Global Warming. Duncan G. Ewing. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Duncan G. Ewing
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781922328809
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to stabilize any sort of level ground knowing everything is in chaos and there is nothing that can be done to destabilize the planet to level out the core temperature which is shifting constantly.

      Climate change and global warming usually mean different things because global warming is just warming while climate change is the whole puzzle that seems to have too many pieces that either wont fit or cannot endure the complexity of what the reality is regarding human caused disaster. Such a change is the notion that some places will always remain cold due to their location around the globe. Such these places never really heat up in the summer and yet in the winter it is so cold. However even with snow in the summer is normal in such places because it is so north. The notion then is why different countries are warmer than others or colder than others seems like a question that has no reason to discover. With, it is potent that we know that climate change is more than just weather, but the whole picture of a complex system of systems that are becoming erratic due to human caused man-made fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.

      Winter is usually milder than it has ever been due to climate change which stems from the inability for the earths surface to cool due to the sun becoming increasingly stronger and blocking any coldness that the atmosphere wants to engage due to those gases being trapped into the upper atmosphere. Thus, it is possible for it to be 20.c in February in France, yet Alberta is -35. C. This is normal for the parts of this hemisphere with the location and the notion of deserts that lie within each surface of the earth.

      Climate changes also involves more extreme weather events that are not normal and are of a concern like extended cold snaps in the winter. These cold snaps basically don’t break up after a few weeks but persist for 3 months. North America in 2019 had their worst arctic outbreak from Feb 3- Mar 10 which was the nastiest even seen. However, something that wasn’t forecasted happened due to climate change. Yet people say well global warming causes it to be warmer so the extended cold must be due to an ice age or global cooling. Well, that is not correct cause how can the planet be cooling if we are each year placing in the top 10 for warmest years, and months on record.

      If the planet was cooling, it would be evident everywhere even in places that are normally very hot like Mexico. However, that is not occurring because global cooling has not happened since February 1984 which was the last month globally that was colder than normal. Such a trend is the reality that global warming will continue each month even though some places are colder than normal even record cold, others will be record breaking heat. That is true climate change due to man-made poor choices to continue with all the destruction of the earth.

      Global warming is more importantly some serious climate variations that aren’t going to be redirected to the point they were before. As we have seen, the topic of what is climate change stems from all the stories of extreme weather events encompassing the globe that don’t seem to even break. If the planet was to revert to what it was when god created it, then global warming didn’t exist because Jesus was in control of the globe and how hot and cold it will be. We have not listened to god and went our own way of doing things which stem from our inability to listen to the scientists and experts that state it will get worse. Look around you, the weather we had this year in BC, drought and fire, cold snaps lasting 1 month, more extreme weather destroying the globe, are you scared yet.

      The fact that humans aren’t concerned for the climate and planet worries me since it seems that the world is tuned into how much money or possessions, they can obtain rather than protecting the earth and stewarding what god made in his perfect image. Why would you destroy Jesus’s creation because of selfishness and egotism? People need to wake up and open their eyes look around and see the damage of the windstorm from last fall in BC, that will be a hurricane if we don’t stop and change our behaviors.

      Global warming is the extreme events that will occur every single year that eventually will change the temperature trends despite the Enso effect. This is the concern of a world that seems to not care about anything rather than living and polluting the globe instead of recycling and reusing what they have. Global warming isn’t like the Enso effect that strange weather encompasses the world for 9-12 months then goes away and it stabilizes. Global warming doesn’t end after 9-12 months, it continues to affect the climate for months on end till the Jetstream changes and is diverted either north or in another direction changing the planet altitude of temperature.

      The Enso effect is warm periods, cold periods, and neutral periods that are normally part of the climate shift. El Niño which BC is experiencing currently happens every 2-7 years and leads to warmer weather in BC with drier than normal precipitation which is the case so far in 2019 minus February. Global warming is the driver of El Nino events becoming longer and stronger due to the change in the earth climate. Such an effect cannot be comprehended due to the lack of understanding what is really going on. El Nino has been the driver in BC weather mostly in the last 5 years due to climate change although this 2019 event is weak but is lasting longer than usually due to climate change. Weak El Nino events last 6 months then end, but so far, the 2019 event shows no signs of abating anytime soon. In fact, this Weak El Nino should become moderate and last into 2020. The reality then is can we prevent El Nino from lasting this long? Nope it doesn’t seem possible because of the notion of the climate shifting to a warmer period that wont lead to an ice age for a long time. There will be cool periods like La Nina in the future but will be much weaker due to another feature which is the pacific decadal oscillation. This feature is currently in a positive phase meaning warmer weather will persist most El Nino till it changes into the colder phase where La Nina will rule.

      Therefore, all the above are due to the topic of what is global warming because it encompasses everything from the PDO to the Enso effect and the extreme weather events that wont shift and end anytime soon.

      Talking more about the PDO which is interesting because it is exactly why it has been so warm and dry in BC since 2014. The PDO is in a positive phase meaning that the climate is shifting to adapt to the inability for the Jetstream to stabilize which is not good. The PDO prior to 2014 was in a colder phase meaning those springs and summers weren’t as hot and dry. Since 2000 up to 2014 the PDO has been in a negative phase except for July 2002- June 2006 and June 2009- May 2010. Other than those times, it was negative meaning the Gulf of Alaska wasn’t as hot so early July some years were in the high teens and wet. Summer for a few years was only 2 months long due to La Nina and the cold effect of the PDO. Spring for like 5 years from 2008-2012 was cold and wet due to the negative climate shift with La Nina.

      As we look back at those years the examiner must endure the reality that forest fires weren’t a concern as summer was even wet at times. Now in 2019, and since 2014 it has been every year starting in early May it start to hit 20.C and doesn’t end till early October. Even one year like 2017 it was 20.c at the end of October due to the heatwave that usually wouldn’t produce such extreme weather spike at that time of the year. In fact, in years like 2011, it was below 10.c at the end of October due to both the negative PDO and La Nina. In fact, in November 2011 it was mostly in the single digits everyday for high temperatures even snowing later in the month. With the PDO in the positive phase, it is evident that our climate on the BC side has warmed and the question is willing the PDO remain positive for 20-30 years or will it be like 2002-2006 short lived.

      The PDO is looking like it will not shift into the colder phase till 2034 at the earliest which will mean these hot summers in BC and early springs with late falls are forecast to continue every year. Winter will be milder and wetter, and El Nino will occur more often till the PDO shifts back into the colder phase. However, with climate change it won’t matter if the PDO shifts because the whole globe is out of sync.

      Then, if we know that this is happening, the next question is what we will do when it is too hot to sustain life and the rivers are out of water. Then will we finally open our eyes and scream what its worth that our globe is destroying before our very eyes and we caused it to happen with selfishness and arrogance. Such changes need to be made and know we know all about warming.

      Chapter 2: Causes of Global Warming

      The main causes of global warming are to what extent a major implication for the reality that humanity is really messed up. Such that each time we hear about the causes of extended summer seasons and bitterly cold winters we wonder