Play The Game. Doug Dixon. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Doug Dixon
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758250407
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mention it, let me look in my closet and see what I can wear.”

      I found an outfit that would be perfect. When I got off the phone with Tangie and Stephanie I put it aside to take to the cleaners after I left work tomorrow.

      Darryl never did call back. I wanted so badly to call him a second time but didn’t want to seem desperate, like I was chasing him or something. Instead I spent the rest of the night watching a movie before drifting off to sleep.

      CHAPTER 13


      During lunch I left the teachers’ lounge on my way to my classroom to get my Ebony magazine. I was dying to see this month’s issue—it featured the twenty-five most eligible bachelors. Last year I contacted a doctor from Atlanta who was listed. We e-mailed each other for a couple of months before we went out. The first couple of dates were cool, although I found him to be a little strange. He licked his lips after almost every statement. Not in a sexy way, like LL Cool J, but like he was trying to remove something off the side of his mouth. I continued to see him because he was really cute and fine as hell. Besides, I thought licking his lips the way he did with that long tongue of his was something that could be useful in the bedroom.

      It wasn’t until after he lost his job that things started to change. He would get upset about the littlest things and all of a sudden start having temper tantrums. That’s when I had to break off our relationship and I’m glad I did, I found out more about his true profession as a physician. He was a doctor all right, Dr. Jekyll. This man was a doctor of psychiatry at a state facility and had been diagnosed as having split personalities. He worked around mentally challenged people so much, his ass started acting just like some of them. That explains why, after an orgasm, he would make these strange noises and faces that made me feel really uncomfortable. Last I heard, he was seeking psychiatric treatment in the very hospital where he worked. The sex was good, though, and different every time. I guess it was because I didn’t know who I was fucking, him or one of those crazy motherfuckers that came out of his ass.

      As I continued down the hallway and past the principal’s office, someone called out my name—it literally stopped me in my tracks. When I turned and faced in the direction of the voice, I was caught off guard by Tina’s dad standing there with his brown suede jacket draped across his right arm. “Hi, uh, Mr. Washington? What are you doing here? Is everything okay with Tina?” I asked as I walked toward him. He stood there with a huge smile that showed off his pearly white teeth. “Yeah, Tina’s fine. She has a doctor’s appointment, so I’m getting her out of school early today,” he replied.

      “Oh, I see,” I said, trying not to stare directly at him.

      “How are you today?” he asked as he shifted his jacket over to his left arm to shake my hand.

      As he did this, I noticed his penis as it hung down on the left side of his thigh. Oh my god, I thought. That shit looks thick. I heard that guys with penises that hung on the left side were good lovers.

      I quickly looked up, right into his eyes once again. I felt a hot flash through my body that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. “Uh, I think she’s still in the cafeteria eating if you want to check down there,” I replied.

      “If it’s okay? I know you guys have a policy about strangers lurking in the hallway. Can you take me there?” he asked politely.

      I shifted my eyes down at his penis and back up at him. “Sure, I can do that,” I replied.

      We walked toward the cafeteria, passing a few empty classrooms on the way. Before we could make it to the entrance, Tina came walking out with a couple of her friends, surprised to see her dad. After they hugged and exchanged greetings, Tina took him by the hand and we started walking back toward the principal’s office so that she could be checked out properly.

      “Well, thank you, Ms. Jackson, for walking with me. I really appreciate that.”

      “Oh, that’s no problem. It’s a good thing we did because Tina looked like she was on her way out the door to the playground.” I looked down at Tina. “Well, you two have a nice day.” I turned away and quickly walked off.

      “Ms. Jackson,” he yelled as I continued on toward my classroom.

      I turned around and he was walking toward me. “Yes?”

      “Uh, do you and your friends like jazz?” he asked.

      “Yeah, my friends and I love jazz,” I replied, surprised at the question.

      “Well, I have a jazz band that plays around town. This Saturday we’re going to be playing at the Living Room. My wife thought it’d be a good idea if I did more promoting, so maybe you and your friends can come out if you don’t have plans.”

      The Living Room is a quaint spot in Buckhead where a lot of young professionals hang out. On certain nights, they have different types of live music.

      “Oh, uh, I’ll check with my friends and see if they’re available,” I said with a smile.

      There was a moment of uncomfortable silence.

      “Well, thanks. If you know anyone else, please feel free to spread the word. My band is called ACE.”

      “Okay—well, I’ll see what I can do.”

      As I took a few steps forward I was dying to turn around and see that tight ass of his before he made it out the door. I counted to three and took a deep breath before turning around. But unfortunately, when I did all I saw was our principal, Mr. Ridgewell’s, big ass in his tight, double-knit pants as he blocked my view of Mr. Washington. Ridgewell, as I called him, stands about six feet tall with a processed Afro and a beer belly that draped over his belt. He swears he’s a playa from back in the day, and he is always trying to undress the female teachers with his eyes during conversation.

      “Ms. Jackson?” he called out.

      I put on my fake smile as he walked toward me. “Yes, Ridgewell, what’s up?”

      “You having a good day?” he shouted.

      “Yes, and you?” I walked toward my classroom.

      “Just fine, just fine,” he said as I heard his footsteps fade in the opposite direction.

      I sat at my desk, thumbing through my magazine, really not interested in any of the new bachelors that were listed. Instead I let my mind wander again to Mr. Washington. So, he has a band. Hmmm, was that a hint that he wanted me to come to his show because he is interested? By the way, he was checking me out the first time we met. I’d say he was just as curious as I was. What if I did go? I definitely couldn’t take Stephanie or Mya ’cause I don’t want to hear any shit from them. But damn, I sure would like to find out what’s inside his pants.

      Suddenly, my mind was made up. I was going to the Living Room this Saturday. A smile came across my face at my decision.

      “What the hell are you thinking about over there?” Mya said as she and Stephanie entered my classroom.

      My smile went away, as I was startled. “Oh, uh, nothing. I just read an article in Ebony magazine that I thought was funny.”

      Mya and Stephanie took a seat in the chairs next to my desk. “Girl, Ridgewell was talking to this fine-ass man a minute ago outside under the walking deck,” Stephanie said.

      “Yeah, he was very attractive,” Mya replied. “Then again, any man standing next to Ridgewell is gorgeous with a capital G.”

      We laughed.

      I knew just who they were talking about but sat there completely surprised as they went on and on about this man’s physical features. With every description they gave, my mind drifted away with wild and crazy thoughts of Walter.

      CHAPTER 14


      I missed my seven o’clock Bible study class