Life Is a Gift. Esther Portalatin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Esther Portalatin
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780990945727
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PE into dance. He was willing to do anything that would help Sarah and make her attend class. He worked a miracle. Skye convinced Mr. Campbell that this would be an incentive for her to come to school and do well. He agreed, but he couldn’t understand how a sixteen year old girl could be so wise and be concerned for a fellow student. He was indeed taken back by Skye. She was indeed a very different teenager. “You have a great friend there Sarah.” She looked at Skye and agreed. “Thanks so much Skye. I didn’t think of that.” “Oh it’s okay. Now all you need is your leotard and dancing shoes.” They both laughed. “Really thank you. No one has ever done anything nice for me.” “Well then, consider this the first time.” “Thank you so much.” Skye could see the appreciation in her friend’s eyes.

      When Skye got home from school she found a note on the refrigerator door from her mom. “Hi sweetie, I won’t be home till late. I’m at the hospital with Marisol. I left you something to eat in the refrigerator. If you need anything text me or call dad. He’ll be home around six. I also left $40.00 on the table just in case you want to order something to eat later. Love you, mom.” “Guess I’m on my own.” Skye didn’t mind being alone, as it gave her time to study and work on her art pieces that would be entered into the State competition. Besides, Sarah would be coming over and she wanted to make sure everything was done before she got there. She now felt compelled to help her, although Sarah was older then her and a senior in High School. Sarah had a lot of waking up to do and she was willing to help.

      An hour later the door bell rang. Sarah was so happy and grateful for what Skye had done for her at school and bought her a friendship bracelet. Skye however, noticed that Sarah had been crying. “Are you okay?” Sarah replied, “Yes.” Skye knowing better, said, “No you’re not. You’ve been crying. What’s going on?” Sarah collapsed on the floor crying uncontrollably.

      “Hey, hey, it’s okay Sarah. What’s going on?” Words were difficult to say as she cried hysterically. “My life is a waste. My life is hopeless. I just want to die. I want to be with my mom, Skye. I hate my life. I hate me.” Skye felt helpless for a moment. She didn’t quite know what to do or say at first. She managed to help Sarah up and said, “Your life is not hopeless Sarah. Your life is not a waste. You are worth a lot; your life is not worthless. Why do you say that?” “My dad, my step mom, they don’t want me taking dance, or music at school. They don’t want me to be involved with anything or draw attention to myself.” “What? Oh no, tomorrow morning we’re going to see Mr. Campbell.” “It’s not my dad so much, it’s my step mom. She hates me Skye. I’ve done nothing to the woman, she just hates me. I won’t be able to do dance or take music now.” Skye felt her blood pressure rise as she got really angry. She would not sit idle while her friend was hurting. She felt her country accent come out, “yah wanna make a bet? Your step mama hasn’t crossed my path and she better hope not to.” Sarah sort of laughed when she heard Skye’s accent. “Wow, I’ve never really heard that accent, but it’s kind of funny.” “Yeah well, you never really saw my temper either, and that’s not so funny.” Sarah realized that Skye was indeed a true friend. “Do you really think Mr. Campbell will override my dad’s decision?” “Sure, all he has to say is that these classes are requirements, which they really are. Your dance class is taking the place of PE, thank God. You would absolutely die in PE. You’d be too worried about your hair and nails. Anyway, your chorus class is taking the place of basic music.” “How are you so smart Skye?” “ Um let me see, I listen in school.” They both laughed. “Thanks so much Skye.” “No problem. Thanks for the bracelet.” “Thank you for your friendship.” “Okay, so do you mind if I finish my projects?” “Not at all!” One question Sarah, how would you like to spend the summer on the farm with me and my family?” Surprised she quickly answered, “Really?” “Sure why not. I just have to warn you about a few things though, but, all that in due time.” “I would love to.” “Okay then, it’s a deal. You’ll be eighteen by then, so your dad can’t forbid you to go.” “That’s right, and that witch, my step mom, how I hate her, won’t be able to say a word. Thanks so much Skye, thanks.” “No biggie, that’s what friends are for.”

