t supposed to, I pushed, just a little, just enough to make her knees unlock and loosen the stick so firmly rammed up her ass. But instead of an ohhhh or a parting of her lips or even a slight widening of her eyes, she looked even more frigid.

      Shit, that’s right—humans meant for Heaven aren’t affected by the nefarious. Unless she kissed me willingly to kick-start my gigolojo, she’d be completely unaffected by my demonic charm.

      Well, so what? I’ve been doing this routine for Hell only knows how long. Flirting with mortals is as easy as a starving whore. Who needed magic when you had the moves? “Come on, doll. Let’s talk some, see if we click.” I patted my thigh. “Why don’t you sit on my lap, see what pops up.”

      “Does that shtick actually work on real women? Or has all your experience been with the plastic variety?”

      “Kiss me,” I purred, “and I’ll show you what you’ve been waiting for all your prim and proper life.”

      Her jaw clenched before she turned away again. “Trust me, you’re not the one I’m waiting for.” She folded in on herself—shoulders hunched, head lowered, hair hanging. “You’re nothing like him. Go away. Please.”

      Nothing like her ultimate lover? I do believe that I’m insulted. “Doll, you’re so frigid, the ice caps are jealous.”

      She stiffened. Then she turned to face me again, slowly, a beatific smile on her kissable face. Did my quip Hook her? Didn’t feel right, but who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth? I returned the smile, winked. Virginia reached for the drink I’d ordered for her, lifted it up in a toast—and threw the contents in my face.

      “I’ve returned your drink,” she said sweetly.

      That could have gone better.

      Outside the bar, I zapped the dripping mess off of me; with the right amount of heat aura in place, alcohol evaporates pretty damn quickly. Did nothing for the smell, though—I was drowning in cranberries, grapefruits, schnapps and vodka. Fuck me, I stank like a coed on Spring Break. Minus the sex. All thanks to my intended, who had the gall to toss her drink in my face. Who didn’t find me remotely appealing. Who dared suggest I wasn’t even close to being her fantasy lover.

      Unholy Hell, what a woman. I couldn’t wait to taste her soul.

      Grinning through the stink of fruit juice, I willed my form to dim, fade into nighttime shadow. Invisible, reeking of inebriation, I waited for my lady. I reached out, felt my mark on her. Sensed her talking to someone she held close, a good friend. Listened as Virginia said…

      “…he was an asshole. He deserved it.”

      “Jesus, Vee, a guy shows some interest, what do you do? You give him a beer shampoo.”

      “It was a Sex on the Beach.”

      “Honey, there are better things to do with a Sex on the Beach than spill it over some guy’s head. Especially a hottie like that.”

      A whiff of frustration before Virginia spoke again. “I’m leaving. Talk to you tomorrow.”

      “Aw, Vee, don’t be like that.”

      “Look, I appreciate what you’re doing and all, but it’s time for me to go home.”

      “Why? So you can mope?”

      A strained pause, filled with tension and bitterness. “Don’t go there, Terri.”

      No, Terri. Go there.

      Stretching away from Virginia for a moment, I let my power brush over her friend’s presence, encouraged her to lower her inhibitions. That’s right, Terri. Feel the alcohol coursing through you, relaxing you, loosening your tongue, allowing you to say…

      “I’m the only one who will, you know. Everyone else tap dances around it, like just talking about Chris is going to break you into pieces. But you’re stronger than that. How long’re you going to be a martyr?”

      A flash of pain so raw, it stole my breath.

      “You’re only thirty-five, Vee. That’s too young to stop living your life.”

      I felt Virginia’s pain crack, then shatter in a sea of ice. Felt her heart freeze, her face settle into a tight, emotionless mask.

      What had hurt you so brutally, Virginia?

      And how could I use that to my advantage?

      She sniffed, a sound of derision that would do any angel proud. She said, “I’m going home now. To mope.”

      “Oh, come on, Vee! Virginia, I’m sorry! Come back!”

      Too late—my lady was storming out of the bar. Obviously tortured. Probably needed a strong shoulder to cry on. No worries, doll. I’ve got the strongest shoulders this side of Creation.

      She breezed out, booted feet tripping down the steps. An enormous winter coat disguised her curves, buried those magnificent breasts in layers of padding and synthetic fibers. Her thick curls were momentarily tamed, tucked into a hood. With every layer of clothing she begged not to be noticed. I wondered about the shape of her legs, how they’d look stripped from those loose pants…how they’d feel as I ran my hands between her thighs.

      The wind kicked up, and she ducked her head as she marched past me, leaving me with a vague impression of cold fury—a blaze of green eyes, a slash of pale lips.

      Damn, there’s nothing like a woman when she’s angry.

      Your emotions are sky-high, aren’t they, doll? Bet you’d be more receptive now to certain…suggestions. Going home, are you? Well then, I’ll just have to make sure you get there safe and sound. I left my post by the stairs and started walking after her. Stalking her.

      Thinking about what line to use to Hook her interest, I trailed my intended, weaving around the handful of stray mortals between me and her. Three blocks down, Virginia walked into a public parking lot. I followed, watched her duck between aisles until she stopped in front of a blue-gray car. As she fumbled in her shoulder bag, I noted her vehicle’s make and the license plate. Nondescript, like how she tried to be—boring car, no vanity plates. No frills. So frantic for anonymity. But I’d found her, marked her, shredded her feeble attempts to be unnoticed.

      You can’t escape me, Virginia. I’ll make sure you thoroughly enjoy yourself, despite yourself. I’ll make your body sing with pleasure before you sing out my name.

      As she pulled out her keys, I glided forward, maneuvering around a purple-clad Amazon hefting a tote bag. I could have done the incorporeal thing and just slid through the human, but that always left me feeling itchy, jonesing for a stint in a mortal body. And while possession was a kick, my target was on the move—I didn’t have the luxury of wallowing in stolen flesh, not if it meant losing Virginia. Much simpler to be invisible and walk around organic obstacles. Once Virginia opened her car door, I’d morph into ghost form and duck into the backseat. And when she started the engine, I’d switch back to invisibility, enjoy the ride.

      And when we were home, I’d start the seduction in earnest.

      I heard a buzzing in my head, but I ignored it as I followed my intended. The things I’m going to do to you, Virginia. The things I’m going to show you…

      Two rows away from her car, I heard