Christian Zionism ... Enraptured Around a Golden Calf. Abraham A. van Kempen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Abraham A. van Kempen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781499904833
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believing Jews, Christians and Muslims hold Abraham as their common Patriarch.

      Okay ... I want everyone to stand up and stretch. Relax! Go ahead and sit down! Now, try to break out of the box and connect the dots?

      Are you ready?

      The Promised Land is NOT only for Jews. The Promised Land for Jews-only no longer exists. The Promised Land, since the days of Jesus, is called the 'Spiritual Kingdom of God;' and, it's NOT just for Jews, it is for all of God's children, everyone. Let me be clear. There is no such thing as a Promised Land for Jews-only ... no longer, not anymore. God has fulfilled that promise.

      Have I simplified or complicated matters … did I answer your question ... 'The Jews have returned to their land … Israel’s return to its land fulfils all the biblical prophecies … now that Israel is restored to its land, is this the end … I mean, the Second Coming is around the corner, so to speak?'


      In short, God hasn't even begun to 'restore Israel to its land' ... so the end, the Second Coming, isn't yet on the radar, despite the hopes of many.

      “What about the Second Coming?"

      “I honestly don’t want to touch that with a 10-foot pole … but okay, let me make it more complicated. You cannot seriously discuss the Christian Second Coming with the Orthodox or Ultra-orthodox Jews, representing 30 per cent of the Israeli population. They're still waiting on the First Coming. I’ve got to tell you most Jews don’t give a hoot. My Israeli friends, all atheists, just laugh it off. They don’t care whether it’s the Christian version of the Second Coming or Judaism’s multiple versions of the Messiah’s First Coming. And, Islam has its version too.

      Can finite mankind fully understand the Infinite God, notwithstanding that ‘people of God’ tend to tell God what to do, how, when, where and why? Jesus has patently, in no uncertain terms, set the fundamental precondition for His return:

      '14And this Good News about the Kingdom will be preached [witnessed eds.] through all the world for a witness to all people; and then the end will come (Matthew 24: 14 GNT).'

      'How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for God's people to live together in harmony! (Psalm 133: 1 GNT)!'"

      "Question! My pastor tells me that we're already in a time and place where all people on earth have heard the gospel ... through the Internet, like with smart phones, social media ..."

      "Good point. Thank you! Are Evangelicals, true witnesses for Christ? Jews and Muslims don’t think so.

      Let’s look at Matthew 24: 14 again! It’s God talking. How will the gospel be ‘preached?’ As a ‘witness’! In other words, not the talk but the walk. Evangelicals must focus on becoming witnesses for Christ. Action speaks louder than words.

      So, it better be good, honest and thorough witnessing ‘to all the nations’ … no more superficial fear mongering: ‘You better get saved now for you may die tonight.’ God is thorough with ‘everlasting love’ (Jeremiah 31: 3) and ‘mercy that endures forever (Hebrews 12: 6, 7 GNT).’ ‘For God so loved the world … “(John 3: 16 GNT)’ must become a reality to be known and understood by all mankind as the precondition before Christ returns.

      And, despite all our assumptions, ranging from the sublime to the profane, none knows the ‘day and hour:’ “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only (Matthew 24: 36; Mark 13:32-37; Luke 17: 26, 27, 34, 35; 21: 34-36 GNT).”

      "I have been told of apocalyptic end times scenarios. Many people ask, 'if there is a God in heaven, why wouldn’t God think of a better way to save mankind?'”

      My response: “Yes, it seems to me that God doesn’t need to go through all those hoops considering that when God create the heavens and the earth he merely: “… speaks, and it comes to be; he commands, and it stands firm’ (Psalm 33: 9 GNT).”

      “8 “My thoughts,” says the Lord, “are not like yours, and my ways are different from yours. 9 As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours (Isaiah 55: 8-9 GNT).”

      “It’s past beyond midnight. Wouldn’t you rather go home? Permit me to impart these words … I promise, it’ll be quick, no more than 30 seconds:

      Descartes, the ancient philosopher says: ‘I think therefore I am,’ the corollary of which is: ‘I think not, therefore I am what?'

      People, the author of Proverbs says the same. We must critically think, question, scrutinize, review and evaluate our thoughts and verify them empirically with others; and, discern with God’s spirit.

      Do you seek the voice or truth of God?

       When you read scripture and the sacred texts reinforce your prejudices, making you more mindless, is that the Voice of God?


       When you study the Sacred Texts and each word pierces through into your conscience, your soul; changing you for the better from within, giving you that feeling of becoming more mindful, is that the Voice of God?


      By the way, I’ve just written a short book on the subject. It’s a fast read with universal appeal. Everyone wants to know more about what’s happening in Israel - Palestine but with all the conflicting propaganda, where do you start? So, I’ve distilled some of the pure gems, the nuggets condensed from more than 6,000 pages of research with lots of personal anecdotes into this short but potent manuscript, with lots of references and footnotes. Check it out and let me know what you think.

      Truth seldom is sweet; it is almost invariably bitter. A measure of bitter truth is included in our talk today. I offer it as your brother.

      Many Evangelicals and Jews are pursuing a mirage in the dessert with an obsession to repossess a Promised Land that God has already signed, sealed, and delivered; in short, fulfilled. God is offering a New Promised Land, a ‘New’ Covenant for everyone, God’s spiritual Kingdom of the Heart?

      What’s the Covenant?"

      Someone says: “Are we grateful? I don’t think this ‘gift’ has sunk in. I never thought about salvation the way you're teaching it today. I thought salvation is to be saved to go to heaven when I die ... shouldn't we be instruments of His Blessings?”

      “Well said,” I respond. “What else? … Why are we here?”

      “We should become like Christ … It’s about winning souls”.

      “We’re getting there … but whose soul should you win first?”

      Again silence!

      Finally, a pastor says: “Witness first to yourself. Focus on your own ‘Jerusalem.’ Become a better and brighter Christian!”

      “Wow! Indeed, thank you for saying that. That’s our Covenant.

      Jews and Gentiles, become the light among nations! We’ve got to work at it. Let’s shine the God within us to the world all around us; but, not too intensely. Too much light, blinds; too much salt, stings.

      By the way, you’re going to like the last chapter of my book: ‘Abraham … A Life Without Borders.’"

      Footnotes and References In Search of

      [1] The Bible Belt is an informal region in the south-eastern and south-central United States in which socially conservative Скачать книгу