Journey Toward Eternity. Joe Callihan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joe Callihan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456614478
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without a sinful nature. One willing to take upon Himself all the punishment we were due. One who in dying on the cross, gives us power to crucify our flesh that the “old man” with his sinful nature could be put to death. Our Saviors’ name is Jesus! When He arose from the grave, He offered to any who would desire to receive, His Holy nature. To all who choose crucifying the “old man,” Jesus gives the power to be “born again.” Becoming born again is not some cute phrase. It is the power we receive in our spirit, when the Holy Spirit comes to make His home in our mortal body. The Holy Spirit will teach the willing heart how to be holy (As our Father in Heaven is Holy). He helps those wishing to show God they truly love Him, to produce His “Fruit” in their life; Holy Fruit which allows us to show others the image of God, as we reflect His nature rather than that of our flesh or satan.

      When Jesus, the Messiah, over 2,000 years ago made a journey from Heaven to earth for our redemption, it was short, lasting just thirty three years. His journey led from Heaven to earth, to suffering and death on a cross, to a brief stay in the grave, then to the gates of hell where He led captivity captive; and ascension back into Heaven, He gave gifts to men; some the ability to be Apostles, to some, Prophets; some, Evangelist; and some, Pastors and Teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ. (Eph. 4: 8-13).

      Why would Jesus do this? The first answer would be because God so loved the world. But there were other reasons as well, which we must consider. That we henceforth not be like children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive (Eph.4: 14). Being covered by the Blood of Jesus, cleanses us from all sin and unrighteousness. Our Father can once again look upon us as His sons and daughters. The Kingdom of God is restored to us as the Holy Spirit can now dwell within us twenty four hours a day; leading us to walk in righteousness, peace, and joy. Our fleshly body is glorified as His Temple.

      But for us to achieve all of these wonderful blessings to our life, we must make a sincere and serious decision and commitment. We must decide to receive Jesus as our Savior, and accept the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross; and we must also commit to love and serve our Father. In doing so, our journey toward eternity becomes more joyful and secure. We have the ability to walk in the power of the Spirit, not the weakness of our flesh.

      Seeking to become born again must come from a spiritually hungry and humble heart. We must choose to resist walking in the vanity of our mind and the lust of our flesh. We must learn to deny our self, crucify the will of our flesh, pick up our cross (make a sacrifice of love), and follow Jesus as the Holy Spirit guides our yielded spirit.

      If we seriously pursue the Kingdom of God, (righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit) we will enjoy our journey into eternity. There is great joy in the freedom found by walking in the Spirit. We can attain many freedoms through yielding to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Freedom from having to live among eternally poor in Heaven, freedom from fear here on earth, freedom from being tormented by past sins which have been placed under the Blood of Jesus, freedom to worship God in Spirit and in Truth, freedom to be bold in rescuing our brother from being in bondage to darkness, freedom to grow in spiritual maturity, freedom to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, freedom from the lies and deceptions of satan, and the freedom to enter into eternity with joy and not fear.

      It is my sincerest prayer that every reader of Journey Toward Eternity, will come to discover each of these freedoms, as they go from chapter to chapter. May your Journey Toward Eternity be a joyful one.

      Chapter Two


      For so many years of my life I spent my time climbing down into the pit of stupidity. Answering God’s call to use me in the ministry by saying, “I have other things I want to do first.” Is that stupid or what? In my life I was a twenty-five year old Christian, who was lazy in the study of God’s Word. Worse of all, so easily I caused the Holy Spirit to grieve, refusing to listen to His pleading not to follow satan’s advice.

      Having only a religious background, I was ignorant of how to confront the enemy in battle and win. Time and again I fell into temptation and sin. Certain sins became habits. I could hear the Holy Spirit pleading - “don’t do it, it is evil and will rob you of what I have to give you.” But I would follow satan’s advice, “Everybody is doing it, so it must be alright.”

      I violated my own belief which had kept me from smoking. “If 50 million people do something stupid, it doesn’t mean I should make it 50 million and one. It simply means there are 50 million stupid people.” No, I did not take up smoking. Far worse than that, I developed callousness in my heart toward sin. I came to have a casual attitude about sins which I could see millions of other people participating in on a daily basis. It became no big thing to find an x rated movie to be entertaining. satan’s teaching said, “You need to learn about these things, so you won’t be considered stupid. Women don’t want to get stuck with a man who knows so little about sex.” Turning a deaf ear to the Holy Spirit, satan’s lying voice became so familiar to me. his lies seemed psychologically sound, they sounded logical, for the times I was living in. All spin words used to excuse sin, refusing to call it what it is!

      I hope every reader can understand why I need not be lifted up by man. I don’t want, need, or deserve your praise for what God has done in my life. All praise belongs to God alone. You see, God had to reach way down into the pit of stupidity, to grab the hands I was lifting up to Him. In answering my prayers, God has brought me up to the level of being a “foolish thing” He could use to confound the wise.

      You reading this chapter may be as I was. Perhaps you have descended very deeply into the pit of stupidity. You may have made the decision to make the number of stupid people be 50 million and one - that “one” being you. satan may have caused your heart to be covered with calluses, just like mine was. satan’s voice may have become your constant companion, as you wander toward eternity on the wide path leading to damnation, spiritual death and eternal life Hell.

      I have learned the hard way, the definitions of the words stupid and foolish. Stupid, is when you think following the ways of the world is wise. Believing foolishness is spending time pursuing God’s ways of seeking to gain spiritual maturity, over worldly wealth and prestige. For far too many years of my life I have been horribly stupid! Foolish, is when those in the world believe you have lost your mind. Observing, they see you pursuing the Kingdom of God with all your mind, soul, and strength. Foolish is found in understanding the scripture, “Be not wise in your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge God.” True wisdom fears (reverences) God; above all this world has to offer. I have at last become a “foolish” man, in the eyes of the world. But I would never again give up being “foolish,” in order to follow the most stupid path, lined with “fool’s gold” which the world has to offer.

      Chapter Three


      I am living proof of the Power and Love of God, given to all who truly desire to be lifted out of that pit of stupidity! It’s impossible to find comfort in that pit. It is full of deception, lies, sin, and evil spirits. The foul stench found in that pit is something you can never get comfortable smelling, it sickens your stomach. That sick feeling in your stomach from the odor of sin is the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart asking, “Would you like for Me to help pull you out of this pit?”

      Won’t you answer Him today? From your heart say, “Yes, Lord, please help me rise up out of this pit!” He will help you, just as He did me. But the word Help implies that you exert some effort also. You made the effort to climb down into the pit by allowing satan to guide your steps in life. Now you must make the effort to climb up. The Holy Spirit will guide your steps, as long as you ask and allow Him to. If you should slip and fall, you will find He is holding your hand, to keep you from descending again, deeper into the pit.

      The journey up to the level of being a “foolish thing,” can be a long one, or short. It depends not on how deeply you have fallen into the pit; but on the intensity of faith with which you pursue and seek Jesus as your Lord and Savior. It depends on the seriousness