@stickyJesus. Toni Birdsong. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Toni Birdsong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781426754128
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Judea. The townspeople have heard of Him and knew He was coming. Word traveled quickly of miracles, prophecies, and outlandish claims made by this very peculiar, humble carpenter from Nazareth.

      "His name is Jesus. Says He's the Messiah," they whisper as He passes. "Son of God He claims...but we all know nothing good comes out of Nazareth." He meets their critical eyes with an expression that lacks both worry and offense. They whisper, unaware that He can hear their hearts. While they are entangled in their quiet chatter, this Tribal Leader hears only their overwhelming need.

      The Scripture provides the first lesson in social networking and the importance of community. It points to Jesus as one of history's first influ-encers to say, "Follow me."


      "As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake,for they were fishermen. 'Come,follow me,'jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' At once they left their nets and followed him." ........................... Mark 1:16-18, NIV ........................

      then and now

      That day in Galilee, Andrew and Simon dropped their nets and followed Jesus. Since that day, millions have decided to do the same. Jesus promised before He ascended to heaven that He would send His Holy Spirit (the Power Source) to enable His followers to do greater things than even He had done (John 14:12). Give yourself a minute and reread that sentence.

      Do you really believe you can do greater things empowered by the Holy Spirit than even Christ did while He walked the earth? Perhaps if you did—if we all did—things might look differently around us.

      Jesus charged His believers to get up and go, to share the truth about Him with the world. He called those believers, and He's calling you, a "light."


       "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden."

      ...................................... Matthew 5:14, NIV.....................................

      What does light do? It makes things visible and more easily understood. God's light helps others see what they didn't see—or couldn't see—when the lights were out. Your presence as a believer in social networking circles "sheds light on" cultural, social, and political issues, world events, personal struggles, and issues of morality that a global culture all but shrouds.

      You will find in this new frontier that influence, persuasion, marketing, vanity, and jockeying for position are the universal currency. Your presence is to be monetized; your message is to be marginalized, to make room for the next, best thing in the Land of Shiny Things.

      But your job is to illuminate and celebrate truth in a whole different way.


      "Remember, our Message is not about ourselves; we're proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Master. All we are is messengers, errand runners from jesus for you. It started when God said, 'Light up the darkness!' and our lives filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful." ....................... 2 Corinthians 4:5-6, THE MESSAGE ...................

      In this passage, Paul tells us that light isn't content to simply shine on itself; it must inform and proclaim a higher message. It sees, understands, shares, and illuminates for others the face of God, that is, Christ.

      So in such a time as this—the predetermined time to which you were born— how do you follow Jesus in a Web-based world and lead others to do the same? How do you deliver the only message that matters? How do you make it stick?


       Light trumps shiny every time.

       "You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14, NIV).

       God planned for you to be born in this time.

       Social networks are the communication channels you can travel with Him and for Him.

       The newest mission field is at your fingertips. No passport needed.

       Jesus is still the greatest influencer and community builder of all time.

        Jesus said, "Follow Me."

        The mandate hasn't changed: spread the gospel here, there, and everywhere.


       Dear Lord,

       With one word You spoke the world into being. You spoke light. You spoke man. And You spoke love with Your Son, Jesus. You fashioned me long ago to live and move in this time, and I will man my post with Your authority and Your power. I will speak Your name in the Land o f Shiny Things, knowing that only Your Lightcan interrupt the world's gaze and turn it back to heaven.

       All things were created by You, for You, and for Your glory—including the many tools of technology. Help me master those tools to bring Your Kingdom to this earth.

       I will go and I will do just as so many have done before me with the tools they were given. Open my mind and open my understanding—for my deepest desire is to follow You and make You known as I log online each day. Amen.

file 02 Jesus: the stickiest story ever told

      @stickyJesus The world changes, but

       My message doesn't.


      So, are you following Zoë ? I've been following her for about a year. She's always eating at great restaurants, reading interesting books, and doing interesting things. Check it out—I even have her status updates and photos feeding to my phone. Pretty cool, huh?

      It's conversations like this one, overheard while standing inline at Starbucks, that just a few years ago could have gotten you a restraining order or, at the very least, raised a few eyebrows. But that was then and this is now. "Following" another person online simply means you have access to the person's real-time updates when you join online social networks such as Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, or one of the many other social platforms. They know you are following them, and they may be following you just as closely.

      Many of these networks include an ever-growing list of friends, followers, or connections that make up the millions of niche communities thriving online. Such sites have redefined our interpersonal relationships and what it means to be followed or have a big following. Even a word as simple as friends has been amended from people you might invite to your wedding to people you wouldn't recognize if you ended up shipwrecked together. Yes, our vernacular has morphed exactly that much.

      For millions of people worldwide, social media sites have forever changed how to stay in touch with family, friends, clients, and coworkers. In the landscape of online communities, users share status updates, a variety of media, blog entries, news, resources, and other personal and professional information.


       is the very