Global Warming. Duncan G. Ewing. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Duncan G. Ewing
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781922328809
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not only increase due to climate change; they occur more frequently and cause more damage than those mini tropical storms that tend to hit BC in fall and winter. These monster windstorms are destruction and scary with the driving rains, like heavy and winds that would toss someone 10 feet in the air if ventured outdoors in peak gusts.

      Every single hurricane is defined by the severity of how long they last and most lasting up to 3 days. Such events can traumatize people who witness homes being ruined and trees falling everywhere. Thankfully BC isn’t in the neck of the woods regarding hurricanes because even the west coast has experienced hurricane force winds with nasty winter storms. Such like in 2018 on Dec 20 when 100kmh winds rippled through the island of Vancouver causing major power outages and leaving branches everywhere.

      BC might be avoiding of the nasty hurricanes, but one year back in 2006 in mid-December, a hurricane form windstorm hit Stanley park in Vancouver BC destroying everything in its path and causing lots of damage. Those that witnessed that storm call it one for the century books as it was a very intense freak of nature. However, those storms will increase due to climate change which seems scary, but it is relevant for our day.

      In fact, a report in 2012 stated that BC will experience hurricanes one day due to climate change, so the western part of the world isn’t immune to the powerful effects of mother nature and its vices. Thus, it seems evident that humanity is not ready for the events that will follow if mother nature increases her wrath and spreads it to the western part of North America. Hopefully she doesn’t come to the brink where she must cause such agony, but her patience is wearing thin. She must believe that humans won’t protect her and thus she demands revenge against everyone that is polluting her.

      So, what defines a category 1 hurricane? A category 1 hurricane is defined as a system that produces winds from 119-153 kilometers per hour. We use kilometers per hour because that is how Canada measures windspeed. The winds are very dangerous in that the sound of the gusts are enough to get one very scared. Personally, BC has never experienced such a windstorm, but we have had serious close calls. The likelihood of a hurricane 1 strength hitting BC is slim, but it is best to be prepared.

      The damage caused by such hurricanes could be some destruction to roofs of houses and buildings but not enough for the roof to cave in. Siding and gutters will have damage to them as a result of the wind. As well as large branches, off trees will snap causing damage to nearby houses and buildings. Shallow rooted trees that are not very strong will be toppled and on their side.

      As a result of the wind, damage to power lines and poles will cause power outages lasting 2-3 days. This means it is best to have an emergency kit ready to go, that will last you 3 days. It is wise you put things inside it like water, food mostly bland, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, money, clothes and anything that will last you 3 days. With the power being out, you may be without TV or internet for days, thus a radio will come in handy.

      BC has never seen these hurricanes but due to a warming planet, it is likely that in the next 10-20 years, the west coast could start having these types of systems during summer months. How scary would it be to see wind gusts as strong as 119-153 kph, that is freaky and will be for anyone who is looking out their window when the peak wind gusts are happening. The driving rain which will be torrential, and those high winds will likely cause chaos in the person and time to head for the basement.

      Category 2 hurricane is the next level up and with this is more extreme in terms of gusts and damage. The kph with this range is 154-177 meaning the gusts are extreme and nastier which will cause lots of damage more than a category 1. The roofs of well-constructed homes will suffer major damage to the roof, siding and gutters. The shallow trees will be completely uprooted and even land onto roads blocking traffic. Near total power loss meaning everywhere without power will last from several days to several weeks. This means for up to 3 weeks without any power.

      Category 3 hurricane with wind speeds of 178-208 kph is a major system that will be more dangerous than the first two. The phase devastating damage is the notion that at this level is hard to imagine how much destruction will occur. The roof of constructed homes will be taken right off meaning if you were inside the home you could see the sky. Many trees even those that are higher up and stronger will be snapped blocking roads and leaving destruction in their wake as toppling down.

      Both electricity and water will be not available for up to 3 weeks after the storm meaning if someone would desire to take a bath or drink water, it would be tough without water. Without electricity on top of that would be utter misery, it would be impossible to make it without both and thus homelessness is the only answer. However, just the thought of being homeless for 3 weeks sounds basically scary.

      Category 4 hurricane is getting up their and is much scarier with gusts of 209-251 kph and this is almost a tornado. The phase catastrophic damage will occur seems like it is almost habitual to assume that it will be a war zone. The loss of roof and even walls of houses will be damaged to a great extent and the picture is more consistent with a major earthquake than a hurricane. Trees snapped and power lines down will cause a seen of mess. Power could be out for months due to the damage to poles and the area will not be able to sustain humans for a time afterwards. Just the picture of this type of hurricane is scary to think about cause if you watched movies, you would see what the reality is, and by god it is frightful.

      Category 5 is the final and most destructive type of hurricane and thus is considered at tornado because it is so strong and devastating. Gusts of 252kph and higher defines this type of storm and therefore is a tornado. If you watched the wizard of oz, that storm was a type 5 hurricane that thrust Dorothy into the sky where she landed in another dimension. Most homes will be destroyed meaning they would have to be rebuilt. This would cost a lot of money to restore a home that has been destroyed but a hurricane of this strength. It is scary to think that these types of systems can occur, but with the right energy and speed, it is possible.

      The same as type 4 regarding power failure and area being not occupied, the seriousness of such a storm makes one ponder how could mother nature be so cruel? She is cruel because she is sick and tired of ignorant people destroying her habitat and beauty. If she must create nasty hurricanes to wake the world up, then so be it. It is evident then that humanity is not aware of these disasters till they happen. Most people don’t think twice about the notion that if their behavior continues, it will lead to the earth destroying itself.

      The final thought is the reality that hurricanes are a force of nature and thus cannot be stopped or prevented. With the right temperature of water and conditions, these monster storms will wreak havoc on the USA causing millions of dollars in damage until the world wakes up and sees what their actions are taking. The notion that humans don’t know how to prepare for these events tells the picture of ignorance and plain boredom in the face of such adversity. However, people must note their efforts to curb a reality that will be destructive for their future generations and thus is the point of recognition. In order to stop mother nature from unleashing her fury is to stop causing her distress.

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