C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication. Steven Beebe. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Steven Beebe
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781433172366
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of an author to be unnecessary and unhelpful when seeking to interpret what the author wrote.28 Lewis’s sentiment: Just study the work, not the personal indulgences of the author.

      What additional evidence documents Lewis’s popularity? His readers’ responses. In his book An Experiment in Criticism, Lewis suggests that among the best ways to assess a literary work is to consider the impact the work has on those who read it. The impact of Lewis’s own body of written and spoken communication, based on the responses of his readers, has been significant. Lewis’s work has inspired institutes, societies, and artistic projects. Three C. S. Lewis academic institutes specifically feature his work and champion his legacy. The C. S. Lewis Foundation, based in Redlands, California, which owns Lewis’s home, The Kilns, in Oxford, is actively working to establish a C. S. Lewis liberal arts college. The proposed college would be based on a Great Books foundation to mirror Lewis’s wide-ranging knowledge in and application of the liberal arts and sciences.

      And finally, C. S. Lewis has become a ubiquitous presence in American pulpits. In summarizing Lewis’s impact, one could argue that he is the third most quoted person in Sunday morning sermons, right behind Jesus and the Apostle Paul. Given his continued popularity, it is worthwhile to investigate his communication strategies that contribute to his popularity.
