Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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In this case, first the right leg is placed on the left thigh. Then the left leg is place over the right leg.

      10.Padmasana can also be done with hands resting on the knees. In this case, the elbows are slightly bent and the hands rest on the knees, with palms facing upwards.

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      Benefits of Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

      •Padmasana is considered one of the best asanas for meditation. The body can be held steady and straight for long durations. It calms the brain, helps in improving concentration, and increases awareness and attentiveness.

      •When there is hardly any distraction from the body, the mind can be made calm. Awareness of the breathing process also helps to steady the mind.

      •The body and mind are intricately connected. A steady body can help to bring steadiness in the mind.

      •Keeps the spine erect which helps to channel the energy from the lower spiritual centers or chakras upwards towards Sahasrara Chakra. The straight spine helps the free flow of Prana along the spinal cord. It helps to preserve vital fluids in the body.

      •Padmasana stretches the ankles and knees, opens up the hips, tones the coccygeal and sacral nerves as the blood flow to the legs are restricted and redirected to the abdominal region. It may improve digestion too.

      •Padmasana can relieve many metal and emotional problems.

      •It brings peace, solitude and longevity to the practitioner.

      •It stimulates the spine, pelvis, abdomen, and bladder.

      •It restores energy levels.

      Two: Sidhasana or Siddhasana (The Perfect Pose)

      Sidhasana is similar to Padmasana and suits many people especially over weight people with big thighs but it’s not suitable for ladies. Siddhasana is suitable for improving a person's concentration.

      The Sanskrit word siddha (pronounced sidd-hah) means both ‘perfect’ and ‘adept.’ In yoga, an adept isn’t just a skillful practitioner, but an accomplished master who has worked to attain inner freedom.

      Sidhasana or the Accomplished Pose is an asana used for meditation and other yogic practices. For practitioners of meditation, the importance of Sidhasana is only second to Padmasana. Some say Sidhasana is the best of all asanas for meditation. The text says that Sidhasana purifies all the 72,000 energy channels in the body, through which the Prana flows. This asana can be practiced by anyone, except those suffering from sciatica or sacral infections.

      Many yoga masters in long-gone eras preferred this posture and used it often in place of the lotus posture.

      The Sidhasana improves the flexibility of your hips, knees, and ankles, and strengthens the back. It differs from Svastikasana, in that you tuck your feet into your thighs between the thighs and calves on both sides. The posture is considered the perfect meditation posture for anyone practicing celibacy. Siddhasana is also beneficial for men with various prostate problems.

      How to Do Sidhasana (The Accomplished Pose)?

      1.Sitting on the floor with your head and spine erect, legs close to each other and straight out in front of you.

      2.Place your arms by your sides close to your hips, with your palms down and fingers forward. Shake your legs out in front of you a few times.

      3.Bend your left knee, and bring your left heel into your groin near the perineum – the area between the anus and the genitals. Stabilize your left ankle with your left hand.

      4.Bend your right knee and slide your right heel toward the front of your left ankle.

      5.Lift your right foot, position your right ankle just above your left ankle, and bring your right heel into the genital area.

      6.Tuck the little-toe side of your right foot between your left thigh and calf.

      7.Put your palms down on the same-side knee with your arms relaxed.

      8.Erect and extend your back and neck, bringing your head up. Look straight ahead and become aware of your breathing process, which should be natural and deep. You can use a cushion to raise your hips so they’re level with your knees.

      9.Touch the thumb of each hand to the index finger at the tips to form a circle. Ensure that the other three fingers are straight. Rest your left hand on your left knee and your right hand on your right knee with the palms facing upwards. Keep your arms straight at the elbows. This position is called ‘Jnana Mudra’ (Knowledge Hand Gesture) because it signifies the knowledge of connecting the Individual Soul (Atma) with the Supreme Soul (Paramatma).

      10.Maintain this final posture with your eyes closed for about 1-2 minutes (in the early stages) or your breakpoint for as long as you are comfortable. Increase this time gradually to several minutes.

      11.Repeat the above steps with the other foot.

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      Benefits of Sidhasana (The Accomplished Pose)

      •Sidhasana is one of the main poses used for meditation. You can maintain this position for a long duration. Those who find it difficult to practice Padmasana can easily practice Sidhasana for extended periods. This Asana holds the spinal column straight and steady.

      •In Sidhasana, the heel is kept pressed against the Mooladhara Chakra, which ensures that the energy currents flow upwards towards the spine.

      •The position of the heels also stimulates the lower two chakras Mooladhara and Swadhistana.

      •It also gives the practitioner control over his sex urge and the sexual functions.

      •Sidhasana is believed to help in arousing the divine cosmic power (Kundalini Shakti) inactive in the lowest nerve center at the spinal column base by purification of the Nadis (passage of nervous energy) and helps in attaining supernatural powers.

      •It helps reduce excess fat in the body especially in the abdominal region. It also helps in better functioning of the digestive and excretory systems.

      •Sidhasana helps in the cure of pain in the knees, ankles, and back; and those suffering from insomnia and asthma.

      •Sidhasana keeps the mind focused because it requires one to sit erect. It’s often suggested for practicing Breath Control. (Pranayama), Concentration (Dharana), Meditation (Dhyana) and Self-realization (Samadhi).


      •You can position the arms in Jnana Mudra (Knowledge Hand Gesture) or in Dhyana/Padma Mudra (Meditation/Lotus Hand Gesture) or Drona Mudra (Bowl Hand Gesture) as described below:

      •Bend your arms at the elbows and place your hands below your navel on your lap. Keep the palms (a little cupped and with extended fingers) one on top of the other (usually, right palm on the left palm). The thumbs may either be straight or touch at the tips to form a triangle. This hand position is called Dhyana Mudra (Meditation Hand Gesture) because it is the hand posture recommended for meditation, or Padma Mudra (Lotus