A Comparative Study Guide Spanish to English to Italian. Robert D. O'Brian. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert D. O'Brian
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Руководства
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781939748669
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to act/undertake

      INTRAPRENDERE, to undertake/take on

      ACUMULAR, to accumulate


      ACUSAR, to accuse/charge


      ADAPTAR, to adjust/adapt

      ADATTARE, to adapt/convert/fit/alter

      ADHERIR, to stick/adhere


      ADJUDICAR, to award/adjudicate

      GIUDICARE, to judge/adjudicate

      AGGIUDICARE, to award

      ADMINISTRAR, to manage, run, administer


      ADMIRAR, to admire


      ADMITIR, to admit

      AMMETTERE, to admit/let in/allow

      CONFESSARE, to confess/admit

      ADOCTRINAR, to instruct/indoctrinate

      ISTRUIRE, to instruct

      ADOPTAR, to adopt/pass/take


      ADORAR, to worship/adore


      ADORNAR, to decorate/adorn


      ADULAR, to flatter


      AFECTAR, to affect; to upset/sadden

      AFFETTARE, to affect

      AFIRMAR, to confirm/declare/affirm

      CONFERMARE, to confirm

      AFFERMARE, to declare/assert

      AFRONTAR, to face up to/confront

      AFFRONTARE, to confront

      AGITAR, to shake/stir/agitate/wave

      AGITARE, to shake

      AGLOMERAR, to bring together/agglomerate

      AGGLOMERARE, to agglomerate

      AMMUCCHIARE, to pile up/accumulate

      AGRANDAR, to make bigger, enlarge

      INGRANDIRE, to enlarge

      ESPANDERE, to expand

      AGRAVAR, to aggravate/increase


      AGRAVIAR, to offend/insult

      INSULTARE, to insult

      OFFENDERE, to offend

      AGRUPAR, to group together/group/gather

      RAGGRUPPARE, to group together

      AJUSTAR, to adjust/tighten/fit/regulate

      REGOLARE, to adjust

      ALARMAR, to alarm/alert; to frighten

      SPAVENTARE, to frighten/scare

      ALERTAR, to alert/give the alarm

      ALLERTARE, to alert

      ALIVIAR, to smooth/relieve/lighten/ease

      ALLEVIARE, to alleviate/relieve

      SGRAVARE, to relieve sb of sthg

      ALTERAR, to alter/agitate/disrupt

      ALTERARE, to distort/falsify/impair

      ALTERNAR, to alternate

      ALTERNARE, to alternate

      ALUDIR, to allude/refer to

      ALLUDERE, to allude to/hint at

      AMERITAR, to merit/deserve

      MERITARE, to deserve

      AMPLIAR, to expand/extend

      ALLUNGARE, to lengthen

      ESTENDERE, to extend

      ALLARGARE, to widen/enlarge

      AMPLIARE, to widen/enlarge/expand

      AMPLIFICAR, to amplify


      AMPUTAR, to amputate, to cut off


      ANALIZAR, to analyze


      ANEXAR, to attach/annex/append

      ATTACCARE, to attach

      APPORRE, to append/affix

      ANOTAR, to note/make a note of/record

      NOTARE, to notice/note

      ANNOTARE, to note/note down

      ANTECEDER, to precede


      ANTICIPAR, to anticipate/foresee


      ANULAR, to cancel/annul/repeal/rescind

      ANNULLARE, to cancel/annul

      CASSARE, to annul/repeal

      REVOCARE, to revoke/repeal/rescind

      ANUNCIAR, to announce/advertise


      APARTAR, to move away/remove/separate

      RIMUOVERE, to remove/eliminate

      SEPARARE, to separate/pull apart

      APELAR, to appeal

      SUPPLICARE, to implore/beg

      PREGARE, to beg/ask

      APLANAR, to level/make even/flatten

      SPIANARE, to level/make level

      LIVELLARE, to level/level out/balance out

      APLAUDIR, to applaud

      APPLAUDIRE, to applaud/clap

      APLICAR, to apply, give


      APRECIAR, to appreciate/be fond of/like

      APPREZZARE, to appreciate

      APREHENDER, to apprehend, to arrest/seize/detain

      ARRESTARE, to arrest/stop/halt/apprehend

      APRISIONAR, to imprison


      APROBAR, to approve/pass/endorse

      APPROVARE, to approve/pass

      APROPIAR, to appropriate/award/assign

      ASSEGNARE, to assign/award/allocate

      APROVISIONAR, to supply/provision

      VETTOVAGLIARE, to supply/provision

      PROVVEDERE, to provide/supply

      AQUIETAR, to calm down/allay

      CALMARE, to calm/calm down/soothe

      ARBITRAR, to referee/umpire/arbitrate

      ARBITRARE, to referee/umpire/arbitrate

      ARCHIVAR, to file/keep in mind/store away

      ARCHIVIARE, to file

      IMMAGAZZINARE, to put into storage

      ARGUMENTAR, to argue


      ARRESTAR, to arrest/detain