Lazar Achievement Psychology. Richard G. Lazar PhD. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Richard G. Lazar PhD
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456622534
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and Better. Read on. This is the world’s most needed and proven pathway to peace and progress.

      Proven Evidence

      Do good guys always finish last? Answer: No. Do good people do bad things and do bad people do good things? Answer: Yes. Can people learn to be their own managers and not managees? Answer: Absolutely. Can we learn and practice the best in lessons from the great emperors, the great sports team builders and the great individual Achievers in life? Answer: Definitely! There’s more.

      How do we know this? Answer: We have done it for 35 years all over the country and throughout the world (except for Antarctica.) We were paid quite well by people who believed that there were and still are much better ways to manage and lead. We were selected in a very competitive world including in higher education to do this work with more than 45,000 people worldwide. The specific case studies and real-life stories are presented to “pepper” the value of the concepts and skills and the techniques of measurement for personal improvement. Every motivated person male or female, young or old can get better with Lazar Achievement Psychology™ now available in almost any ebook reader format.

      The Great Ones – Not Military Warriors

      Let’s take Machiavelli. Around 1515, he wrote The Prince and explained his advice to princes in defense of their thrones and power. He saw Detractors “big time.” Detractors are people who obstruct, prevent, and diminish us. In Machiavelli’s time they were people with massive capacity to kill the prince and destroy everything around him. Throughout history and until today, the world has had countless Detractors who have caused damage and death to countless Achievers. Machiavelli was cited as one of the great proponents and writers about creating fear in those considering any potential uprising and in those ambitious enemy warriors. Having spent a good deal of time studying The Prince, I noted that Machiavelli pointed out that Love is a greater and stronger motivator than fear but that he could not recommend that course of action to a prince who is always looking behind his back and seeing people who want him dead. Thankfully others like the Emperor of the Roman Empire, Marcus Aurelius about 2,000 years ago felt and practiced notions derived from his father and teachers of the past. His was a loving course of action towards the people in Rome. They returned that love.

      The Power of Love-First in You Then Out To Others

      I found Marcus’ writings in To Himself to be directly and strongly consistent with our CRAVE-U™ concept of human love in Caring, Respecting, Accepting, Valuing, Encouraging and Understanding. Our own vessels need to be filled with love first. I also am certain that along with the premises of almost every great religion, he shared the idea of “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” and “Do onto others, as you would have them do unto you.” He ruled that way — as long as you were Roman!

      Yes, the good guys have finished first in almost every enterprise that I have studied including the great Red Auerbach, the Boston Celtics most winning NBA basketball coach of his time. Many others can be named too.

      Yet the question is, does it strongly matter to you? If you have been raised as a Decent Human Being (DHB) and you have not been totally discouraged and disillusioned by the many Detractors who have held you back from being yourself and from growing as a manager, leader, parent, teacher or board member of any organization, then Lazar Achievement Psychology™ is your answer. If you’ve gotten this far, keep reading and measuring yourself and practicing some of the really good stuff that makes good sense to you as found in this course. Find your own way to Come from Behind to Achieve Worthwhile Goals.

      Put Detractors In Their Place . . . Behind You!

      Use your time, which is your life, to Achieve by learning from criticism and move on with a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA). However you do it, whether or not it’s with “sticks and stones may break my bones,” find your way past and over the “Nay-Sayers” or other Detractors. They are all around all the time in everyone’s life.

      Seek out and befriend Achievers and other Learner-Builders as you fully pursue your own paths with our help.

      An example from my life is that I, along with others, have long felt that I need to own my statements and opinions by making “I statements” and not hiding behind “we” or “you” statements. “I” statements tend to increase the power of ownership and make it easy to tell the truth and then easier to establish mutual trust and confidence. I wrote columns for five years for a fine periodical called PrimeLife Magazine. One day I received criticism from a man who said, “Why is it always all about you?” This man was a retired high school counselor and quite bitter about many things. He got it wrong it wasn’t all about me. It was all about complete and absolute ownership of the good, bad, ugly and mundane in my experience. I overcame all of that by being a Learner-Builder who strove to find and develop new ideas in order to make to make things Good, Right, Helpful and Better for myself and all people.

      Own It and Achieve These Things

      I am very proud to say that most of my life has been owned by me. I was my own man and always plan to be until I leave this earth. I will say, “I did it my way!”

      You can and will be the best you can be. You will win with others. You can and will be ahead of others who are suffering with the poor business and personal management practices of today. Check out the contents and jump into Lazar Achievement Psychology™ (LAP™).

      Get on the pathway to Achieve your life’s most worthwhile goals and get started on creating the most rewarding time of your life.

      Love Yourself — Override Detractors Who Don’t Love You

      • Lead with love

      • Manage with love

      • Parent with love

      • Teach with love

      • Legislate with love

      • Govern with love

      • Produce products and services with love

      • Gain profit for all stakeholders with love

      • Master finance and technology with love

      • Innovate with love

      • Character-Coach with love

      And Leave a Legacy of Love after you are gone.

      How Do I Do This Love Thing?

      Learn and practice in the privacy of your own home at your own pace with the Lazar Achievement Psychology™ e-book. Abandon notions that, “it’s simply common sense.” Those come from Detractors . . . the enemies of Achievers. Never adopt measures of violence and hurtfulness . . . unless in self-defense.

      Whatever the size of the task in front of you, “albeit large or small, do it well or don’t do it at all.” Make it a goal that is worth achieving by Achievers. Only you can Achieve your life with few regrets.

      Learn and then practice the winning ways of the good guys as described in the stories and case histories found here. Memorize our principles, characteristics and skills required to be a successful Decent Human Being. Be a role model of high character and someone who has consistently achieved a full measure of life.

      It is Simple . . . Not Always Easy!

      Regretting at Death—The Achiever Beats Them

      (Paraphrased by me from the book, The Top Five Regrets of The Dying, 2011 by Bronnie Ware)

      Wishing and Rationalizing Permeated All Five. I see early warning here in enough time for you to choose LAP™ ways now. It is less about courage and more about gaining skills of loving.

      1. They wished they had the courage to have lived life true to themselves, not the life others expected of them. Amazingly, this was the most mentioned of all regrets. Dreams went unfulfilled because of “the others” I call Detractors.

      2. They