Every Move She Makes. Jannine Gallant. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jannine Gallant
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Who’s Watching Now
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616506421
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her lids.

      “We can leave now, or we can stay. Your call.”

      She met his direct gaze. “I don’t want to be a tease. If we stay, I don’t intend to make love to you on this rock. I’m not good at casual sex, and we haven’t known each other very long.”

      His finger ran along her rib cage. “I won’t push you.”

      “It isn’t fair to let you kiss me then ask you to stop.”

      “Why don’t I decide what’s fair?”

      Rachel glanced over his shoulder. “Daisy might object. She looks ready to pounce.”

      “You don’t need a furry protector. Tell her to stay.”

      “Daisy, sit.” She cleared her throat. “Stay.”

      “Will she behave?”

      “She’ll only disobey if she thinks I’m in danger.”

      “I won’t give her a reason to think anything close. Just a few kisses, and then we’ll go.”

      He took her in his arms and rolled with her until she was laying full length on top of him. Their bodies fused, leaving little to Rachel’s imagination. The hard length of his need pressed against her. She caught her breath.

      “The effect of the cold water appears to have worn off.” She stared down into the depths of compelling blue eyes.

      “Holding you would make a monk horny. You’re beautiful, Rachel Carpenter.”

      She leaned down and touched her lips to his. “So are you, but it’s more than attraction. I genuinely like you. That’s what’s making this so difficult.”

      He cupped her head and brought her mouth down to meet his. Their tongues mated and explored as the kiss went on and on. Rachel squirmed against him, and he groaned.

      “Move like that again, and I’m going to disgrace myself.”

      With a nervous giggle, she dropped her face onto his chest, loving the way the hair tickled her nose. She wanted to take off her bra and feel its softness against the sensitive tips of her breasts. She wanted to reach between them and touch the part of him that poked so insistently against her belly.

      “We should go before I forget I promised not to rush you.” One hand stroked her hair.

      “I want to. I really do, but then what? When this week is over, I’ll go back to my bookstore and my girls, and you’ll return to a job that’s killing you. We might see each other once in a while and have great sex, but we won’t really be a part of each other’s lives.”

      He winced. “A real relationship can’t survive on sex alone, great or otherwise. Maybe we should take a step back and see how we work as friends first. We’ve gotten a little ahead of ourselves.”

      “Smart idea. I’m not like my sister. I can’t indulge in a quick fling without winding up with a broken heart.”

      Kane ran a finger along her cheekbone. “I don’t know if I’d be able to either. Rule number one: No more getting almost naked when we’re alone.”

      “Rule number two: Kissing is okay, but not the soul-sucking kind that makes me forget rule number one.”

      He sat up and handed over her clothes. “You’d better get dressed before I forget rule number three.”

      “Which is?”

      “I can hold your hand, but I can’t feel you up.”

      She threw back her head and laughed.

      He bent and kissed her throat, his hand sliding across her breast in the process.

      A quiver shook her, and her laughter quieted. “What happened to our rules?”

      “They don’t go into effect until we’re back on the trail.”

      “Too bad we have to leave, but it’s getting late.” She glanced at her watch. “After two now, and it’ll take a couple of hours to hike to camp.”

      “Don’t worry. Jed will keep an eye on your girls. I told him we’d probably make a day of it.”

      Rachel pulled her tank top over her head. “Did you tell him why?”

      “He’s a smart man. I’m sure he’ll figure it out for himself.” Kane tied his boots. “Ready?”

      She nodded.

      The hike back was uneventful. The only time Kane touched her was to help her over a fallen tree in the path. By the time they ran into Chip a half-mile from camp, she was starting to regret all their new rules.

      Chip’s brown eyes shone as he offered a friendly smile. “Fancy meeting you out here.”

      Kane raised a hand in greeting. “This is a popular trail. I’m surprised we didn’t meet anyone else from camp.”

      “Bob and I saw Olmstead earlier. Then, not long ago, I ran across the guy who brought the blond bombshell.”

      “Curt Dawson. The blonde is Tiffany.” Kane pulled out his water bottle.

      “Well Tiffany wasn’t with him. She doesn’t strike me as much of a hiker. Did you have a nice day?”

      Rachel nodded. “We ate lunch up at a little lake. Where’s your friend?”

      Chip shrugged. His gaze rested on her for a long moment before he glanced away. “I’m not sure. We got separated a couple of hours ago. Bob’s probably back at camp by now.”

      When they reached the cabins, Chip went into his, and she walked down to the lake beside Kane to look for her girls. Ivy and Jade were with Hillary, a petite Asian woman, building a castle out of sand and rocks. Lark sunbathed on the dock with Lauren.

      “Hi, Mom.” Ivy glanced up and smiled. “I painted the most beautiful picture. You’re going to love it.”

      “I’m sure I will. Did you have fun?”

      She nodded, her ponytail bobbing. “Hillary showed me how to paint shadows. It was so cool.”

      Rachel smiled at the young woman. “Thanks for taking Ivy with your group.”

      Hillary’s dark eyes sparkled with good humor. “We had a great time. Kane, I think Jed was looking for you earlier.”

      “I’ll go find him in a minute. How were the games, Jade?”

      “I won the running and swimming races, but this boy name Leo beat me at rowing. Of course it wasn’t exactly fair since little Rex was my partner.”

      Rachel squeezed her shoulder. “Sounds like you had a good time despite the loss.”

      “Yeah, it was pretty fun.”

      “I’m going to go talk to Lark, and then maybe we should all take showers before dinner.”

      Jade rolled her eyes and pushed Daisy away from the castle. “Geez, Mom, I was in the water half the day.”

      “Yes, but it wouldn’t kill you to use soap.”

      “I’d better go see what Jed wants. I’ll see you later.” Kane touched her cheek in a gentle stroke before hurrying up the path.

      Rachel let out a breath then walked over to the dock and sat down next to the two older girls. “How was your hike?”

      “It was really great.” Lauren flipped long hair over her shoulder. “Lark and I got tired after lunch, so Kevin brought us back to camp. Dad kept going. I think he’s still out there.”

      Lark wore a hot pink bikini with her tattoo prominently displayed. “We’ve been here for hours. You were certainly gone long enough.”

      “We hiked quite a distance before stopping to eat.”
