Ziggurat. Bob Mazzei. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Bob Mazzei
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456622473
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more and more. Once we make the relationship of power from which all the prosperity is created impossible, we can break the system, and go beyond.

      Porcutio: People across the globe were in total disbelieve, how could this have happened? They all asked. All the people in the middle who worked and supported the majority of the economy around the world now found that what they had and what they purchased and signed for during those endless market years, was now at best, worth only half as much. Even though they had all walked straight into it with open eyes, it was inconceivable, what had just happened? It would take many years for all the people to open their eyes for what befell on them. The irony at that point was, decades earlier all the people had been warned about the capabilities of the tycoons, warned about the ever increasing military, warned about state surveillance.

      Carentio: Yet, I do look at how wealth is created, and it is then gulped by the power.

      Porcutio: There were some however, who were not participants in this economic illusion, and many tried to warn about the so-called never-ending markets, but greed was just too powerful and blinding for anyone to see or listen. The Neostance had now completed exactly what they wanted.

      Carentio: The liberation is not a science and it is not required from history. Liberation is a prospect that stirs within the effectiveness of dominion. It is essential only if Man as such exists…

      Some people close to a door, laugh, there are some who scream: Huh, he has a screw loose. As a child looks for his mother’s attention and butts in: I feel all no-how.

      Porcutio: With the financial collapse and world markets at a standstill, the Neostance tightened their grip around the entire middle of the world population. Governments tried to intervene propping up their economies, but the global elite being the masters of misdirection caused governments to help the mega interests which only played right back into the hands of the tycoons. It was the best-laid plans of mice and men.

      Carentio: Let’s put, […] Huh, Gosh! And the Morel? Yes, the icing on the cake…

      Porcutio: It was all most impossible now for anyone to payback or just pay for they had. No one could move to another location to work because there was no one to buy their home. Bankruptcies, repossessions of cars and homes had become commonplace. Parents had to move in with their grown children and grown children had to move back in with their parents. It became one of the most vicious circles ever created or witnessed. Now with all that in place it was time for the global elites next move, to make absolutely everyone in fear for their job, in fear for being thrown out into the street, in fear for losing everything, and just in fear. And still, people kept asking, what had happened? The answer was already in front of them. Economic servitude and slavery is what had happened. No one could or effectually would ask for more, the people no longer had any choice but to except what they were given. Whatever the price was, no choice was given, they either paid or went without. Nor would anyone ever complain openly again, lest there be someone knocking at their door to instill yet more fear.

      Carentio: But the hawk? Is he not tired of paying for their certainties and safeness?

      Porcutio: Now with all of that in place, the people were then made to watch the Surveillance State unfold in front of their very eyes. Before long there were cameras on every corner, at every intersection, in every building, and on top of every building. People could no longer sneeze without some authority seeing it. Expounding dogma and propaganda were now the news of the day. Everyone was being told the surveillance was there to not only help control traffic but was there for their protection as well. Total economic servitude was in place; the Neostance had their slave workforce to produce their goods to be sold right back to them, thus keeping them indebted and fearful. Banks were only depositories now. Interest earning was no more, credit was no longer given, and loans were not permissible. People’s eyes had finally become open to see what had been done to them, and worse, what they had done to themselves. Everyone saw the real truth now, that a glass ceiling had been erected over them so no one could ever reach any higher.

      Carentio: Someone calls it short, someone calls it gory. I call it short and gory, and I want to look into it.

      Porcutio: Government and independent factions were now springing up across the world. Both asking the people to join them, for their betterment, and for their security. Out of fear people flocked to them all, never thinking of what would come. The people hoping to keep out of the reach of servitude, wanting to believe what they told, were indeed leaving servitude, and walking right into slavery. These factions were of no consequents to the global elite, after all, it was their minions who were in charge of them. There had been a joke from the past about a global interest whose symbol were hands outstretched around a globe of the world calling themselves Engulf and Devour, it was no longer funny, and it was no longer a joke. Throughout all of that, there were some, although not all that many, yet there were some, who saw it happening, and tried to keep their distance. Some had the social placement to do so, and others who thought that conformity was their best disguise to change back what was. Yes, there was still a glimmer of hope, even if it was so ever slight.

      Carentio: Pray for me Ananias, you were a good liar. Make me wise you Salomon’s, your legend is so trite. Give me strength Samson; I don’t want to hear more jeremiads.

      A middle-aged man walks in a corridor, until he finds a portrait that draws his attention. He stops and questions the painter: What did you paint here? I see a small fence in the background, and a bigger farm in the foreground. Then someone who is flying over a lit-up city and a little man falling into a tube. And, certainly, those unexplainable forms spice the scene but they are actually weird too, what do they stand for?

      The painter laconically snaps: The business has grown, and John’s boss succeeded. Now John’s work is paid better, but his boss is richer, and the distance between the two men is larger. Now John can buy more goods, but he’s under more subjection. Then, all speeds up, and he falls far into the social abyss, and now he is only few inches from the monster’s bowels.

      Then the man insists: And what’re these brownish splashes? They look like rain, don’t they?

      The painter whispers something incomprehensible, then sketches some clouds shooting out from the smoke of his cigarette.

      A short way off two guys are arguing while sitting at a table:

      —The system keeps spurting and we need to feed it in order to get more people to enjoy its creations.

      — Huh, yeah, are you talking about creating hell?

      —No! I’m talking about keeping hell going!!

      Carentio: Who said, “Nothing human is alien to me”, who said?

      Then, a pungent smell of woodlands, and the wind that beats the fronds. The sound, old and gentle, of a turntable, the stylus that scratches the vinyl record, the music starts quietly, faded by time. Strange faces appear, with bizarre eyes, bizarre mouths, swollen cheeks, they move in all directions in the background of the dark night. The music becomes insistent, and a song breaks in…

      Some guys and gals begin to play and sing

      This is capitalism baby; this is the way it looks, and just the way it works. It is all about power honey, and money’s worth is far more than blood. It invades and pervades, it switches colors and drives you away, and it confounds all meanings and blurs the day. Don’t worry over losing the instructions, there are no rules in this game, it knows no limits, it crushes it all. It is the king, anything can happen. The low and the high, it can squeeze it all, and strike wherever it wants, shuffle it around, and be itself all-over again and again.

      Chapter 1

      I found myself thinking I was in some magic time or space.

      It was the end of August, when end of summer evenings are shorter and the air smells of autumn rains that will be coming soon.

      Those images, like slow motion, ran flowing before my eyes. People walking past water, running on the sidewalks and shrugging the cold, as everybody thinks how to get their daily deeds done. That picture raised a certain sense of tenderness in me. We’re frail in our bodies,