Ziggurat. Bob Mazzei. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Bob Mazzei
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456622473
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      The age of total dominion

      Bob Mazzei

      Jeff Lowe

      2014 © - Copyright by Bob Mazzei, Jeff Lowe

      All rights reserved

      This publication is protected by International Copyright Legislation, and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights. You are not allowed to give or sell this e-book to anyone else.

      Sienda Limited Publishing Division, London, UK

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2247-3

      Many thanks to Bo Bennet and e-Bookit for publishing this e-book


      Cover: Around the Circle, by Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky, 1940, Gallery: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA

      About the authors

      Jeff Lowe, aka Jeff the Terrible

      Jeff is 590 years old (yes, 590!!) and lives on the ground floor of the United States. He realized a very long time ago that capitalism was a short-term practice. Jeff is an opponent of the Neostance and of all that put greed before life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

      Bob Mazzei, aka Dangerous Bob

      Bob Mazzei is a lively youth of 50 and lives in Europe. Although he doesn’t see himself at ease in a capitalist society, he hasn’t managed to find another livable planet in the vicinity so far. Thus, he is forced to put all he has studied into engineering, philosophy and economics to make his ends meet, which, like it or not, goes to serve its Majesty the Capital as well.


      Neostance is a word we use to spell out those muddle of theories and ideas expressed by the lovers of sovereignty, fans of laissez-faire, state devotees, neo-con partisans, anti-consumerism disciples, ultra-conservative enthusiasts, progressive supporters, shopping spree aficionados, morals priests, and all those who from different viewpoints and opposite positions, want to maintain the status quo. They, indeed, from the puddle of their emotional visions, struggle to save the capitalist production system and the inhuman society it generates. Whether from the left or right, from high or low, this attitude perpetuates dominion as civilization again and again, preventing individuals from reaching for their own liberation.

      A Quick Glance.

      Capitalism reigns the world over, no place is safe from its authority, whether democratic or tyrannical each regime serves its Majesty the Capital. That peculiar relationship of dominion made by dominants and dominated is meant to create all the wealth that then goes up the ladder to feed the ruling classes and the Monster that sustains the entire construction. To reduce everything to the economic aspect, apart from being very naïve and showing a certain incapacity of reading the social dynamics, keeps us from seeing and acknowledging the status of slavery Mankind is driven to. It is not about greed, it is not about egotism, it is not about morality, it is not about ethics, it is not about legality, it is not about honesty. Money is due to become Capital, and when it does so, it introduces its control, making human beings like monsters, dividing them into hangmen and victims. We are everything but humans, cast into an inhuman system whose primary law is profit. We have no option, and we have no freedom, and we won’t have any while our societies are divided in classes, there is market, there is property to defend, there is money to accumulate, there is wealth to be produced as a result of dominance. Capitalism is a fiend thirsty for profit, it doesn’t allow any other law than profit, and it is untamable. Don’t blame people, because they are forced into making even the most brutal and heinous crimes in the name of Capital, try instead to find a way for liberation looking at the prospects among the close meshes of power.

      Special recommendations.

      Beware, whether you are convinced supporters of ethics and moralization in the vein of Common Good Lovers, Anti-consumerists, Progressives, Fair Trade enthusiasts, Religious enthusiasts, State control devotees, Indignados, and the like, or else tough guys who have strong beliefs like Patriots, Libertarians, Liberalists, Conservatives, and so forth, we strongly recommend not to read this book. Although you think to be of very different views, you are unhappily joined by the same Chimera: this system can be improved, and it can be done without ever changing the actual social relationships. Which makes you all be fervent aficionados of the status quo.


      We are very pleased to express our gratitude to the many people who saw us through this book; to all those who provided support, talked things over, read, assisted in the editing and proofreading, offered comments. They are so many, and we want to thank them all! Yet, among them we remember, Helena Ravera, Paul Winkler, Dave Matheson, Jenny Lanctot, Ileana Cortez, Luca Mazzei, Lupe Morales, Lila Capdevila, Andy Richards, Howard McGraw, Nancy Harrison, Peter Best, Miriam Beaufort, Brian Neville.

      At the same time, no story springs up out of nothing, so we beg forgiveness of all those who have been with us over the course of the years and whose names we have failed to mention.

      Above all we want to thank our families, who supported and encouraged us in spite of all the time it took us away from them.


      This book is dedicated to all those who, in the name of wellbeing, common good, and progress, are savagely exploited and abused, and burnt at the altar of pretentious and magniloquent principles. As well as to all those whose needs cannot pay and so are dumped into the social drain of our ruthless societies. And again to all those who believe in the Free Human Community as the only possibility we have to make the Human, hidden in the inhuman being we are, come to light at last.

      Bob’s special dedications

      In loving memory of my Father

      Jeff’s special dedications

      For my daughters, Jennifer Marie & Alina Ruth

      Chapter 0

      Only Humans face the Truth

      Porcutio and Carentio are somewhere in a place that is all places, trying for the road that leads to… where? To the not-yet place? Or maybe hell? Nobody can tell if they are near or afar, whether they walk close or separated. It is not nighttime it is not daytime.

      Porcutio: Capitalism cannot sustain itself in the long course of time. Capitalism never fosters cooperation, only competition.

      A woman listens to Porcutio, then she intervenes: Yes, he’s right! Capitalism is unable to create wealth for everybody, because it is based on absorbing wealth from the majority.

      At that moment, a girl abruptly steps out of the crowd and says: Women, men, children, old people, who are we really? Worn-out dresses that can be pumped up or dumped. And still someone wants to sustain that this system can keep us in harmony? Do they know that there is no way to make it suck less?

      Porcutio: Capitalism’s only comparison is fire; both will grow into a rage and take on a life of their own. Capitalism’s only master is Capitalism itself. Capitalism is A-Morel...

      An old woman is dragging herself along when she halts, she points her stick to the crowd and says: We are born, and we have found the society as is, with all its quips and jibes and traps.

      Carentio: A Morel, I must have heard! It’s always on top, indeed!! Ooh, I’ve seen it taking over all the Earth, and bend our Mother to its will.

      Porcutio: Democracy is Morel, but only Morel when used as the means to regulate capitalism.