After She Said Yes. Kaya Gravitter. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kaya Gravitter
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Триллеры
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781925939415
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gone to church in a few years because I felt you never answered my prayers, but...”

      Aurora got on her knees with her hands folded, hyperventilating, “I do not know if you are there, but please forgive me and just give me a sign that I will get through this.” She heard someone slam the front door as they ran out of the house. Was that Gannon or Shazzy?

      She heard someone knock on the bedroom door, but she covered her ears. They kept knocking on the door.

      “Rora, let me in,” Gannon said in a mellow voice as if he had done nothing wrong.

      She always gave in to him after a fight, and he would somehow put the blame on her. This time was different. She would put up with all of the abuse he gave, but she thought that cheating was a line that if he crossed, she would leave him and never turn back.

      She crumbled there on the floor, like a piece of paper about to be thrown into the trash. She stood up and dragged herself onto the bed. She felt numb. She felt empty. She stared at the ceiling and closed her eyes.

      Chapter 3

      Aurora woke up the next morning at 6:00 a.m. sharp. She rubbed the crust off of her eyes. She got out of bed and looked around her apartment, realizing she was alone.

      She went to the bathroom to wash her face. She looked in the mirror and saw she had bags under her eyes. I probably only slept a couple of hours, she muttered to herself. Just pretend nothing happened. You have to go to work. You are a boss. You have deadlines.

      She attempted to maintain her same daily routine by turning on the coffee pot and changing into her gym clothes. As she sat on the bench by her front door, she paused as she tied her shoes and remembered the night before. Nope, not today, Satan. Aurora went to the gym. As she was on the treadmill, running with each breath, the breaths became harder, like the night before. She knew sticking to her routine would get her back on track. After the gym, she came home and showered, then headed to work.


      Aurora wasn't normally busy at work on Wednesdays. She always kept that day open for work meetings, but this Wednesday, she tried to stay as busy as possible. Aurora kept rearranging and organizing her desk and color coordinating her pens. As soon as she saw the picture on her desk of her and Gannon on their wedding day, she threw it in her desk drawer. Next to her computer was a pile of articles she had to sift through, but the images of the night before kept replaying in her head. She often caught herself staring at her computer or out the window. Then she would shake her head back into reality.

      Tiffany knocked on Aurora’s door. “Gannon is here to see you.” She peeked her head through Aurora’s office door.

      “He’s what?” Aurora cleared her throat and sat up straight. “I mean, what did you say?” Aurora's face went white. Oh, God. Take me now.

      Tiffany hesitantly walked in and closed the door behind her.

      "Mrs. Tousey, are you okay?"

      “Oh yeah, I'm fine,” Aurora said. “I'm just overwhelmed with all of the work I have to do today." She sat back down and pretended to type something on her keyboard.

      There was an awkward silence and Tiffany looked at her while tilting her head.

      “Why are you giving me that look?”

      “Well,” Tiffany said. “I know you are not busy on Wednes –”

      “Please,” Aurora cut her off. “Please, next time knock before you come in. There is a reason why I chose the shades.” Tiffany started to walk out the door.

      “Wait, Tiffany… I am sorry. It’s just…. Never mind.” Aurora signaled with her hand for Tiffany to leave.

      Tiffany opened the door and signaled for Gannon to come in.

      Gannon came in walking with his head down and lightly closed the door behind him. I wonder where he went last night. She wanted to have time to organize her thoughts to decide what to do next. She wanted time to heal and never see him again, but Gannon would never let her think after a fight. She could hear his nagging voice in her head: You are worthless. No one will ever be with you. I am the reason you are successful. That time, she ignored the thoughts.

      She started to breathe heavily as she saw his arms, which were full of yellow roses. You have got to be kidding me.

      “Rora,” he said as he put out his hand to try to touch her. She pulled away.

      “Gannon, you know I am allergic to flowers.”

      “Oh, I forgot.” Why is it that he never remembers anything about me?

      “Gannon, how could you forget? We have been together for years.”

      Gannon set the flowers on Aurora’s desk. Aurora inhaled a large breath of air while turning her head away from the flowers.

      Gannon ruffled his fingers through his hair with his nostrils flared as he clenched his jaw. One of the nostrils was slightly larger than the other and it drove Aurora crazy. Aurora could feel sweat accumulating everywhere on her body as she grew angrier.

      “Rora, I was so drunk last night,” Gannon said, his cheeks flushed. “I thought she was you.” She looked at him and rolled her eyes. Really? You have been with me for how many years and you thought she was me? Aurora thought.

      With angst, she continued, ignoring what Gannon had said completely: “Gannon, why are you here?”

      Tiffany knocked on the door and cracked it open. “Is everything okay, Mrs. Tousey?”

      “She is fine,” he said, as he always said when someone suspected her of being abused, upset, or depressed. Aurora’s eyes grew wide at Tiffany. Then she flashed a fake smile at Tiffany through the crack of the door.

      “Here.” Aurora grabbed the flowers from her desk. “I got you some flowers for being such a great assistant.”

      “Thank you!” Tiffany said as she smiled, staring at the roses.

      Then Aurora closed the door.

      Gannon began to pout and stepped towards Aurora. “I came to apologize.” He tried to grab her hand, but she slapped it away.

      "You know I'm at work,” Aurora said. “I like to keep my personal life outside of work. Can you please leave?”

      Looking frustrated, Gannon said, “Well, I guess so, but I….”

      “I said ‘please,’ Gannon. Don’t make me ask again and call security. I don’t want to see you.” She clenched her jaw and ground her teeth. “And those flowers mean nothing to me.”

      “Aurora, I am not giving up that easily.” Gannon looked deep into Aurora’s eyes. “It isn’t my fault for what happened.”

      “Then whose is it?” Before Gannon got a word in, Aurora continued, “It must be my fault, huh? Just like when you... When you abuse me? That’s my fault, too.”


      “Then Shazzy’s? Honestly, Gannon, get out of my office.” Aurora started to breathe heavily. “Get out of my life!”

      Gannon stepped in to try to hug her. She pushed away.

      “Get out before I call security or maybe even the police.”

      “But Aur…” Gannon pleaded.

      Aurora pushed him out of her office and shut the door. She put her back against the wall and took a deep breath.

      She went to her desk, grabbed their wedding picture, and threw it in the trash.

      Chapter 4

      The following day, Aurora went to meet with her best friend, Tessa. Aurora had texted her that morning about meeting up, telling her friend that it was important. Tessa