Jyotish. Andrew Mason. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andrew Mason
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780857011602
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morning, skill in archery, mismatched clothes, scandalous persons, fierce gaze, persistence, fickleness, imbalanced judgement, seven-year dasha, extremes, invincibility, invigorates the body, follower of Hanumān,6 irritation, quick-tempered, thievish nature, ruthless, full of self-praise, upward glances, wolves, ferocious quadrupeds, traps, worship of Kārttikēya,7 favours from kings, earthenware, roaming in forests, village chiefs, butchers, sexual perversions, place lit by fires, slaughter house, burning sulphur, burning buildings, gases, explosive gases, arid lands, destruction, concealed power, unhappy domestic lifePhysical and Medical KārakasFevers, inflammation, reddish complexion, sores, wounds, ulcers, blood circulation, bleeding, dried blood, surgery, painful urination, bladder, muscle tissue, bone marrow, ligaments, sinews, fistula, haemorrhoids, boils, carbuncles, typhoid, cholera, sprains, aches, torn muscles, abortion, menstrual flow, haemoglobin, bile, digestive fire, smallpox, chickenpox, miscarriages, sunstroke



      Brihaspati (Jupiter): I pay respects to Brihaspati, lord of the three worlds and teacher to Deva and Rishi. Born of Aṅgiras and Vasudā, he is wise beyond compare, large in stature with eyes the colour of honey.

       BRIHASPATI (Jupiter)


      Śrī Laṅkān Narasiha Yantra deemed effective for the propitiation of Jupiter, removing ignorance negativity and darkness (tamas). This yantra appeases Lord Brihaspati, granting health, wisdom, fame and wealth. Narasiha Yantra makes one a respected minister, elevates career and social standing, bringing happiness and material comforts.

      Brihaspati is large-bellied, yellow in colouration and is of a phlegmatic constitution. He possesses all virtues; is endowed with an aptitude for all sciences. His eyes and hair are brownish in colour; he possesses the qualities of goodness and purity, he is exceedingly intelligent. His person is graced with the marks of royalty, not to be despised.

      Jātaka Pārijāta by Vaidyanātha Dīkṣita

      If strongly positioned in the horoscope he indicates one with a large or firm frame. He is the great benefic, both generous and philosophical. His gaze is considered to promote wealth and happiness, whilst protecting the individual against misfortune or ill-health. Jupiter prospers in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses; his metal is Vanga (tin). He presides over Masa, a period of one solar month.

      Favourable Brihaspati: Empowers the ability to study or retain knowledge, granting mastery in our chosen profession. Jupiter grants blessings from Brahmins and instruction from a guru. Jupiter is very people-friendly, quickly putting others at ease and gaining their trust. One’s wealth may be accumulated through the trading of horses, elephants and/or precious metals, their notoriety through the recitation of Vedas, mantra, piety, service to others or invocations to gods. In good standing, Brihaspati incurs the favour of Lords Brahmā (creator) and Indrā (king of the gods).

      Unfavourable Brihaspati: One’s child may suffer a protracted childhood illness or incur enmity from teachers/instructors. One may befriend wicked people, be cursed by Brahmins or scolded by priests. An ill-placed Jupiter can manifest through obesity, liver disorders, excess Kapha (phlegm), excess sweating, water retention, diabetes, loss of hearing or episodes of prolonged vertigo.

      Bala (strength): Brihaspati is considered well-disposed if the following are applicable: falling on his own day (Thursday) or in the signs Cancer (exalted), Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces (own). Jupiter gains in stature while journeying northward (Uttarāyana), at midday or in the middle portion of Rashi. He bestows much prosperity when occupying Lagna, the 2nd, 4th or 10th house from Lagna.

      Undertakings on Thursday: Sacrificial offerings to Jupiter on Thursdays were considered fruitful/auspicious for those wishing to receive benefit from Brihaspati. These acts or undertakings included: construction of sacred sites (temples, etc.), honouring of deities, ceremonies/sacrifices, performance of Dharmic acts, study of shāstras, recitation of mantra, speeches, propitiation of Brahmins, the trading of excellent goods such as precious metals (gold and silver), horses, elephants, umbrellas, cowrie and conch shells as well as yellow sapphires.

Alternative names for Brihaspati

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