Hotter Than Hell. Jackie Kessler. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jackie Kessler
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Hell on Earth
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420120301
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Whatever she’d been before this moment, all she was now was my target. My intended. My ticket to First Principal. Mine.


      I relished the taste of her name on my tongue.

      At the table, Blondie laughed. “Please, I’m just glad that I finally got Vee out to play.” She lifted her glass, saluted. “Girl, you’ve been solitary far too long.”

      My target smiled, smiled hard and tight and said nothing as she sipped her drink.

      So cold, Virginia. So aloof. I have just the thing to penetrate that coldness, doll, right here in my pants. I’m going to melt you, make you so hot you’re going to boil over…

      I spied a harried waitress making the rounds. Telling my dick to settle down, I flagged the server. She trotted over while precariously balancing a tray full of used glasses. Sounding pissed off and put out, she barely looked at me as she asked, “Get you anything?”

      You can get less uptight, for one thing.

      Pursing my lips as if I meant to kiss her, I pushed. She gasped as my power licked her, tickled her sweet spot. She staggered, and I helped her steady her tray. When my fingers brushed hers, she let out an ooooh.


      As she swayed against me, I murmured in her ear: “See the woman sitting there? The brunette with long, curly hair? Send her a Sex on the Beach, with my compliments.” I pushed again, and the waitress came in her panties—a splash of spice and cotton. Mmm. “Got it, doll?”

      Her voice a squeak, she said, “Yes, sir.” Then she oozed away.

      Grinning, I watched Virginia as she continued her charade. The other women prattled on, filling the space between them with inane chatter. All through it, Virginia smiled, and sipped, and laughed. The pretense loomed over her like a death shroud.

      I’ll strip away your cover, Virginia. I’ll thaw your body and find your core. I’ll make you call my name like it could save your soul.

      Yes, doll. You’re mine. You just don’t know it.

      I watched as the waitress arrived at the group’s table, a solitary drink on her tray. She settled the full glass down in front of Virginia, said something to her, then motioned my way. Five sets of eyes locked onto me.

      Helloooo, ladies.

      I turned on the charm and grinned—nothing too cocky, just enough playfulness to hint at mischief, to whisper of sex. Four of the women looked intrigued, and two of them licked their lips. But the one who mattered looked surprised…and annoyed.

      Annoyed? Well, that’ll change.

      The waitress slid away, leaving Virginia and her companions to stare at me. Unabashed, I stared back, focused on my intended. After thousands of years tempting mortals, I knew the game well, had memorized its complex rules. Now’s the part where the others will leave us alone…

      “I have to powder my nose,” Blondie said. “Who’s coming?”

      Bottled and Brunette stood quickly, and even Virginia scraped her chair back, but Blondie shook her head. “No way, Vee. You stay. Guard the table from the vultures. And the foxes.” She paused long enough to send me a lusty look, then turned back to Virginia. “Enjoy your drink.”


      “Get his phone number,” Bottled said.

      “Find out if he has a friend,” Brunette added, slyly glancing my way.

      I would have winked at her, but I didn’t want her to think she had a chance with me. I had eyes only for my Virginia.

      “Terri, don’t you dare leave me!” She sounded on the verge of panic. Sweet.

      Blondie smiled at her, a look filled with sympathy and barely contained glee. “Nature calls. Come on, girls!” The three strutted away, giggling, leaving my intended alone.

      Virginia lowered her head so that her thick curls hid her face. Her shoulders bobbed in a deep sigh—she was either resigned or vexed. That’s something I planned to change; soon she’d be sighing with pleasure. Anticipation.

      Boom boom.

      My blood humming with her name, I sauntered over to my intended. My lady. Wrapped in her overlarge sweater and hidden by her hair, she seemed to seek invisibility. Why so nervous, doll? Why hide your juicy body, your porcelain face?

      Start with the direct approach. That should get her to open up, just a little—just enough to talk. Yes, Virginia. I’ll talk to you for a few minutes, feel you out before I know what Hook I need to feel you up. What’ll tickle your fancy, Virginia? Will a glimpse of my body make your heartbeat quicken? If my gaze hits you like a laser beam, smoldering with intention, will your reservations burn away? Will it be the casual touch of my hand on yours?

      Every mortal has a Hook, Virginia. What’s yours?

      “Hope you like Sex on the Beach,” I said as a greeting.

      She peeked up at me, shook her hair away from her face. Her eyes telegraphed her unease; her smile was forced, and fragile, and so fucking delicious to look at that I wanted to eat her lips.

      “Thank you,” she said, striving for Miss Manners. “I’m flattered. But I’m not interested.”

      Ooh, hard to get. I softened my smile, put a chuckle in my voice as I said, “In the drink or the activity?”


      “You accepted the drink.”

      She sighed again, this time a sound of frustration. “The waitress walked away before I could say no thanks.” She spoke with infinite patience. “So really, thanks, but no thanks.”

      “You didn’t exactly try to stop her.”

      Her smile slipped. “Look, you seem like a nice guy.”

      Heh. Her intuition sucked. “But?”

      “But the only reason I’m even out tonight is to do my friend a favor. I’m not looking to get picked up. So thank you for the drink, but really, I’m not interested.”

      I straddled the chair to her left, sat and hunkered over the backrest so that my coat gaped open. All the better to let her envision the sculpted muscles beneath my shirt. Except she didn’t even meet my gaze, let alone stare at my body. Instead, she played with her drink—the one she’d been working on before I’d ordered her another—swirling the ice cubes almost violently.

      “I think you’re interested,” I said with a smile. “More than you know.”

      She stopped toying with her drink. Still not meeting my eyes, she said, “I think you don’t know me at all.”

      Whoops. Deflect the damage. Grin on, full strength. “But I’d like to.”

      That got her to look at me. Her green eyes shone with emotions I couldn’t place. Why did mortals have to complicate everything with stupid feelings?

      She asked, “Why? Just because I’m sitting here, in a bar, that means I’m looking to hook up?”

      “No. But you not saying no to a drink says you’re looking for something.”

      She pushed the full glass to me. “There. Happy?”

      Far from it. Still didn’t know how to Hook her. “Come on, doll. Let’s not be so hasty.”

      “Hasty? Hasty would be me saying ‘go away.’ I haven’t said that yet.”


      “I’m trying to be polite.”

      “Yeah, I see that.” I leaned over, invaded her personal space until my mouth was barely inches away from hers. “I’ve been watching you trying to have a good time. Pretending you’re enjoying yourself.”
