Every Move She Makes. Jannine Gallant. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jannine Gallant
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Who’s Watching Now
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616506421
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like him.”

      “I’m sorry, Kane.”

      “Yeah, so am I. Your sister was right to warn you about me. I probably am a bad relationship risk.”

      “Well, I have plenty of baggage of my own. I have a business to run and three girls who will always be my top priority. Right now Lark isn’t exactly a pleasure to be around, and I have a feeling her reaction wouldn’t be positive if I started dating someone seriously.”

      “She doesn’t want you to have a life of your own?”

      “Fourteen year olds tend to be a tad self-centered. She’s still struggling with her father’s death. It’s been rough on her, and she’s acting out. Hopefully with therapy and support, she’ll work through it sooner rather than later.”

      “What about Jade and Ivy? They seem to like me.”

      “They do. I don’t think they’d mind if we saw each other after our vacation ends, but it’s hard to know for sure.”

      “So is this going to be our first and only date?” He tilted her chin, caressing the soft skin.

      Concern clouded her eyes. “I hope not, but I have to consider my daughters and their feelings. My choices affect them.”

      With an effort, he forced a lighter mood. “So, no making out while the kids are watching?”

      Rachel smiled, and some of the worry in her eyes faded. “I’m afraid dating a woman with three children has its drawbacks.”

      “It also has rewards.” He ran a finger across her lips. “I’d rather have you, your girls and your dog than Tiffany the Temptress any day.”

      “That’s because mine are real.” She stepped back, and his hand fell away. “Where’s that lake? I’m hungry.”

      Time to recapture the easy companionship they’d enjoyed before the conversation turned serious. No matter how attracted to her he was, she was right. He probably wasn’t ready for anything else. Not yet. Not until he figured out where the hell his life was headed.

      He released a long breath. “Our destination is just ahead.”

      They reached it a few minutes later. The lake was small but beautiful, surrounded by trees on one side and a granite apron on the other. Located a short distance from the trail, the spot he chose was sheltered from the breeze.

      They stretched out on the warm granite to eat their lunch. Daisy wandered around the shore, sniffing here and there before coming back to settle near Rachel.

      “This place is gorgeous. Thank you for bringing me.”

      “My pleasure.” Kane finished the last bite of his sandwich and polished an apple on his shirt. He bit into it with a crunch. “We can take a swim after lunch if you’d like.”

      “I’m tempted, but I didn’t bring my bathing suit.”

      His pulse jumped then raced ahead. “We could always skinny dip.”

      Rachel peeled a banana. “I’m a little too old to get caught swimming naked. I’m not seventeen anymore.”

      “No, you’re a whole lot better.” His gaze moved over her curves, and his fists clenched at his sides. “Anyway, no one will see us. The lake is hidden from the trail.”

      “It is hot.” She scratched a mosquito bite on her elbow. “Maybe I could wear my underwear.”

      “And I’ll leave on my shorts if it’ll make you feel better.”

      Rachel took a bite of the banana. “I’m pretty sure that’s not what would make me feel better.”

      Two seconds later, he had her flat on her back with the banana lying on a nearby rock. He cradled her head in his hands and kissed her. When she kissed him back, desire surged even stronger.

      So much for the slow approach.

      “Do you know how much I want you right now?”

      She bit her lip. “I’m sorry. I wish I could say yes, but I can’t.”

      “I know. Can we do this?”

      He trailed kisses down the side of her neck, burying his nose against her skin. She smelled like fresh air and woman. His breath came fast as he moved back to cover her mouth with his, his tongue stroking until he wasn’t certain he could stop.

      A cold nose thrust between them. At a blast of stinky dog breath, they separated in a hurry.

      “My savior.” Rachel’s smile shook as she gave Daisy a shove.

      Kane stretched out on the rock with an arm over his eyes. His chest rose and fell. Frustration filled him, edged with disappointment and a touch of guilt. “I wouldn’t have pushed.”

      “I know. It wasn’t you I didn’t trust.”

      He sat up slowly. “I’m ready for that swim.” With swift, jerky movements, he untied his hiking boots, shucked his T-shirt and took a running dive into the lake.

      * * * *

      Kane’s powerful body cut through the water as he swam to the far side of the lake. The woods were still except for the buzz of a mosquito. Rachel swatted at it and untied her boot laces, then waited for her pounding heart to still. She’d been so tempted…

      Daisy sniffed the banana.

      “I’m not sure if I should thank you or tell you to get lost.” Rachel scratched the dog’s ears. “I know what I’d like to do.”

      She pulled off her boots, socks, shorts and tank top, leaving them in a neat pile. Wearing only a pair of cotton bikini panties and an electric blue jog bra, she walked down to the lake to wade slowly away from the shore. The water was freezing, and the pebbles on the lake bottom dug into her feet.

      “It’s easier if you just dive in.” He swam closer.

      “I don’t think I can.” Rachel inched forward. “I’m not usually one to jump in with both feet.”

      Kane reached out and caught her hand. “Then I’ll help.” With a quick tug, he pulled her into the water next to him.

      “Oh, my God, it’s so cold.” Her teeth chattered.

      “Right now, that’s working in your favor. I’m not the man I was before my swim.”

      She grinned. “Maybe we should stay in here all day.”

      “Not a chance. I think I’m turning blue.”

      “A little exercise will warm you up. Let’s race.”

      Rachel was a decent swimmer, but she was no match for Kane. He passed her and was waiting when she reached the far shore.

      “It looks like I won.” He pushed a strand of wet hair out of her eyes. “What’s my prize?”

      “Your choice.”

      Slowly he pulled her against him. The wet cotton bra wasn’t much of a barrier as she hooked her arms around his neck. Skin slid against skin before a searing kiss stole her breath.

      “Want a rematch?” His breath came in a gasp.

      “You’re on.”

      Rachel flipped backward into the water and swam hard enough to reach the shore seconds before he did, then climbed out onto the warm granite.

      He flopped down beside her, water running off him in streams. “You beat me. What’s your prize?”

      Lying on her stomach, she glanced up and blinked fat droplets off her lashes. “I get to dry off on your shirt.”

      He grabbed his shirt, but instead of handing it to her, ran the soft cotton over her back and down her legs. “How’s that?”

      “Nice.” She closed her eyes,