      At the hospital, Lillian helped Marisol comb whatever hair she had left. It was a really sad sight and a long road, but Lillian had been that faithful friend doctor Lane’s asked her to be. “I feel horrible Lillian. I just want to sleep. How much longer do I have to endure these treatments? I don’t think I can do it any longer. It’s too much. Can someone please contact my son?” “I will contact him. Give me the information. I will talk to Michael, don’t worry Marisol. We are going to beat this thing okay. Have faith and be strong. I’m trusting in God that you’re going to be okay.” “From your lips to God’s ears, Lillian!” She lay down and closed her eyes. Lillian was torn, but fought to stay strong. She remembered Shannon’s struggle. Once again she saw how a strong young woman became as frail as a baby-helpless, and there was nothing she could do but pray. She could only pray that Marisol’s battle with cancer would not cause her any more pain. She hurt because her friend was worried about a son she hadn’t seen in over a year. She was afraid that he would come home to find his mother gone. That hurt more than anything else. She prayed hard. Lillian was able to sneak away while Marisol slept. She needed to see her husband and have him hold her. She needed her best friend by her side, because she was falling apart. “What’s the matter Lil?” Crying she said, “Oh Michael, I don’t think I can do this anymore. I thought I was strong, I thought I could handle it, but it’s too much. I see Shannon all over again.” He held his wife. “Hey, hey, calm down sweetheart, its okay. It’s okay to say you can’t do it anymore. You’ve been really good and it’s getting harder honey. It’s okay to walk away, but will you be able to live with that? Harry told you it was going to be difficult. I didn’t want to stop you because I knew you set your heart to do this. Lil, Lil, listen to me. She may die. You may walk in the room one day and find that she’s gone.” Hysterically, she let her husband know, “I can’t give up. She has no one. She’s in a place I once was. I know how that is. I know what it feels like to have no one to listen to you, no one to help you. Yes I had my children, but I had no friends. I can’t do that to Marisol. I can’t leave her to die alone.” “Then Lil, you have to be strong. You have to brace yourself for what comes. All we can do now is pray.” “But Harry said she had a chance of survival, did he not speak truth?” “Honey, every cancer patient has a chance of survival, it’s not guaranteed. We can do everything possible, medically, but God has the final say.” “Michael, why is it that we suffer so? Why did I leave the farm? I left everything I knew for the unexpected. I don’t understand how my sister loved all of this.” “Your sister was one strong woman Lil. She endured a lot alone.” “Maybe God is showing me what Shannon endured through Marisol. Why didn’t she call me when she was sick?” “All of you Cunnings women are very stubborn. She probably didn’t want your pity.”” “Pity? No, she would have never come to Ridge Oak. She realized she needed me too late Michael. There was nothing I could have done but just watch her die. “I thought you were over your pain Lil.” “I will never get over this pain. She was my only sister.” Lillian wiped away her tears and knew that she needed to get back to Marisol. “I have to go. Skye is home. I left her something to eat in the refrigerator. Are you leaving anytime soon?” “In about an hour, I’ll check up on her and make sure she’s okay, although you know Skye, she does a good job of taking care of herself.” “Yes she does. She’s my…, our life saver.” “She sure is.” Lillian kissed her husband and returned to Marisol’s room. She walked in to find doctor Lanes in the room checking Marisol’s vitals. “You’re doing great Ms. Gines. Your blood count is great. You’re responding to the treatment very well. The mass is shrinking. I know you’re feeling terrible, but it’s all reactionary to the treatment.

      Aggressive chemo usually gets you really sick, but we will start giving you meds to lessen the nausea and vomiting.” Lillian stood outside and heard everything Dr. Lanes said. She didn’t want Marisol to know she was listening. Her heart began feeling some peace as she knew her prayers were being answered. As doctor Lanes walked out Lillian walked into the room. “So how are you feeling my dear friend?” “Am I really your dear friend?” “Absolutely! I saw the doctor leave. Any good news?” “I think so. He said the mass was shrinking. I’m responding well to the