Cleopatra. Novella. V. Speys. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: V. Speys
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005126870
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methods of focused meditation. Orth found three Indian Sanskrit scratched with fine handwriting, with sketches of meditation techniques and methods of application, depending on the circumstances, threatening the bearer of secret knowledge for use with the purpose of protecting the enemy from the art of self-defense without weapons. Orth, having scanned several notebooks, full of sketches, began to read the manuscripts, still not quite realizing that he was free to read the ancient Indian text as his own writing, which once existed on his native planet Faeton…


      Reading of handwritten texts carried away Orth’s, and far after midnight, according to the calculation of the daily time taken in the Paradise Abode, his eyes began to close from sleep. He with an effort broke away from reading the texts, opening before him wonderful opportunities A human body under the control of some energy accumulated in meditations, that lost the sense of time. And after the evening procedures in the bathroom, literally fell, falling asleep on his way to bed…

      Again, like last time, Cleopatra appeared in the bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the sleeping captain, from behind, as he fell asleep on the sheets facing the pillow.

      – Oh my love! She whispered. – I, called by my father, teach you in a dream the languages of peoples living on the surface continents of the planet. But, you amazed me with your magical attraction and I fell in love. This obsession is not peculiar to me, the school of temptation, held by the geishas of Japan, in the best elite houses in Tokyo.

      Onishia gently touched Orth’s strong back, and ran her palm along the spine to the waist. Then, in a circular movement counterclockwise, she began to drive with the palm of her right hand, describing the circles on Orth’s back. The girl’s movements accelerated, while decreasing in diameter. And, when her hand stopped on the spine, between the blades of Orth, the girl began to read the mantra, gradually increasing her voice from a barely audible whisper to an almost loud sound. Reading filled the room with a timbre that began to sound, echoing echoes from the walls of the room, and soon, the space itself turned into a consonant bell and began to vibrate to the rhythm set by the rhythm of reading. Orth in a dream suddenly turned to face the girl. She in the blink of an eye stopped reading, and melted like smoke, disappearing into space…

      Orth opened the door of the room in the morning, admitting Kshatr his knock. At this visit the teacher decided to enter without using the method of entry through the closed door. And immediately asked, still sleepy Orth:

      “Have you read my notes, what have I forgotten on your table?”

      “I read late, I did not even get enough sleep.”

      – It is very good. My daughter said that you can freely speak and write in the sixteen languages of the countries of the outside world.

      Orth raised his eyebrows to the top, extremely surprised at the strange question of the teacher.

      Then Kshatr began to say:

      Cleopatra came to see you yesterday and taught you this. “Kshatr said, forming a sentence of words in the seven leading languages of the developed countries of the outside world. Orth did not even value it, understanding the sentence as an ordinary speech, but his subconscious did not react properly and, yielding to the question asked by Kshatr, consisting of words in different languages, so freely replied in multilingual words:

      “Teacher, I do not understand anything.” Yesterday I slept like a dead man and did not see or hear anyone.

      – Yes, but you answer, me forming sentences from words in different languages.

      Orth did not believe this ability, imparted to Onishia, and asked in embarrassment:

      – It cannot be?!

      “I’ll prove it to you right now.” – Kshatr took out of a black folder that brought with him two sheets of paper, commenting on his actions – Here are two sheets of paper. I put next to the table in front of you. You, Orth, take these two pens. – Kshatr put on each sheet of one ballpoint pen. And, continued: – One ballpoint pen, you take in the left hand. The other, the right. I will dictate the sentence to you, forming words from different languages. You write simultaneously with both the right and left hand the text consisting of words in those languages on which you hear this sentence.

      Orth, froze in place without moving. He seemed confused. Orth before the arrival of Kshatr managed to put on pajamas from white light fabric, intending to go into her bathroom, but the teacher’s phenomenon changed plans. And what Kshatr told him seemed to him to be a continuous invention. The confusion of Orth’s prompted the teacher to add confidence to the student with the words: “We are not playing toys here, Captain.” Sit down at the table and go Listen to me, writing down, since I told you everything that I will dictate to you. Do you understand?! – The orderly tone of Kshatr, pacified the student’s hesitations, and with an unconcealed cynical smile, Orth sat at the table in front of the scattered sheets of writing paper. When Kshatr was convinced of the full “combat” readiness of the student, he began to dictate dictates. After about ten minutes, he finished dictation and took two sheets of Orth’s written in an even and neat handwriting, two sheets. The handwriting and the words on the sheets were identical, as if the student was writing for a carbon paper.

      “Take a look, Orth. – The teacher said contentedly, – You wrote like this, as if a copy was taken from one of the sheets.

      Orth, amazed at himself, said: “I’m sorry, teacher, but I still do not believe in the acquired skills, and read and write in so many languages at the same time.”

      “You, Captain, are poorly informed about the hidden potentialities of a person, which can only be awakened by secret knowledge.” It is not possible to forget your abilities. You are almost ready to fulfill the tasks entrusted to you, under my responsibility, by His Rule of Theo. You have questions? Kshatr saw that Orth wanted to ask something else.

      – Yes, Your Eminence.

      “Wait, Orth, just call me, teacher.” Now you deserve this right.

      “Well, teacher, tell me, how did Cleopatra teach me how this art of knowledge of so many languages taught me?”

      – Well, this is the second question. You, when you get to know this amazing girl closer, she will tell you everything. And today it’s enough for classes. Tomorrow I will come again to you at the same time. Try to sleep properly. Today we finished early, you have a whole day ahead, take yourself, then-no. Yes, however, I will send a daughter to you; let him show you the neighborhood of our Paradise Abode. “Having said this, Kshatr began to dissolve in the air and disappeared like a fog from the morning summer dawn with the rising of the hot summer sun, from the outer surface of the earth…


      Orth could not yet realize that the reason for his new skills was Onishia. What exactly she instilled into him these super abilities of mastering perfection in 16 foreign languages, so much so that not only he did not take part in it, but also did not feel the impact on himself during the session. These abilities must still be learned to use and make the most of in that external world, for the successful fulfillment of a particular mission. And in this he must help the daughter of Kshatr, Onishia. Orth involuntarily glanced at the dial hanging on the wall, hours, but, promised by Kshatr, Onishia came to him for further studies, although the arrows approached two o’clock in the afternoon. The lunch break time will end in ten minutes, exactly at fourteen hours. At the door, someone rapped softly. Heart Orth’s hammered in the chest, like a hammer on the anvil. He quickly jumped to his feet and on the move, moving in the direction of the door, pulled on his pajamas a terry robe of a snow-white color, opened the door. On the threshold stood a robot with a whole tray of a deliciously smelly lunch. The extremely disappointed captain, received from the robot tray, with the words:

      – Give gratitude for lunch to the teacher, His