Look What the Lord Has Done!. Gloria Florette Vogel. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gloria Florette Vogel
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456623777
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      Gloria Florette Vogel

      Look What the Lord Has Done!

      by Gloria Florette Vogel

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means….electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other….except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of this author.

      Scriptures taken from the following Bibles; King James Version, the New King James Version and the New Living Translation.

      Copyright© Case # 1-1915342992

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2377-7

      Ms Vogel’s book MyLife/HisWay may be purchased directly through the following address:


      With love and reverence, I dedicate this book to my Creator God, the Great I Am and my mentor, retired Pastor and faithful friend, Bishop William C. Hildreth.

      When writing my first book “My Life / His Way” the Holy Spirit spoke to me. I started typing what He was saying and that was when I realized I was going to put my computer to work again composing another book. HIS exact words were “AND YOUR NEXT BOOK IS GOING TO BE CALLED LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE.”

      I was quite surprised by this revelation! So here I am being obedient to HIS will believing that HE wants the “Supernatural” told to the whole earth regarding HIS Glory, Power, and Might plus the fact that HE wants us to know that HE is still in control of all things going on in this universe today. We should not forget for a moment that we are HIS hands, ears, eyes, feet and most of all, HIS mouth piece. HE IS the Holy Spirit and needs US, as HIS vessels, to get the WORD and WORK done here on this planet for HIM before HIS soon return.

      In this book are some phenomenal testimonies that I believe will encourage you and bring your faith to a higher level knowing how great our God is. These incredible events are all authentic from Christian friends regarding their supernatural experiences being exposed in their personal lives.

      Please sit back, read and enjoy the awe, wonder, and magnificence of Almighty God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit at what THEY do best; signs, wonders and miracles. The Trinity’s Power is what keeps us keeping on, in a world that has turned upside down. We, the Church, excitingly await the return of Jesus to take us home to Heaven to be with Him for Eternity.


      I am so very grateful for knowing Gloria. She has been a wonderful prayer warrior and has dedicated her free time to praying for the soldiers in the Veterans’ Hospitals. Many of them have experienced God’s healing. She has the patience and the unconditional love needed to have prayer in her upper most thoughts at all times.

      We met at a Prayer Meeting in Derby, CT in 1990 and our friendship has continued throughout the years; even through all of the ups and downs we were there for each other. I’ve experienced Gloria’s wonderful sense of humor and her total confidence in G-d.

      It surely is G-d that has set Gloria’s books in motion. I pray you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit while reading “Look What The L*rd Has Done.”

      G-d Bless and enjoy.

      Sandra Rollinson Smith

      Secretary of the Executive Board at

      Simchat Yisrael

      West Haven, CT


      Front Cover: Picture taken by Martha Kladitis from my balcony as we were having a sandwich when I saw this huge cross in the sky. I got all excited and asked Marti, my nickname for her, to please take a picture. How much more supernatural could a cross in the sky be for God’s book cover. My gratitude to Marti for her technical support and patience, helping me to put this front cover and various pages together until it was done exactly according to God’s will.

      Also my friend Regina Thornton who took the time to help give me her support and wisdom while editing each and every page putting this book together for print.

      Back Cover: Darlene Matto’s picture taken on the beach at Pass-A-Grille, St. Pete Beach, Florida, looking out upon the Gulf of Mexico.

      Without all my friends sharing their stories regarding their supernatural experiences, this book would have been impossible to have been written. I thank each and every one of them and am honored to be part of their Christian walk.


      In memory of my dear friend Nicole Vaicaitis Vengris born in Vilnius, Lithuania on June 17, 1936 and went home to be with the Lord, whom she called PAPA, on April 9, 2014. She is deeply missed by those whose hearts she genuinely touched and mine is one of the many. Her kind spirit and rooted European mannerisms made her a very special unique person. In her younger years Nicole had a career in modeling and was well known for both her beauty and charm.

      I met Nicole in the building where we both owned condos in St. Petersburg, Florida. We became close friends after the passing of her beloved Jonas. We shared stories from our lives and would laugh and sometimes we cried together.

      Today I share many memories of Nicole with her cherished daughter Aukse and her husband Drew Foster whom she loved as a son. During the short time Nicole was sick and left this earth her family and I became close friends instantly as we comforted each other to get through the shock of such a short notice of saying goodbye for now.


      Bishop William C. Hildreth

      North Port, Florida


      By Bishop William C. Hildreth

      I RECEIVED Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior into my life at Four Mile Open Bible Church in Des Moines, Iowa at the age of eight. At fifteen years of age while attending a church service in a barn converted into a church I was filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues. As I lay face down on the barn floor Jesus looked at me, instantly I began speaking in tongues, spoke in tongues all the way home from the meeting and the following morning awoke speaking in tongues.

      I was twenty-eight years old residing in Des Moines, Iowa’s city limits with my wife, Hattie and our three children; employed at Super Value Stores, Inc. as a truck mechanic when God spoke to my heart to move to the country. We rented a farm house located on two hundred sixty acres of land the day the Lord called me. It was a Sunday morning following a church service at our mission church which was founded by my parents when the Lord said to me “Don’t eat when you arrive home but go down to the pasture across the creek, there you’ll find a large rock, the place I want you to cry out to me.” I did as the Lord said and found the largest rock I could find and cried out to Him. Suddenly, the heavens opened and Jesus Christ, the Son of God appeared, beautifully dressed in a white garment covered in the Light of His Glory. As we stood face to face, eye to eye He said, “Feed my lambs and feed my sheep.”