A Good Day to Die. James Hendricks. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Hendricks
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781935883135
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nodded his head.

      “All right then, go ahead.”

      Jon continued going into the incident at the gym, how they bought guns from crack-heads and found several in the cars they stole. He told Bay Bro every detail he could remember.

      “Is that it?” Bay Bro said lighting another Newport.

      “Yeah, that’s it. I just want to say that I’d never let anything happen to Lynette, Bay Bro. I would take a bullet for her. I’d…”

      “Hold up, Jon.” Bay Bro said sucking on the cigarette. “I’m mad for two reasons. One, y’all should have told me about the graveyard and it probably wouldn’t have gotten this far. Two, by you not telling me you put my baby girl in danger. I’m not y’all mentor, I’m y’all friend and sometimes y’all father. You should know that y’all can tell me anything. It won’t change nothing.” Bay Bro put the cigarette out and took a deep breath. “I don’t know who saw what, but I dropped y’all off and picked y’all up. Get rid of them cars tonight and if somebody ask, y’all don’t know who was in them cars. Get rid of all the guns y’all used tonight and just be cool. As for you and Lynette…”

      Bay Bro paused with the kids looking at him hanging on his next sentence. He looked at Jon first and then Lynette before he continued. “I could say that it’s too dangerous for y’all to be together, but I’m not. Jon, I know that you’ll keep her safe. You have my permission to date Lynette, just don’t involve me in y’all mess.”

      Lynette smiled and threw her arms around Bay Bro kissing him all over his face.

      “I love you! I love you!”

      “Thanks, I’ll talk to you tomorrow about everything I’m going to get on top of that right now.” Jon said and got up. Bay Bro hugged him and walked back to the kitchen.

      Lynette walked Jon to the door.

      “I got a lot to do tonight so I’ll call you tomorrow.” Jon said with his arms wrapped around Lynette’s waist. “I love you.”

      “I love you too,” Lynette said. Their lips locked as they kissed each other goodnight.

      Lynette watched Jon drive away then she returned to the living room.

      Bay Bro hugged and kissed Lynette goodnight.

      “Goodnight, my baby girl,” he said heading for his bedroom.

      “Goodnight, dad, I love you.”

      Bay Bro laid on his bed thinking about everything Jon had told him. Even though he was impressed, he was also very concerned. Bay Bro reached for the phone and dialed.

      “Yo what’s up?” A husky voice answered.

      “Not good Goldie,” Bay Bro said lighting a cigarette.

      “If it’s that important I can be there in a half.” Goldie said.

      “I’ll see you then,” Bay Bro said.

      Jon parked his car and walked over to his block. Don, Kay and Zoe were standing out front waiting while Twon hadn’t arrived yet.

      “Where’s Twon?” Jon asked walking up to the group.

      “I don’t know,” Don said chugging a bottle of Dom Perignon.

      “Fuck it!” Jon said sounding annoyed. “I talked to Bay Bro and…”

      “What you mean you talked to Bay Bro?” Zoe asked.

      “Just listen, Bay Bro ain’t mad about what happened. He is mad at us because we didn’t tell him about it from jump.”

      “My fault fellas.” Twon said as he came running from in between the next door house. “I had to calm baby girl down before I let her outta the car. It’s straight though,” he continued trying to catch his breath.

      “Like I was saying,” Jon said shaking his head at Twon. “Bay Bro said in the future to bring him all problems. He said to get rid of the cars and all the guns we used. He also said the he dropped us off and picked us up and that we don’t know who was in the Mustangs. It’s time to be smart. I got a plan for the cars but we got to come up with matching stories to feed them broads.”

      They had been out there for twenty minutes going over what to say before Tina stepped onto the porch.

      “How long ya’ll been out here?” She asked.

      “Not long Ma.” Jon said motioning for everybody to go into the house. “We were just on our way in.” All of the boys hugged Tina and kissed her on the cheek as they went in. Tina could smell the alcohol on a couple of the boys, including Don.

      Later when they knew Tina was asleep, the boys left out the back door. Don and Kay had complained about having to get rid of their guns. Kay didn’t need a lot of persuasion. Once Jon said how stupid it was to be walking around with guns that had murders on them, Kay wanted to let them go.

      The boys doubled up heavy duty garbage bags and put all of the guns that they had a used inside, along with some heavy bricks to keep the bags grounded. They drove down to First and threw the bag in Lake Michigan. Next they took their cars to a stash spot on the 25th Avenue and parked them. Back in the Dungeon, they chatted about all the girls at the dance, jiving on Jon about finally getting Lynette.

      When Goldie arrived at Bay Bro’s house they spoke about what had gone down. Goldie was Lynette’s godfather and was pissed that she wound up in the middle of a gunfight. He knew the boys and was surprised how the boys handled their business.

      The next day Bay Bro found out where Cash lived. Goldie and Bay Bro rode in Goldie’s girlfriend’s red, ninety-eight Oldsmobile. They wore grim masks on their faces headed for Delany projects.

      “I’m telling you Goldie,” Bay Bro said sipping Hennessy. “I’m going to do this dude real bad.”

      “I’m with you brother,” Goldie said pulling up on Cash’s block.

      “That’s the house right here.” Bay Bro said pointing to Cash’s house on 21st and Polk.

      “It’s time to give this stunt what he wants,” Goldie said parking the car.

      The two men got out of the car and looked around. Some crack-heads were out late searching for a high. When they made it to the front door, Bay Bro noticed that the door was opened. He paused. Cautiously they entered the house. Guns ready, they were prepared for whatever surprises they could encounter. They searched the whole house. No sign of Cash made them angrier than they had been.

      “Get the gas.” Bay Bro said spreading clothes all over the house. Seconds later, Goldie returned with two gas cans and gave one to Bay Bro. The two men spread the gasoline all around the house and then stood at front door where Bay Bro lit some newspapers and threw them in the house.

      “Good riddance.” Goldie said.

      The next day Don, Jon, and Kay went to see Deuce. They found him in the back.

      “What’s up Deuce?” Jon said looking around at the Chevys and Oldsmobiles that lined the walls.

      “What’s going on fellas?” Deuce said sounding stressed.

      “We got a problem,” Don said.

      “Like I said, if there’s a problem, I’m sure we can work it out.” Deuce’s eyes widened and he started sweating.

      “This is the problem,” Jon said eyeing a big-body two door, cream colored Impala. “We need to get rid of the Mustangs fast. We trying to get you to do a trade with