Ziggurat. Bob Mazzei. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Bob Mazzei
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456622473
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and capitalism starts to grow into an unyielding monster. Nothing is as radical as capitalism, it can create and recreate reality as it likes, and as it sees fit...

      A man at a window holds a cup of wine, he lifts the cup as if to toast, and then he exclaims: Let’s abolish salaried labor; it is the ignominy that disgraces this epoch of ours.

      Again the woman who spoke first: All labor, all labor my friends, dehumanizes and makes us all slaves. Jobs, as such, have been made unworthy!

      Carentio: Will the sea rise one day? Who will hold it back?

      Porcutio: There are many stories based on true events and history. But what about a story which is an uncompromising vision of today?

      The man with the cup of wine: Salaried labor is the cesspit of society. It is enemy of Man as such!

      Carentio: The Earl has fallen from the cliff; the killer has been kicked, spurned as a dog from the doorstep… Why is it that I’m still seeing wrecks?

      Porcutio: It is said that one person can make a difference, however, that knife cuts both ways. Capitalism, through Democratic regulation had been held in check for 70 years, it wasn’t perfect but did give the most level playing field society ever had.

      Carentio: I asked my friend, “Why when events disprove common beliefs, showing that all is war, many justify the facts appealing to the narrow intelligence of the politicians?” He mumbled, and then offered, “Do you indulge?”

      Porcutio: In the time before the new era, one man decided to make a difference. He was a high-ranking politician motivated only by greed and cronyism. A bill was being voted on and this high-ranking politician knew it would pass. In the last moments before the bill was voted on, this one man dropped an amendment into it without anyone noticing. The bill passed and it and its contents would go into effect as of January 1st of the coming year. The amendment released all restraints and regulations ever imposed on Capitalism. That next January 1st this one man who made this difference effectively threw 300 plus million of his own people to the proverbial curb. Capitalism was now unchained and wanted only one thing, to be fed.

      In the vicinity of the seashore an old boat bangs against a wooden wharf. An ageless man is moving as one toiled with travail. He addresses a group of guys dressed in white: Yeah, yeah, we could be free one day, or we might be slaves forever. You have lived thinking your idea of freedom was Liberty itself; it was just love for predominance, and your justice mere reactionary vengeance.

      Carentio: Huh… What about nostalgia? There’s a lot of whining about great men we’ve had, as against the bummers of today. Don’t you think they have lost their sense of duty? Ah, ah… their sense of duty. Are they aware that their peace was conquered by bombs and guns? I must’ve missed that frame of reference.

      Porcutio: The Neo groups [the Neostance] knew about this before it happened having orchestrated from afar the amendment being dropped into the bill. The utter ignorance and stupidity of that single act by the high-ranking politician was not knowing of the Neo groups involvement and never giving thought or consideration to the ramifications on his own society or the global community and economy. It was done out of sheer greed, and greed is not good.

      Carentio: Huh, the Victors… The butcher slaughters on time…

      Porcutio: The Neo groups have never conspired; they are only connected by similar beliefs. Throughout history and events, what has been called the Lumina-tee and Masons has always been the Neostance. Unlike the term Lumina-tee the Neo groups are never in the light, they are however, always in the shadows. The Neo groups had long been in control of the world’s economy through shipping, banking, communications, transportation…

      A young woman dressed in gaudy colors with a violin moves forward: Now and then the device of power gets jammed. The pick of experts rushes over there to restore the roles, who orders and who must say yes. Contradiction is overcome; human dignity is rebuffed back to the sewer.

      Carentio: Action, reaction, attraction, consolation, desolation, alienation, degradation, magnification, faction, transaction… Gotta make me a… a… a sensation…

      Porcutio: Almost immediately after the amendment took effect the Neostance started to direct their minions. The Neostance had decided that now with capitalism effectively unbridled on one continent that it would filter to all the other continents in a relative short time super charged along by greed. Now was their time to further their quest of total domination by using the very economy itself as a weapon against the entire global society. The Neostance were very clever to say the least, using a ziggurat as their model, they drove every market around the world up and up to the highest levels they had ever been. Market growth took off at an unprecedented rate. The minions of the Neostance were hard at work buying homes in affluent areas everywhere as well as opening businesses and financial offices. They then hired men and women, young and old, to pose as well to do families to move into and live in these homes and areas. The faux families instructions were simple, get to know everyone possible in their area, and convince everyone that greed and spending were good and the markets were only going higher and would never end. That same method was applied to their business fronts and financial offices complete with market advisors.

      A retired worker interferes: Turn humans into human capital turn them into consumers. Hey, do they know that everything answers to the strict law of profit? Who will they blame when they fail?

      Carentio: Minions, minions, minions and followers. Lots of minions, down on their knees in the media orgy of Ethics… Kiss it, kiss it, and kiss it again and again…

      Porcutio: The cleverness of the Neostance worked all too well; after 3 years they had indeed created the perception that the markets would never end. Another perception was made that not everything was in constant supply; if one wanted that home or that car then they should buy one before it was unavailable due to such high demand. The perception was so strong that everyone was totally convinced that no matter what they paid, there would be someone wanting to pay him or her a higher price in two to three years for what they were convinced would be in short supply or unavailable all together. Consumerism and spending kept increasing, up and up and up. People who never thought they could ever own that house or that car were qualifying for loans, all the while being told by the banks not to worry about the exoticness of it. With capitalism unbridled the system was now filled with corruption, but everyone was too blinded by their own selfish greed to see it.

      A weirdo young guy goes all the time back and forth along the street. He inveighs and titters, and speaks emphatically: Good will, bad will? Ethics, greed? What the hell!! Don’t they know who decides? Huh, you ah majesty, ah, you powerful transformer, they don’t know you!!

      Carentio [ransacking a jute bag, exclaims]: I must have seen Greed somewhere. Hell, things are there when you don’t need them! Gee, the great lecher must’ve been joking!!

      Porcutio: Buyers were in endless lines letting sellers spoon-feed them more and more about the never-ending markets. The Neostance, having started the myth of trickle-down economics decades before were also the masters of trickle down communications and propaganda. They had, all too effectively created the illusion of such worldwide market strength that entire governments were involved actually thinking they had something to do with it. The majority of people were living at two times their income and yet marveling at their own economic prowess. Life was good, and most believed they had a good life. This would last for 6 more years. At first, it was news of the building market having reached its peak, then came the news of a possible slow-down, but no one was listening still blinded by their own selfish greed. Then, one fateful day, everyone fell from the ziggurat as it came crashing down. Every market came to a standstill. Banks lost a third of their worth in the course of a single morning. The housing market, once at the very center of the economy and never ending markets was now totally flat lined. Financial institutes failed, businesses were closing right and left. Then before anyone knew it, a recession was being called. The global elite had orchestrated their greatest symphony beyond anything ever thought possible.

      Carentio: I want to know about the hawk, did he understand he could go hunting and get away with it?

      A guy with a guitar and unset