Cleopatra. Novella. V. Speys. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: V. Speys
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005126870
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no other assignments that the Kshatr clan could not fulfill.

      So, Kshatr placing Orth in the room, said goodbye to him:

      “If my daughter comes to you, for an evening conversation with you, do not be embarrassed.” She studied with the famous geishas of Tokyo in Japan in the Middle Ages. She is very educated, knows many languages, is able to support the conversation and entertain with singing and dancing. You should get to know her as close as possible. And remember this is your first teacher, she will teach you a lot of things that you need to know for the fulfillment of the special complexity of assignments in the future on the surface of the earth in countries that sometimes are at odds with each other and in different historical epochs. Tomorrow I’ll call for you at eleven o’clock in the morning to get acquainted with the training plan…


      Intrigued Orth, Kshatr message that he might be approached by Onishia-Cleopatra began to imagine various pictures of close acquaintance. But, the stubborn imagination, except for the bed scenes that the captain had, when he was in the royal palace of Lakia on Phaethon, had plenty, offered nothing in return. And finally agreeing with such a denouement of acquaintance, with this beautiful, to the crazy love at first sight, a girl, Orth began to prepare a meeting. Having disassembled He took out a bottle of cognac from his stocks, he found two glasses in the kitchen, put cognac and dishes on the table by the window. Then he opened the can of red caviar and changed into a home terry dressing gown to arrange the visitor, immediately closer to the bed. But the time passed, the dream had already lowered his eyelids, inviting the body of the captain, accustomed to military regulations. And without waiting, the visitor, draining a fair amount of cognac, Orth jumped into bed. The dream instantly fell on him, plunging Orth’s into Morpheus’ strong arms.

      He did not hear when, to his bed, Cleopatra came up in a white tunic with noiseless steps. As a beautiful statue of the goddess of love frozen statue, she looked at the naked body of Orth’s, only half covered with a coverlet. His trained body with swarthy and strong muscles muscular muscles was emphasized and complemented by a beautiful face profile. Cleopatra stood near the sleeping athletic folded Orth’s, admiring the male body, making sure that, having chosen him, from the monitored personal affairs of Garinov’s team, she was not mistaken in the choice. That with such a man she would be comforts be, and confidently carry out the work entrusted to her by her father. After standing a little longer, she disappeared into the darkness of the bedroom.

      And Orth’s dreamed of Cleopatra. The dream, as a reality, led him through beautiful paintings of Love, and waking up in the morning, the captain realized that he had fallen in love, for the first time in his life, and as never before, and none of the many women who had passed through his fascinations and forgotten women’s charms. He got out of bed, regretting that Cleopatra had not come. It was a little annoying to realize this, male pride was infringed upon. And only that he will see her now almost every day, brightened up the wounded feeling of dissatisfaction. With a poor spirit, he set to work on the morning men’s toilet. Kshatr pearled exactly at eleven o’clock in the morning. Unceremoniously opened the door. He came in without knocking. He wore a dark green shirt and dark blue sort’s that reached his knees. Thin, swarthy hands, like two dried-up sticks, protruded from the sort sleeves of a T-shirt, and thin legs peeked out of sort’s. His face, wrinkled, broke into a friendly smile:

      “Well, young man, let’s begin.”

      “Your Eminence, can you, first of all, have a drink?” I have cognac here, a truffle.

      – It’s too early to eat lunch. – With these words Kshatr took a bottle of cognac and went into the bathroom. A minute later he appeared from the bathroom with an empty bottle, put it on the table, with the words:

      “From now on, you do not know what’s in the world, on this, and of course, on that one for you, alcohol.” Do you understand? The categorical tone of the teacher plunged Orth’s into fury. At these moments, the captain was ready to kick this feeble puny old man from his room, collect things and ask Theo to imprison him in a memory crystal before the new operations that have arisen. The imperious tone of the teacher, plunged Orth’s into a state of shock. The captain is not used to being treated like this. For a minute he stared blankly at Kshatr, then slowly got up from his seat and reached out to the teacher’s head to grab him by the hair, black as pitch. The teacher made a weak movement with his left hand. An unknown force pressed Orth’s to a chair, it became difficult to breathe. Large drops of sweat protruded on his forehead, a terry robe, in which the captain was, stuck to his back.

      – This is the first lesson. Kshatr began to explain calmly. Possession of contactless combat techniques, so necessary for your future activities, the captain, must be mastered by you in perfection. The teacher looked attentively at the pupil’s suffering face, and continued, “Relax, and listen.” Next, I will teach you to control the temporal continuum, which means that by changing the rotation speed of the spatial micro vortexes of your body, which are all around us and outside of us, you can freely walk not only along the water surface, but also through any material bodies, not Causing, neither to themselves, nor to them harm. Listening to the teacher, Orth did not perceive everything clearly, because from the influence of Kshatr gesture he started a headache and nausea came to his throat, besides all this he still could not move from the sensation of heaviness that pressed against his shoulders and chest. Kshatr understood this, got up from his chair, went to the captain, and lightly struck his back in the region of the spine, instantaneously took off the effect of gravity. Orth, under the strain of the whole body, jumped up from his chair, straightened up. The teacher quietly went to his place.

      – Orth sit down and listen, what should I teach you more…

      Again, as at the first meeting, Cleopatra entered the room with a tray in her hand.

      – Dad, I made tea with cakes, it will help you in conversation.

      “By the way, Onishia, put a cup next to the captain and a cake.”

      – Good. – And coming closer to Orth, Cleopatra whispered in his ear, – You, Orth, the very charm. You will be my best of the best partners. – Having said this, she fluttered out of the room with an empty tray.

      From these words and from the unusually delicious tea, nausea and a sense of his powerlessness before this puny little man, has sunk into oblivion. The refined beauty of the girl, magically acted on Orth’s, giving him strength, and a hundred times more, when suddenly the girl became his heroine of romantic dreams. And even her stepfather is now not so infuriated Orth’s with his contemptuous superiority, as before, literally a minute ago, and the feeling of irritability against Kshatr disappeared altogether.

      Orth shifted in his chair, settling himself more conveniently, and prepared to listen more attentively to the teacher. Meanwhile Kshatr continued:

      – All these skills have one thing in common, this is the ability to adjust themselves to these skills, stimulating the protective functions of the body in critical situations. And the most effective way, the most necessary key for this, is meditation.

      By meditating, you adjust your body to the perception of one or another energy, opening the necessary centers for unimpeded energy saturation of your spatial micro-vortices’ from the rotation speeds, which, this or that action that you want to accomplish depends. This accumulated energy reserve in the process of meditation helps you at your desire to change the rotation speed of micro vortices, which leads to the dissolution of obstacles on your way to the goal. Thus, you successfully overcome this or that obstacle, freely pass through this obstacle. Here is an example. You walk through the closed door freely without problems, as if it is not in your way. I will teach you how to meditate. While we have an introductory course.

      “Your Eminence, does it turn out that these miracles are available to a man?” Orth asked with some distrust.

      “I’m afraid that’s enough for today.” Tomorrow expect me exactly