Over the Ocean, Over the Sea. Y. Yoshi. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Y. Yoshi
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781922381514
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gesturing his hand towards the barrel in the house.

      “Now you’re just making things up,” Sho chuckled, wetting his lips with another drink.

      “Well, there’s no harm in trying, is there?” the stranger insisted, sounding slightly dejected.

      “You’re right though,” Sho muttered. “No harm in trying.”

      The stranger hummed, satisfied with Sho’s answer as he reached for the bottle. Sho handed it to him and the stranger took another long drink from it. The bottle was almost empty now.

      Sho was staring at the glistening sea under the moon, lost in his thoughts when the stranger spoke up again. “Hey.”


      “Can I sleep here tonight? I don’t feel like moving much.”

      Sho raised his brow, surprised by the stranger’s sudden request. “I… guess… There’s no door stopping you anyway.”

      The stranger chuckled. “True,” he muttered.

      Sho took one final drink from the bottle before passing it to the stranger. “Here, finish it.”

      The stranger took it without hesitation and gulped the remaining alcohol in one go. Staring at the empty bottle, he suddenly said, “Rei.”

      Barely having heard what he said, Sho voiced a vague inquiring noise in response. “Huh?”

      “My name,” the stranger stated. “Rei.”

      Sho shot his eyes over to the stranger, or rather, Rei. “I thought you said you didn’t have a name?”

      “I guess it’s been so long since it was last used that I couldn’t recall there and then,” said Rei, his expression unreadable.

      “Huh,” Sho muttered. “I guess… you can call me Sho.”

      “What a common name,” Rei taunted.

      “Take it or leave it.”

      Rei chuckled. “I’ll take it, Sho.”


       Day 13

       What do you know? A boat actually showed up on the shore this morning. Despite Rei’s claim that there weren’t any seaworthy boats around here, one really did appear. Just that the sails need fixing. Thankfully, I already have the things required for that.

       I guess the wishing thing really works? If it does, why won’t the sea just lead a fishing vessel or something with other people here? Just pick us up and leave this island. Honestly, though, I’m starting to wonder if this is some kind of a dream with the way that everything just conveniently falls into place. Or maybe I actually drowned in that storm and this is some version of the afterlife or something. Anyway…

       Rei is the name of that stranger. Or, at least he says it is. I don’t know where he stayed before coming up here to this house but it looks like he has every intention to stick around. Although he did disappear for a moment during the day. He came back with more shellfish and crabs. Apparently, he was at the rock pools but I couldn’t see him…? Oh well, I could’ve been too fixated with checking the boat.

       Oh, there was a chicken on board that boat too. I guess eggs will be added to the menu. Anyway, we’re almost out of apples. It’s as if that’s all the man eats. Then again, if I all I’ve had to eat was seafood so far, I’d probably do the same. The apples can’t last any longer anyway. Had to get rid of a few rotten ones already. The chicken won’t get sick from eating that, right?

       Come to think of it, I had the strangest dream last night. Felt like someone was touching me…

       Day 14

       So I fixed the sails. But guess what? The winds are blowing inland. There’s no way we can fight both the winds and the waves. I suppose all we can do is wait until the direction changes.

       Rei’s been telling me about the island. It’s original inhabitants supposedly left because their fishing boats weren’t coming back. And like the superstitious seafaring folk that they were, they thought that it was a sign that the island didn’t want them staying here anymore. Well, it’s either that or there was some kind of sea monster or something.

       Who knows, really.

       Not much else happened.

       Though it seems like Rei has taken a liking to drinking. I need to teach him moderation before he drowns himself in everything we have.

       Day 15

       Rei gets very chatty when he drinks. He actually started talking about how to get to the other side of the island through the cave despite his insistence that I never step in there whenever he's sober. It’s pretty simple. Apparently, I just need to navigate northwards, just keep going north. He also added that I must, “ABSOLUTELY must”, as per his words, make sure that I can’t hear anything when going through the cave. And also to stay “as far away from any puddles or pools of water as possible”.

       He didn’t explain why though. He just… fell asleep on me. I wonder if he’ll remember what he said tomorrow morning.

       He also gets very touchy when drunk. Hands all over the place. I guess he’s the reason for the weird dream. That might’ve actually been him.

       Not that I mind.

       Those bits of advice he gives about the caves, they’re rather unusual, aren’t they?

       Come to think of it I wanted to ask him about the compass. I’ll need it once the winds work in our favour and we get to leave. He’s agreeable to everything when drunk but it doesn’t feel right to ask him for it when he’s like that. Maybe in the day.

       Day 17

       Nothing much happened yesterday so, no entry.

       We’re just sitting around and waiting for the winds to change now. Food isn’t an issue with Rei’s fishing prowess and the chicken producing eggs for us. I tried asking Rei for tips on spearing fish better. He wasn’t very helpful. He said the fish just happen to turn up for him whenever he needs them.

       It sounds ridiculous but there might be some truth to that. I’ve watched him fish. There’s nothing special to his spear throwing and sometimes it doesn’t even land right. But whenever he pulls the stick back in, there’s a fish right there at the end. This man’s got some kind of crazy luck. There’s no other explanation for it.

       Rei seemed rather grumpy today though. I think he’s finally experiencing a hangover. He actually declined the rum after dinner. I’ll ask about the compass tomorrow or when he’s in a better mood.

       Actually, there was something yesterday. I woke up before daybreak for once and Rei looked like he was leaving. I think him separating himself from me was what woke me up. He didn’t look like he expected to wake me. Rei didn’t say where he was going but he said he’d return soon. I simply went back to sleep.

       The next time I woke up he was at the hearth tending to the pot, as usual. It makes me wonder if he’s been heading out every morning. But where is there to go? The cave? That’s the only place I can think of.

       There’s another odd thing I noticed though. Rei always wears the same clothes. I don’t know how it never occurred to me earlier. I’ve never seen him take a bath either, or go into the water. He still smells nice

       Such a curious man.

