Journey Toward Eternity. Joe Callihan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joe Callihan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456614478
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always walk on the narrow path, leading to abundant life here, and eternity in Heaven.

      Choosing to travel on the narrow path in your journey toward eternity is the sign of an over comer. One who is a son or daughter of God will gladly choose to make time to study God’s Word. In Revelations 27:7 you will find it is written: “He (or she) that overcomes shall inherit all things and I will be his God, and he shall be My son (or daughter).” How do you overcome satan? Revelation, chapter 12, verse 11, says, “And they overcame him (satan), by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. Ask Jesus today to be your personal Savior, to cover and cleanse you of every sin in your life by the atoning power of His Blood. Then let your testimony of what He has done for you be heard by others. (As you have my testimony in this chapter of this book). May the Holy Spirit make your journey toward eternity, a happy one, as by faith you trust in God through every circumstance.

      Chapter Four


      Some view attendance at church as their duty to God. Feeling comfortable with having preformed this duty, deceives many hearts into neglecting their real duty to God. That is sharing the spiritual gifts He has given, such as faith, with those who are spiritually in need. Running away from one who is in need of the gift of faith, does not show God you appreciate this wonderful gift He has given to you. It also does little to show loving your brother as yourself.

      Question, is it the duty of a soldier to learn to use the weapons of warfare as well as battlefield tactics, both of which may save his life in combat? Of course the answer is yes, but duty to whom? First to himself, only a foolish soldier, one having a death wish, would fail to try their best to learn all that they can. Likewise it is his duty to fellow soldiers, because his actions on the battlefield in combat, may not relate to just his own survival, but to others around him as well. Therefore the wise soldier will take advantage of every opportunity given, to learn how to fulfill his duty to his country, his self, and others; as he prepares to enter into combat with the enemy. Using the training and weapons he has been given, to defeat the enemy.

      Can you see how this relates to our real duties, to our self, others, and God? Attendance in church is not your duty to God. It is however your duty to your soul, as well as lost souls you may come in contact with. Attending church is your opportunity to become well trained in the skill and tactics of spiritual warfare. The weapons we have been given are not carnal, but mighty through God to pulling down of strongholds (2nd Corinthians 10: 4). Through training we receive attending a church where the Holy Spirit is free to teach; we gain boldness in approaching demons in battle, having faith in our God given ability to destroy satans’ plan for our soul, and that of our neighbor, whom we love as our self.

      This is our duty to God: by faith putting to use the training and skills we have learned, bringing defeat to satan and his demons. Our duty to God is not to warm the seat of a pew on Sundays. Our duty is to warm the cold and frigid heart of the one wandering in darkness. We do this by the Fire of the Love of God; which having warmed our once cold heart, we have been given the privilege of sharing with others. The journey toward eternity will be a joyful one for the servant of God who knows what his or her real duty is; and goes about doing it with the diligence of one believing in the power and authority granted them by Jesus. Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, please grant to me, and all who receive this message, the wisdom, desire, and mature faith, to diligently be doing our duty to you, our self, and our neighbor. This I ask in Jesus name. Amen.

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