A Good Day to Die. James Hendricks. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Hendricks
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781935883135
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talking. One in the morning they made it back to the Dungeon. Twon and Ron were still there sitting on Don’s bed watching The King of New York. Zoe was on the couch. Ron had two black eyes and some red marks around his neck while Twon had a swollen lip and his left eye was black.

      “What’s up?” Don said.

      “I’m gone lay down,” Jon said.

      “Hold up, we gone work this shit tonight,” Don said.

      “I said I’m going to bed,” Jon said walking to his room.

      Don ran to his doorway not letting Jon leave the room.

      “What’s up brother? I know you ain’t still mad.” Jon ignored him. Don was determined to reach his brother. “We boys and shit happens. You know that.”

      Jon just kept looking at Don not saying a word. “All right, it’s like that,” Don said getting upset. “Well what you want to do, hit me?”

      Jon stepped back and looked at this brother with a frown on his face.

      “I’m just trying to go to bed. It’s been a long day and I’m tired,” Jon said. “If you want to fight take your best shot. I don’t give a fuck if you’re pissed about Twon and his cousin. Hey, that’s your brother and I can respect you taking up for him. No hard feelings. Now, if you’d move so me and my brother can go to my room, I’d appreciate it.”

      “So it’s like that?” Don asked not believing what he’d just heard.

      “Exactly like that. You chose your side,” Jon said turning to go back the way he came. “No love lost.” Jon walked back out the door, got in his car and left.

      After Jon left Don got really upset. “What the fuck y’all do all day?” Don asked Kay.

      “I ain’t Twon, so check your attitude and tone,” Kay said. He never backed down.

      “I don’t give a fuck who you is,” Don said walking towards Kay.

      “Hold up Don,” Zoe said jumping up and putting his arms out to stop Don. Kay was strapped and wasn’t afraid to use it. “Haven’t we been through enough bullshit today? Let’s chill.”

      Don stopped and stared at Kay standing five feet away. He walked away and sat on his bed. Kay went into Jon’s room and sat on the bed turning the radio to WGCI.

      Jon needed space. It took everything to restrain himself from hitting Don straight in the mouth. He wouldn’t give Twon the pleasure of seeing them fight. Instead he walked out of his house. Jon thought about going to Bay Bro’s house but chose to drive back out to the beach instead.

      Morning came and no one in the house had slept the night before except Ron. Don was awake all night thinking about the events that had led up to his brother making the statements that hurt. He wondered if Jon really felt that way, or was Jon just upset? Don called Bay Bro at four in the morning. Bay Bro hadn’t seen Jon since last night. Bay Bro wanted to talk to all of them, including Ron.

      Twon stayed up hoping that Jon didn’t come back and kill him and Ron. He knew that Jon had a temper and anything was possible. Twon hoped that Ron would leave. They were never really that close. If another incident happens between Ron and any of his boys Ron was on his own, he thought.

      Kay kept tripping on how Don approached him. Don knew that he wouldn’t back down. He couldn’t believe that an outsider had them going from being a tight knit family to a dysfunctional one, in a day. If something happened to Jon, something surely would happen to Twon and his punk-ass cousin.

      Zoe wondered what he could’ve done to prevent everything from happening. He knew that things will probably never be the same. He kept blaming himself for not speaking up when they were playing cards. He had seen Ron cheating twice but decided not to say anything because it was petty. He was going to have to choose a side, something he never wanted to do.

      Tina came downstairs in the morning to check on the boys and was panicking when she didn’t see her Jon. Don told her that he went fishing with Bay Bro and that he didn’t want to wake her. It was midday and Jon hadn’t turned up. Don was becoming extremely worried.

      “Do any of y’all know where my brother can be?” Don asked as they sat on the front porch. Everybody looked around at each other. “Man, if something…

      “Jon is fine,” Kay said cutting Don off. “He just needed to cool off.”

      “Cool off…?” Don asked.

      “For starters, Jon thinks that you went against him. He thinks that you sided with Twon over him. He also thinks that you see Twon as your brother instead of him. And worst that stunt that you pulled last night with him in front of everybody was straight disrespect.”

      The boys spent the rest of the afternoon just sitting on the porch. They didn’t even go out to steal no cars. Around nine o’clock that night Jon came walking up. The boys were still sitting on the porch lost in thoughts and hadn’t paid attention to him until Jon was on the first step.

      “Are you all right?” Don asked calmly.

      “Yeah, I’m cool.” Jon said.

      “I told ma that you went fishing with Bay Bro. He said for us to come by his house when you showed up.”

      “What you mean when I showed up?”

      “He just want to make sure we ain’t killed nobody lately.”

      Don laughed hoping that his brother would see that he wasn’t mad. Jon let his guard down and relaxed.

      “Ahight,” Jon said rubbing the top of Zoe’s head as he walked by him. “Let me jump in the shower first.” All of them were relieved that Jon had calmed down.

      Jon took his shower and went to his bedroom. He walked in and found Don sitting on his bed flipping through some CD’s.

      “What’s up?” Jon asked.

      “After you left last night I did a lot of thinking. I heard what you said last night and I also heard Kay earlier.”

      “Kay…?” Jon asked.

      “Yeah, Kay, that’s your man, right? The same way you feel about me and Twon’s friendship. I feel the same way about you and Kay’s. Look Jon.” Don said standing. “You my brother and I’m always gone worry bout you. Please, don’t stay away again without anyone knowing where you are.”

      Jon looked at his brother and smiled. “All right, now can I get dressed?”

      The brothers laughed and hugged.


      The boys arrived at Bay Bro’s house and found him and Lynette sitting in the living room watching her favorite movie, Ghost.

      “What’s up old man?” Don said shaking Bay Bro’s hand. Don pointed at Ron. “This is who I told you about.”

      Bay Bro looked at the teenager and wanted to laugh at the sight of Ron’s black and blue eyes compliments of Jon. Instead he extended his hand.

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