A Comparative Study Guide Spanish to English to Italian. Robert D. O'Brian. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert D. O'Brian
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Руководства
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781939748669
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(for), wish, desire, craving

      APETITOSO (A) (adj), appetizing, tasty; tempting

      APPETITOSO (A), appetizing

      SAPORITO (A), tasty

      ATTRAENTE, tempting, attractive

      APLAUSO, applause, clapping

      APPLAUSO, applause

      APLICACIÓN, application (INFORM) (MED), use

      APPLICAZIONE, application (INFORM)

      USO, use, usage

      APLICADO (A), diligent, conscientious, hardworking

      DILIGENTE, diligent

      SCRUPOLOSO (A), conscientious

      LABORIOSO (A), hardworking

      APLICADOR, applicator


      APLOMO, composure, assurance

      SICUREZZA, assurance, self-confidence

      CALMA, calm, composure

      APOCALIPSIS, calamity, disaster, tragedy, adversity

      APOCALISSE, apocalypse

      AVVERSITÀ, adversity

      CALAMITÀ, calamity

      APÓCRIFO (A), apocryphal, doubtful, unreliable, uncertain

      APOCRIFO (A), apocryphal

      DUBBIOSO (A), doubtful

      INAFFIDABILE, unreliable

      APOGEO, apogee, height, peak


      APOSICIÓN, apposition


      APÓSTATA, apostate


      APÓSTOL, apostle


      APÓSTROFO, apostrophe


      APRECIABLE, appreciable, substantial, considerable

      APPREZZABILE, appreciable

      NOTEVOLE, notable, remarkable, considerable

      SOSTANZIALE, substantial


      APRECIACIÓN, appreciation

      AUMENTO, increase (in)/rise (in)/price

      RIVALUTAZIONE, appreciation/increase in value

      APRECIADO, worthy, esteemed

      APPREZZABILE, admirable, significant

      ENCOMIABILE, worthy, commendable, praiseworthy

      NOBILE, noble, worthy

      DEGNO (A), worthy

      STIMABILE, esteemed, respectable

      DIGNITOSO (A), dignified

      APRECIATIVO (A), appreciative

      GRATO (A), grateful

      RICONOSCENTE, appreciative

      APRENSIÓN, fear, squeamishness, misgiving; apprehension

      APPRENSIONE, apprehension

      TIMORE, fear, dread

      PREOCCUPAZIONE, misgiving, worry, preoccupation, fear

      INQUIETUDINE, anxiety, worry

      APRENSIVO (A), apprehensive, overanxious, worried

      APPRENSIVO (A), apprehensive, worried

      APROBACIÓN, approval, approbation, endorsement

      APPROVAZIONE, approval, endorsement

      APROBATORIO (adj), approving


      APROPIACIÓN, appropriation

      APPROPRIAZIONE, appropriation (taking)

      ASSEGNAZIONE, financial appropriation

      APROPIADO (A), suitable, appropriate, fitting, right

      APPROPRIATO (A), appropriate, suitable

      APROXIMACIÓN, approximation; approach


      APROXIMADAMENTE, approximately


      APROXIMADO (A), approximate distance/duration, etc.


      APROXIMATIVO, approximate, rough calculation/estimate, etc.


      APTITUD, ability, aptitude, fitness, suitability

      ATTITUDINE, aptitude

      APTO (A), suitable, fit, apt

      ATTO (A), fit for, capable of

      ADATTO (A), right/suitable for

      ARBITRARIAMENTE, arbitrarily


      ARBITRARIEDAD, arbitrariness


      ARBITRARIO (A), arbitrary


      ARBITRIO, free will, discretion, volition, inclination


      ARCADA, arcade; arch, span

      ARCATA, arch

      GALLERIA, arcade

      ARCAICO (A), archaic

      ARCAICO (A)

      ARCANO (A), arcane, recondite, abstruse, obscure

      ARCANO (A), arcane

      ASTRUSO (A), abstruse

      ARCHIVO, archive, file; archives, files

      ARCHIVIO (VI), archives

      ARDOR, ardor

      ARDORE, ardor, zeal

      ARDOROSO (A), ardent, fervent, eager, zealous, avid

      FERVENTE, fervent, ardent

      FERVIDO (A), fervent, ardent

      AVIDO (A), avid

      ARDENTE, ardent, passionate

      ARDUAMENTE, arduously, enthusiastically, avidly

      ARDENTEMENTE, fervently, passionately

      ARDUO (A), arduous, hard, difficult, tough, onerous

      ARDUO (A)

      ARGUMENTACIÓN, line of argument, reasoning

      ARGOMENTAZIONE, argument

      RAGIONAMENTO, reasoning

      ARGUMENTO, argument, storyline, assertion, contention

      DISCUSSIONE, argument, discussion

      ASSERZIONE, assertion

      CONTROVERSIA, contention, disagreement

      ÁRIDO (A), dry, arid, parched, barren

      ARIDO (A), arid

      ARISCO (A), surly, unfriendly, unsociable

      SCONTROSO (A), surely, sullen, touchy

      ANTIPATICO (A, CI, CHE), unfriendly, unsociable, unpleasant

      ARISTOCRACIA, aristocracy