Play The Game. Doug Dixon. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Doug Dixon
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758250407
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      “So where are you guys now?” I asked.

      “We’re in Los Angeles. I have to speak at the regional full gospel convention on Friday,” my dad replied.

      “See? That’s what I’m talking about. You guys are always traveling.”

      “I know, baby, but that’s a part of my calling.”

      “I know, I know,” I replied.

      “So has Atlanta been good to you and are you staying out of trouble?” my mom asked.

      “Of course.”

      “And going to church, I hope?” she added.

      “Mama, of course I’m going to church,” I lied, closing my eyes.

      “It just worries me that you’re up there all alone.”

      “She’s fine,” my dad said reassuringly. “As long as she keeps God in every decision she makes, she won’t have a problem. Baby, just stay focused on God’s will. If it doesn’t feel right in your spirit, then chances are it’s not of God.”

      “I know,” I replied.

      Those were the exact words my dad had said to me since I was a little girl. Every day before I went to school, I would hear it. Pretty soon it started going in one ear and out the other.

      “Well baby, we just called to let you know we love you and to see how you were doing.”

      “I’m fine, just busy working.”

      “Okay, well, let’s pray together and we’ll let you go back to whatever it was you were doing.”

      I closed my eyes as my dad began his prayer.

      “Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for—”

      As soon as my dad got into his prayer, my cell phone rang. I opened one eye and peeked at the caller ID. It was Darryl. As my dad continued, my phone rang a second time. I had my hand on the button to answer, but I was in the middle of prayer. As soon as my dad finished his prayer, my mom started praying. Seconds later the phone stopped ringing. My attention was focused on my mother’s voice.

      “And God, we ask that you continue to shine your goodness and mercy upon us, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.”

      “Well, baby,” my dad said. “We love you, and have a good night, okay?”

      “Okay, I love you guys, too.” We hung up.

      I quickly called Darryl back, only to get his voice service again. I also checked to see if he had left me a message but he didn’t.

      Later that night Tangie called me on the three-way with Stephanie as I was getting into bed.

      “What’s up, girl?” Stephanie asked.

      “Tell it. Tell it all—I want to hear about your date with Darryl,” Tangie shouted in the background.

      “Yeah, we want the dirt,” Stephanie said.

      I laughed out loud. “Girl, it was soooo romantic. His ass got me yellow roses and everything. We talked and laughed. I mean, I had a great time. He was a true gentleman in every sense of the word.”

      “He got you roses?” Stephanie asked, surprised.

      “Yeah, and had them sitting on the table for me when I got to the restaurant. I was like, damn. Everybody around me was staring as I sat there red as a damn beet.”

      “That was romantic, girl,” Stephanie replied.

      “Yeah, it was all right. But don’t get caught up in that shit. Brothers start off like that until they get between your legs. Then that rose becomes a thorn in your damn side,” Tangie said.

      “Yeah, like that thorn in my damn side named Curtis. He started out like that, and look at me now. Oh, and girls, guess what,” Stephanie said.

      “What?” Tangie and I responded.

      “You know his ass was trippin’ ’cause I was hanging out with you and Mya the other night.”

      “What!” I replied.

      “Yeah, he started saying things like what kind of mother would hang out like I did when she could be spending time at home with her child and shit. It just made me feel bad, like I was doing something wrong.”

      “I know his ass ain’t talking, as much as he hangs out. He acts like you two are married or something. You have your life and he has his,” Tangie replied.

      “I know, but—”

      “What about all the times his ass is all up in the club? I mean, let’s just keep it real. Why are you still putting up with his shit? He barely pays child support—the nerve of his ass to question why and who you hang out with.”

      “Yeah, I have to agree with Tangie on this one, Stephanie,” I replied. “You’re good, ’cause I would’ve dragged his ass in court a long time ago.”

      “Don’t get me wrong. He’s trying. He gives me what he can,” she replied.

      “Bullshit—Curtis got it made. Live-in pussy, home-cooked meals, and a free roof over his damn head. You need to shake his ass and get you a real man. He’s thirty years old, working part-time, and no education. Girl, a nigga like that can’t tell me shit. A thirty-year-old man needs to be in a career, anyway, and not a job.”

      I stayed quiet ’cause I had to agree with Tangie on that. But for some reason Stephanie just couldn’t let him go and move on with her life.

      “You talking about the thorn in my side. What about Todd?” Stephanie said. “You spend more time in bed with him than his wife does.”

      “Whose fault is that? He comes to me,” Tangie replied.

      “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Stephanie said.

      “Well, it’s true. I’m not like other girls, who think things are going bad at his house for him to come over. We just enjoy each other’s company, that’s all.”

      “All he’s giving you are false hopes, is all I’m saying,” Stephanie continued.

      “Well, I—”

      “Will you two let me finish my story?” I interrupted.

      There was silence on the phone. “You two are never going to accept each other’s situation, so leave it alone.” I said.

      “Girl, you just mad ’cause you ain’t got no business,” Tangie joked. Stephanie laughed.

      “Anyway, he invited me over to dinner at his place next weekend. How should I handle that?”

      “Well, that depends on you,” Stephanie said.

      “Yeah, what don’t you want to happen?” Tangie added.

      “Well, of course he ain’t getting any.” I poked my lips out.

      “No, I’m talking about are you ready to kiss, cuddle, or something like that? Brothers expect that,” Tangie said.

      “I don’t know. I did want to kiss him when he walked me to my car. Especially when he wrapped those arms around me before I left. Oooooh wooooo, that shit felt good.”

      “Tangie, save your advice—Mya’s already sprung. She’s going to mess around and get fucked,” Stephanie joked.

      We burst into laughter.

      “No, the hell I’m not. What am I thinking of, anyway? I really don’t know him that well to be kissing on him. I’ll probably just go over there, eat, talk a little, and come home.”

      “And don’t wear anything too sexy or revealing. Wear something that covers you up. Don’t leave any room for his imagination to wander,” Tangie said.
