Journey Toward Eternity. Joe Callihan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joe Callihan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456614478
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      By: Joe Callihan

      Copyright 2013 Joe Callihan,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1447-8

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, photographic including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the author. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


      In our life here on earth there are but two paths we have the freedom of choosing to travel on as we journey toward eternity. The wide path appears paved with gold, but it is only fool’s gold. How easily those greedy for the riches and things this world has to offer, are deceived into following the wide path.

      Although the wide path appears free of hindrances, it is filled with demons, seeking to lead us further and further away from knowing, loving, and serving God. This path filled with darkness, will lead to eternal death if we continue on to the day we die. The other path, the narrow path, is full of light, hope, and blessings. It also is made narrow, by the choice we must make each day. Jesus said any choosing to come after Him, must daily take up their cross and follow Him. Thus the narrow path is lined with crosses. We may choose each day to either take up the cross, or walk around and away from it. Yet with each new day another cross lays before us with the same decision to make, using our free will. To continue traveling the narrow path you must decide to follow Jesus. As you do you will discover taking up the cross becomes easier and easier, as love becomes a way of life.

      This is the message our cover is meant to convey. May your journey be a BLESSED one as you travel the narrow path toward eternity.


      From the day of our birth on earth each of us is at the beginning of a journey. We are pilgrims in this world, traveling on a journey toward eternity. The journey is quite an adventurous one. It is filled with danger, fun, excitement, challenges, rewards, laughter, sorrow, tears, and joy. Many are the different paths we travel on as we make our journey. Sometimes after taking a wrong turn, it seems as though we are in maize. Perhaps, in a way we are, for there is but one path leading toward our goal of reaching Heaven. It is the narrow path, and can only be found and followed by those choosing seriously to be guided by the Holy Spirit of God.

      There are occasions when we allow satan to deceive us into turning on to the wrong path. It is a path glittering with “fool’s gold,” leading to destruction and eternal damnation. satan’s goal is to rob us of our inheritance as the son or daughter of God (The Kingdom of God within), steal the joy of our loving relationship with our Father in Heaven (from which we draw our strength), to kill our desire for a Savior (permitting us to perish, believing in his lies), and destroy our spirit’s successful journey toward Heaven (that we may spend eternity with him in Hell).

      This is why it is so very important in our journey toward eternity, to choose only the right one to call Master, to love, listen to, serve, and follow. When we choose satan, the father of lies, we have chosen the dumbest of the dumb to be our guide. A third of the angels who once were in Heaven, can confirm this is so. They listened to and chose to follow satan, now their eternal home is Hell. You who proudly choose following satan will one day join them there Forever! Unless you choose to truly repent, seeking the Blood of Jesus to cover all of your sins.

      There is the voice containing wisdom from above, it is the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. He is given by Jesus to all choosing to become “born again.” The Holy Spirit not only will guide our path; He will furnish us the defensive and offensive weapons we need to defeat satan, as we journey on the path leading toward eternity in Heaven. This book is dedicated to, and written by the influence of the Holy Spirit.


      A Journey Toward Eternity

      Sounds So Far Away

      Still I Wonder What Will Happen

      When I Face Time’s Last Day?

      Will I Be Held Accountable

      For What I’ve Said And Done?

      I Have Not Totally Surrendered Soul And Spirit

      To My Savior, Jesus, God’s Own Son?

      A Journey Toward Eternity

      Fast Or Slow Will It Be?

      All I Know Is One Day Here On Earth

      My Soul Shall Be Set Free

      I Wonder When That Happens

      Where Then Shall I Go?

      Will My Eternal Home Be In Heaven

      Or Somewhere Down Below?

      A Journey Toward Eternity

      A Trip Each of Us Will Make

      Being Covered By The Blood Of Jesus

      Is Something You Cannot Fake

      Sands of Life Once Through The Hour Glass

      Will Not Return, But Then

      Time Has Become A Friend Of Mine

      I Now Am Born Again!

      As I Journey Toward Eternity

      Fear And Torment Have Left My Heart

      Through My Lord And Savior Jesus Christ

      My Life Has A New Start

      Chapter One


      We are born into this world spiritual beings, made in the image of God; possessing an eternal soul and spirit encased within a mortal body. Descendants of Adam and Eve, as we grow we find we have knowledge of both good and evil. This knowledge is shared with us by what we call, “the voice of our conscience.”

      From the day of our birth we are on the journey toward eternity. In the course of growth, our body goes through a process of maturing. Our spirit likewise strives to grow into attaining spiritual maturity. That which is of the spirit, is of eternal value. While that which is of the flesh, is of temporal value. This is why spiritual maturity requires us to look beyond the temporary things surrounding us, and look to that which is eternal. Our flesh and our spirit war against each other.

      Our flesh is composed of the material (dust) of this world (Genesis, chapter 2, verse 7). But our spirit and soul are made from Godly material (the breath of God). God breathed spirit and soul into our body (Genesis, chapter 2, verse 7). It is for this reason our flesh responds so easily to satan, the prince of this world; while our soul and spirit desire to draw closer to God. We need power and wisdom from God to overcome our weak flesh. We need the presence and guidance of God’s Holy Spirit operating within us twenty four hours a day.

      “Heaven, we have a problem!” Father God is Holy, the Spirit of God is Holy, but we are not. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Because of our sinful nature, the Holy Spirit cannot dwell within us. Our Father, Who created us to be His sons’ and daughters,’ sharing a deep love relationship with Him, cannot look upon us. He could not bless us, as we chose to be led by the rebellious and sinful nature of our flesh. We lacked ability to restore ourselves to a condition of holiness