Greg Ligon
Vice President and Publisher, Leadership Network
@stickyJesus is a must-read for every believer born to this age when the world is literally at our fingertips. This book challenges us to be intentional about engaging the world online—not for the building up of ourselves, but for the building up of the Kingdom. @stickyJesus will sharpen your focus, move you to self-examination, and motivate you to interact online in a whole new sticky way. I loved this book. I needed this book!
Kim Cash Tate
Speaker, Women of Faith
Author, Faithful
When I first saw the title, @stickyJesus, I had no idea what to expect! I was delighted to discover a book filled with profound truth and practical applications. This book is a Christian's field guide for how to use social media to advance the gospel. As the founder of Women in Christian Media, I believe this is a must-read for all Christian media professionals, as well as for every believer who wants to use social media platforms to reach the world for Christ.
Suellen Roberts
Founder & President, Women in Christian Media
Imagine i f we lived at a hinge in history when ordinary people like you could be mobilized as witnesses—as if Jesus Himself were making new nets for many to fish with? Toni and Tami make the convincing case that this is no fantasy. And they are savvy, credible, and flat-out devoted-to-Jesus witnesses, perfectly suited to help us humbly bear the transforming presence o f Jesus into this new, networked place called the Internet.
Ken Wilson
Senior Pastor, Vineyard Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Author, Mystically Wired: Exploring New Realms in Prayer
Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit had come upon us we would be His witnesses to Jerusalem, in allJudea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). The Internet and the exponential growth of social media is the new "ends of the earth." Toni and Tami's clear and readable new book, @stickyJesus, is the Christian handbook for understanding how best to navigate this new place.
Rev. Fr. James Coles
Pastor, St. Ignatius of Antioch Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church, Mesa, Arizona
The world we live in has changed. The days of sitting on the front porch with our neighbors are mostly over and a new day of Tweeting, Facebook, and texting has arrived. We can resist culture all we want but it is the world in which we live. How will the church respond? Authors Toni Birdsong and Tami Heim want to help the church navigate through the challenges of social media with their new book @stickyJesus. This is a helpful and thought-changing book with the potential to help pastors and church leaders become more Kingdom-minded and achieve greater results in reaching people for Christ.
Ron Edmondson
Co-Pastor, Grace Community Church, Clarksville, Tennessee
This book had me from page one—I could not put it down! The new Roman Road is indeed at our fingertips and its reach is incredible. @stickyJesus will compel you to go from observing the social media phenomenon at hand to boldly injecting Christ into the midst of it and radically changing the eternal conversation.
Wade Mikels
Senior Pastor, Village Church, Burbank, California
As a ministry leader I am always looking for new ways to show and share the saving power of Jesus Christ. @stickyJesus has opened my mind and heart to all that God is making possible through social media. We were born for such a time as this and this is our chance to claim the World Wide Web for the glory of God.
Robin M. Bertram
Founder, Robin Bertram Ministries
The widespread ways we as human beings create to connect with one another points to our deep need for relationship. @stickyJesus provides a roadmap for helping believers navigate the online environment in a way that helps build relationships that point to a relationship with God. This is relationship evangelism for a new place and a new time!
Dwayne Reece
Vice President and General Manager, Community Chaplains of America
This book explores the new frontier of "techno-evangelism." People are scrambling to be relevant with trendy Websites, podcasts, blogs, and online tithing. Leveraging technology to reach the virtual mission field enables a believer to share the gospel instantly. @stickyJesus provides great insight on how to be intentional for Christ in our online communities.
Celeste LaReau
Founder & President, Tennessee Christian Chamber of Commerce
Toni thanks...
To Troy Birdsong, you are the string on my balloon and proof that God wants me to love deep and sweet on this side of heaven. I'd choose you over and over again and over again. Thank you for being my hero.
To my parents, Ed and Georgia Page, thank you for your unconditional love, steadfast faith, and the gift of laughter. I appreciate that my life is a beautiful quilt and not a finely tailored piece of linen. I love you beyond words.
To my children Zane and Olivia. Thank you for being patient in having a writer for a mom. You are my deepest wells of inspiration and two of the most creative people I know. Your laughter and love carry me through the late nights. I love you to the far side of the Milky Way.
To my brothers Rob and Michael Page. You make me better. Your love (and whoopins) has made me a resilient woman of God. I'm proud to call you two of my very best friends. I pray your adventures never end and that your love of God trumps every other pursuit. I'm so very proud of you both.
To my West Coast pastor, Wade Mikels (Village Church, Burbank). Thank you for "bringing me up" in God's truth, showing me the meaning of "familia," and making the study of God's Word the insatiable pursuit of my life. You are passion and excellence with a pulpit, and an inspiration to so many.
To my Tennessee pastor Steve Berger (Grace Chapel, Leiper's Fork). Thank you for being faithful, digging deep, and living out an uncompro-mised faith. You are my touchstone for keeping it real and serving God with everything I've got...on earth as I will in heaven.
To my Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Frank Kenyon—now beaming residents of heaven. Thank you for taking the time to sit with me and introduce me to Jesus at the tender age of nine. It mattered.
To my unbreakable sisterhood of girlfriends in California and Tennessee—you know exactly who you are. You've cheered me on, prayed me up, and kept me focused on what matters. I love you deep.
To Tami Heim. Wow. Thank you for believing God. You are my friend, my sister, my mentor, and the most amazing collaborative partner God could have given me. It's been my pure joy to go white water rafting with you. Is it Friday yet? \0/
And last—but certainly not least—to my Savior, Healer, and Truth-Revealer, Jesus Christ. You are so very kind to me. Thank You for Your awesome love and sweet communion...may my life be a never-ending thank you note back to You.
Tami thanks.
How could I do a book like this and not return the glory to the only place the glory belongs? To God, for relentlessly loving me, saving me, and rewriting the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to Your eyes. I am grateful that You lead me in the most extraordinary ways. You not only rock my world—You are