Christian Zionism ... Enraptured Around a Golden Calf. Abraham A. van Kempen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Abraham A. van Kempen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781499904833
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(Ezekiel 47: 21-23 GNT).”

      “You look at those three verses and it says the same thing three times in three verses - share the land with the foreigners,” says Rev Dr Sizer32. He says that he prays for a solution to the situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories without further bloodshed, but he believes that such a solution will only come about when Israel either gives up the West Bank and allows “an independent, sovereign Palestinian state” or embraces a one state solution “whereby everyone within Israel and the Occupied Territories has equal rights and the right to vote, the right to education, healthcare and so on.”

      Rev Dr Sizer: “It’s either a one state or a two state. What we have at the moment is a no state solution [conundrum eds.] and it’s one that the present Israeli Government is happy to perpetuate,” Sizer says. “It wants the land without the people; it wants to allow the Palestinians to have autonomy but without having independent borders, without having a military, without having any sovereignty over their airspace, their water borders, their land borders. It is turning the Palestinians into the equivalent of a Bantustan in South Africa or Indian reservations in North America and that is not acceptable these days.”33

      Isn’t racism anti-Semitic; anti-Christian?

      Teach Me, Lord, What You Want Me to Do …

      Many Evangelicals are waiting on Jesus Christ, God in the Flesh, to make peace in the region. What if God is waiting on Evangelicals, each to be a witness of His glory?

      9 “Happy are those who work for peace; God will call them his children (Matthew 5: 9 GNT)”!

      11 Teach me, Lord, what you want me to do, and I will obey you faithfully; teach me to serve you with complete devotion. (Psalm 86: 11 GNT).”

      Real and sustainable peace begins in the mind and heart, in the will and soul because peace arises out of genuine appreciation and respect for the other. Peace is a conscious decision to improve relations and to do everything possible to overcome tensions and misunderstandings; and, if possible, even to become friends. Peace is the fruit of love. It is give and take, a dance with life, for life.

      Footnotes and References Let's Get Radical ... Be Kind!

      [1] Krista Tippet, ‘Sculptor of Memory,’ with Dario Robleto, July 24 2014,

      [2] Dario Robleto, an American trans-disciplinary artist, researcher, writer, and teacher is currently represented by Inman Gallery, Praz-Delavallade, and ACME.

      [3] Rebecca Solnit is a contributing editor at Harper's Magazine and a regular writer for publications including The Guardian and The London Review of Books. Her books include A Paradise Built in Hell, Hope in the Dark, and a collection of essays, The Mother of All.

      [4] Krista Tippet, Falling Together, with Rebecca Solnit, May 26 2016,

      [5] Rabbi Michael Lerner is an American political activist, writer, the editor of Tikkun, a progressive Jewish interfaith magazine based in Berkeley, California, and the rabbi of Beyt Tikkun Synagogue in Berkeley.

      [6] Rabbi M. Lerner, ‘Embracing Israel/Palestine,’ (North Atlantic Books, November 22 2011).

      [7] Krista Tippet and Pico Iyer, ‘The Mystery and Art of Living’. May 5 2016,


      [9] Jack Wellman, ‘What Is Zion and The Biblical Meaning? What Is Mount Zion In The Bible?,’ Patheos, June 17 2015,

      [10] Jihad,

      [11] Agape (Ancient Greek ἀγάπη, agápē) is a Greco-Christian term referring to love, "the highest form of love, charity" and "the love of God for man and of man for God.”

      [12] Anti-Semitism: real or contrived hostility toward or discrimination against Jews.

      [13] Oliver Smith, ‘Mapped: ‘The world's most (and least) religious countries,’The Telegraph, January 14 2018,

      [14] Abraham A. van Kempen, The Biblical Abraham is key …, April 28 2017,

      [15] Abraham A. van Kempen, ‘Open letter to President Donald J. Trump’, January 26 2017,

      [16] Ashkenazi: A Jew of central or eastern European descent. More than 80 per cent of Jews today are Ashkenazim; they preserve Palestinian rather than Babylonian Jewish traditions.

      [17] Kampf:Community.

      [18] The Israel Democracy Institute,

      [19] Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research,



      [22] Krista Tippet, ‘Where Does It Hurt?’ with Ruby Sales, August 27 2017,

      [23] Krista Tippet, Falling Together, with Rebecca Solnit, May 26 2016,