Nasty people. Shelley A Dewar. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shelley A Dewar
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781922381545
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In my opinion, to look like a man is maybe a way of deterring men from harming them or maybe they just want to be the protector. Nine out of ten women I spoke to were either molested or had experienced some type of violent behaviour in their family as I had. Could this be where the protection for themselves or protector of a family member comes into it, looking like a man? To be honest, there is always a reason and I really don’t care how they perceive themselves. As far as I am concerned, we are all human beings and no-one has the right to judge anybody. Maybe some people out there should walk a mile in others shoes before they judge unfairly.

      Why the feminine gay woman?

      The feminine gay woman at one time was probably living a straight heterosexual life and was strictly male orientated but then something goes wrong. What? I have known of quite a few married couples where the husband is physically and mentally abusive and in some cases, these women tolerate it for a big part or even their whole life but then at some stage, the smart ones’ snap and say to them self, “Enough is enough!”

      I have also often heard heterosexual women say that maybe I would be better off being with a woman and obviously these thoughts have run through their mind for some time but it’s not an easy thing to do and in my opinion this would be a choice only because they want to find someone who will love them, not beat them. These victims of abuse eventually realise and convince themselves prior to walking out the door, that if a man keeps abusing me then maybe it’s time to start looking at other options. You guessed it. Women! Even though it’s not unusual or abnormal that a woman has yearned for the touch of another woman at some time throughout their life, most won’t or can’t turn it in to reality but some just have no other option, as I said before. The thing that used to confuse me but not so much now is when she eventually experiments with another woman or even ends up in a relationship with one, a lot of the time it’s with a masculine looking woman. Why?

      In my opinion, she is still sexually attracted to men but because she has ditched that idea, she wants to get the closest looking person to what looks like one who will not abuse her but protect her, especially if she never had that in a partner.

      Why the masculine gay man?

      One wonders. Maybe they feel they need to keep their masculinity for reasons we don’t know about. Maybe they are married, have kids or are too ashamed to expose their real identity. I remember sitting down at a river with friends quite a few years ago having a picnic. There were these toilet blocks there and we were horrified at what we saw next. A real flash looking car pulled up and reversed right up in the corner away from us and the toilets. At first we didn’t think anything of it but then a man who would have been in his twenties stepped out of the car and started walking toward the toilets. About ten minutes had passed and we were wondering where he was because he hadn’t come out for quite a while. Nobody disappears in a toilet for that long, unless you have a really bad case! Then all of a sudden, another car drove up and parked right in front of the toilet block. We all looked at each other and thought, “Who pulls up here just to go to the toilet? Can’t they wait until they get home?” Anyway it was another male who looked like a tradie of some sort and he too got out of this car and walked into the toilet. We couldn’t help but to keep looking over as to see what was going on. At least fifteen minutes had passed and he hadn’t come out yet but when he finally did, he gets back in his car and drives off but the other guy was still in there. Suspicion to the max here! At first we thought they might be doing a drug deal or something but that doesn’t take that long. Like hello! While sitting there, there was at least another four or five tradie vehicle’s that pulled up and the same thing happened each time but with the original guy still not coming out. We think we finally worked out what was going on in the end. These guys were obviously married and going there for sex with this guy. It nearly made us want to vomit!

      This could definitely be the reason for the masculine bisexual/gay guy to hide his sexual secret but then it may just not be in their make-up to be feminine. Maybe they dress up in their wife’s clothes when she isn’t home. Who knows what goes on behind those closed doors!

      Why the feminine gay guy?

      It’s a bit of a mystery for the feminine gay guy to want to look like a girl and sometimes they go overboard with it which in my opinion is ridiculous. Personally I think it could be a number of factors: genetics and hormones or maybe they idolise women including their mothers and want to be like them. Could it be that they too might have been molested as a child and not want to look attractive as a male, to a male predator? I remember watching a documentary on two twin boys who would have only been around five years old at the time. It was weird because one of them was a real boy and would play with cars and trucks etc. His brother on the other hand was real girly looking that acted it out and played with dolls so in my opinion because he was so young, this had to be genetics and too many female hormones. This was definitely not a choice for him because he was way too young to know any better, so you can throw that theory out the door!

      I also came across this real feminine gay guy one night while sitting in a café with friends. It didn’t take long for him to spot us and he decided he was going to invade our table and tell us his story. We didn’t mind at all only because we were curious. First he started off by telling us he had been taking hormones because he wanted to become a woman but not anymore. We were intrigued and wanted to listen. Then we got the shock of our lives when he lifted his shirt up. What the hell? He had boobs! I think the guy was totally confused because he then told us he wanted to go back to being a man. Well that totally confused us too. We all just looked at each other and obviously with the same thoughts going through our heads: “Why would you do all that and then decide you don’t want to go through with it? Was he really gay or straight?” Only he could answer that I suppose. I just don’t get that if he wasn’t gay; why still carry on like a girl? In reality woman don’t carry on like this at all. Don’t gay men want a man? If so why do they go after someone who acts like a girl? Maybe it’s the opposite of the feminine chic going after the masculine chic. The macho guy might like the girly guys because they are still attracted to females but have been hurt by them in some way?

      Who knows?

      Why the Gay Desires?

      In my own personal opinion, a lot of our sexual desires begin at a very early age but intensify as a teenager, normally because our hormones are going wild. This can lead to confusion because while we are going through this period, we don’t know what we want or who we want but don’t despair: you are not abnormal or alone. The ones who do feel that they belong with same sex partners can often accept their homosexuality virtually straight away but sad for those who don’t or can’t. These are the ones that try to live in a heterosexual relationship, only because they can’t accept it or due to the ridicule they may receive. Some even think that marrying someone will change the way they feel but in most cases, it won’t. This can be disastrous! There are also people living in a heterosexual relationship that have experimented with the same sex but would still deny themselves as being homosexual or even bisexual. They are straight as far as they are concerned and I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that one and this in no way makes sense to me!

      As far as I am concerned, if you jump the fence for a bit off slap and tickle from the same sex, you are bisexual! Some just stay in the fantasy mode and never pursue their naughty thoughts.

      I also find people who judge homosexuals to be very ignorant and sometimes I tend to think that maybe it’s they who have the problem and should maybe take a look at their own sexual desires. I don’t know how many so called straight people I have come across that have admitted they would like to experiment with a same sex partner but don’t have the guts or are not in a position to go ahead with it and maybe that’s why they judge who can. Who fucking knows why some people judge and some don’t? Not my problem!

      As far as I am concerned, we are human and have a right to be on this planet just like anyone else. I had to explain this to a friend of mine once who was in total denial about homosexuals and he hated even the thought of them.

      He would often come up to the coffee shop I worked at and out of the blue sometimes would bag homosexuals