The following week while stopped at an intersection traveling to work, I received a God-given vision of the cross of crucifixion and the cross of resurrection standing before me, each cross about one hundred fifty feet in height. The voice of the Lord said, “You will preach my crucifixion and my resurrection.” From that moment, the power of His words has inspired joy and expectation for what lies ahead for me. Following dinner that evening I went outside in the yard to pray, immediately I was caught up in a vision of great darkness that I trembled in fear. I cried to the Lord, “Take it away,” and at once He removed it. It was then I saw multitudes upon multitudes of people going to hell with no knowledge of their destination, completely ignorant of their future. I then saw hell with little flames of fire but the torment of darkness was infinitely overpowering. My eyes could see nothing only the black abyss and hear the cries of tormented souls and spirits. By this time I was standing by our circular driveway when the heavens opened, Jesus Christ was stretching His hands encircling the world. I knew by what I saw, I was to share His message around the world. God has led me to share His Word in every corner of the United States of America, Mexico, Central America, Spain, France, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela, Israel and Canada. Many souls have been ministered to in these places, numerous salvations, countless baptisms in the Holy Spirit as well as, much healing and deliverance.
A few years later we moved the family to Muskegon, Michigan but prior to our move I was speaking in Holland, Michigan at the church where T. W. French was pastoring, whom I met through mutual friends the Haag’s, missionaries to South Africa. Pastor French was starting a satellite church in Muskegon and asked if I would be willing to pastor this group of people. After much prayer and supplication we moved to Michigan and there continued to feed His lambs and feed His sheep.
We began to have services in a hall every Saturday night for six weeks and then moved to an empty school building which the church rented about a year before we purchased property to build a church. We had a three-phase building plan. First we built the church and then we built an activity center but realized the need to build between the two buildings to complete the project. One day while praying in the church, I knew it was time to build between the two buildings but the finances were not there to do so. The Lord spoke, “You will build it debt free, I will give you the architect.” As only the Lord can do, he sent us the finest architect and provided the finances to build it debt free. We pastored the church for thirty years before retiring from pastoring but never the ministry.
Throughout my life the Lord has given me many visions but during the 1990’s, one vision in particular the Spirit of the Lord took me into heaven. I entered the Throne Room where I saw God, the Holy Angels and the Seraphim’s. God stepped down from His throne in non-transparent raiment. He led me down a corridor, opened a door and said, “Behold the Lamb of God.” I saw His Son, Jesus Christ, I saw where the blood flowed from the wounds, suffered during His crucifixion and the blood covered His body with the cross on His shoulder. Continually the Father spoke these words. “Behold the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world.” We continued walking the same corridor together and the Father opened another door, this time the Holy Ghost was seated upon the throne. The Father invited me to go in and upon entering the Holy Ghost began to speak. He said, “Stretch forth your arms and hands to me.” As I did, the Holy Ghost put gold bands on my wrists and stamped His seal on the top of each band. I don’t know what was printed on His seal; I just knew I belonged to Him. Then a beautiful, precious stone-filled gold crown appeared over the top of my head but couldn’t set down upon it; not until the rapture takes place. Just before the Holy Spirit led me back to earth He spoke these words, “You will never be out of my presence from this day forward during your whole life, I have sealed you forever.” I identified with this vision of the Lord’s ministry in my life; all things have to come to pass. Since that day, the gifts God has bestowed upon my life have operated in a greater and fuller measure.
God has blessed my life with all nine Gifts of the Spirit. These Spirit Gifts are mentioned in 1Corinthians 12:1-31 in the Bible which you can read in detail instead of me naming each gift. There’s enormous significance with each glorious Gift; I couldn’t begin to do justice to them. Each Gift given has been not only for others but also for my own personal life. Each Gift bestowed upon my life came through much prayer, supplication and prophetic words spoken by God Himself. Every time God gives me a word for someone’s life, I see the words coming directly out of heaven to them. The message given to each individual starts to work immediately for God is always present to work and fulfill the Holy Spirit’s ministry in their lives.
When we believe, give ourselves to and commit ourselves to the work given us, the will of God will be performed in our lives. The Word accomplishes what it has been sent to do only unbelief rules its ineffectiveness. With that in mind, we live continually and with much patience for its fulfillment. Speaking what I see in the heavens of the supernatural power of God will not fail to come to pass in accordance with His divine purpose. Amen.
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