Truth for Born-Again. Perse D. Imm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Perse D. Imm
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780578065878
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is compulsory that man should stay positive all the way no matter what, especially toward the Father. God the Creator is the god of positivism, none of negativism. If not so, He might not have called Adam when he had committed the sin and hid behind a tree together with Eve. His unique character of positivism didn’t change by man’s fault, rather, wanted to overcome the negativity in the mind of man, the sinner. His positivism wanted to conquer the man’s mind which had been enslaved by the negativity.

      God has stayed positive forever from the beginning no matter what except one moment when Jesus was dying on the Cross. One moment of His suffering had covered all sufferings of negativity in the whole universe; in or out of human minds or God’s. In reality, there still is negativity in human world, but all those sources of negativity will be driven away permanently from this universe someday. He stayed positive when Adam and Eve feared to face Him after eating the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. He never lost His logic under the catastrophic discouragement. Revenging the Serpent by bruising its head, which was nothing but the deliverance of men from the power of the Serpent, was possible because of His steadiness of logic and positivism.

      It could be said that man lost his positivism and was succumbed into total negativism by sinning in the Garden of Eden in the beginning of human history. Repentance, born-again and salvation should mean the recovery of positivism in the mind of man. Man’s dark age-old negativity must be conquered by God’s bright positivism, His grace. The light should shine through the darkness and the darkness could not overcome it. The light of His grace should shine through the darkness of human minds which had been founded in total negativity in the beginning of human history, reinforced by the Serpentine kindness and hardened by repetition through generations. His light of grace, power and love shall rattle the foundation to be broken asunder so as to shine into the depth of human minds.


      For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Rom. 10:13)

      Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Rom. 10:17)


      Jesus was different from other men in many ways judging from his physical activities and the messages of his powerful preachings. First of all, his bodily conditions must have been perfect as much as any other human beings could never have been. His physical strength could have been as strong as Samson who had twisted the main pillar of a theater by his bare hands, or he might have been stronger than Samson considering Samson’s human weakness. His voice should have been like the roaring of a lion thundering the whole valley or fields so that thousands of people could hear his voice of the powerful messages. His perfect physical health came from his perfect mental health and his perfect mentality was from his knowledge of the Truth in the Bible. He must have never wasted any time and any energy. All the energy of his whole body and every moment of his whole life time, from the childhood to the final moment on the Cross, must have spent only for purposeful productivity.

      His brains were full of the knowledge of the Truth in the Old Testaments. His thought had never been violated by any evil ideas. According to the recordings in the New Testaments, he resisted the temptation of Satan three times after 40 days of fasting when he was ready to start the public life; a journey to the Cross and, subsequently, the resurrection. Then, it was just an illustration of his usual doings against the schemes of Satan the Serpent during his life-time; since his childhood through boyhood and adulthood. He had never listened to him and he had such wisdom as to know the result of listening to him, as Eve the first woman did in the Garden of Eden in the beginning of human history. He must be able to memorize all the books of the Old Testaments word by word from Geneses to Malachi. With full knowledge of the will of God, he could recognize the voice of Satan as soon as Satan opened the hellish-mouth.

      Considering that the core of the whole book of the Bible, New Testaments or Old Testaments, is the Gospel; the Lamb of God prepared by God the Father, must be sacrificed for the reconciliation between God and men who had been sold under the Serpent, and rise from the dead for the victory over sinners’ death-destiny, Jesus must have known the Gospel so well that all his heroic words and miraculous activities must have come out of that spirit of the Gospel. He was surely the superman that every human being might well have him as the model to be like. The heroic miraculous activities should have meant nothing by themselves without the spirit of the Gospel in the mind of Jesus. Jesus was just showing symbolically the real miracle that should happen in the mind of the believers at the moment of believing the Gospel; resurrection of the dead; revival of the dead spirits in the minds of believers.

      If any man has different viewpoints from Jesus’, he has to change his mind anyhow to understand and believe his words. Because his words are from the Truth, yet, man’s ideas are from human traditions which have been manipulated inevitably by the Serpent through generations since the beginning of human history.

      The philosophical ideas of Jesus were definitely different from man’s in general, which were just the specific applications of the Gospel.

      1) The eternal life is spiritual life, never physical.

      2) Eternity of human existence.

      3) No man is good except God.

      4) Equality of God, Jesus himself and human. Man should be equal with God in the son-father relationship through Jesus the Savior.

      5) Synchronism of salvation, eternal life and faith.

      6) Eternal living and suffering in Heaven and hell.

      7) Satan the Serpent as the king of the world, who will be thrown away out of this world someday.

      8) Praising of the poor as the qualification to possess the Kingdom of God.

      9) He rebuked the children of the Viper, the hypocrites, the religious leaders.

      10) He was the center of the whole Bible. His task was to fulfill the will of God, the Law, which was the Gospel; the salvation of all men through his death and resurrection.

      The perfect man of Jesus, the superman, the God-chosen heroic Savior, did a lot of miracles. They were miracles in man’s eyes, but they were just normal daily activities in his philosophy and capacity;

      1)He fasted for 40 days.

      2)He walked on the surface of the water, and made one of his disciples to walk on the water too.

      3)He called a corpse out of the tomb alive.

      4)He released all men out of any kinds of diseases.

      5)He commanded the wind and waves to calm down.

      6)He fed thousands of people with a handful of food.

      7)He rose from death.

      8)After his resurrection, he had the spiritual body transcending the three dimensional limitation. He could appear and disappear at any moment.

      9)Jesus identified himself not just with God but also with his disciples by calling them ‘brethren’ and ‘children’. He emphasized that all the miraculous activities could be done by any human beings once they had the genuine faith of the Truth.

      These miraculous phenomena are just the accessories of the main theme of the Bible, the Gospel. No miracles can be compared with the miracle of the Gospel; man gets revived into the eternal life. The Gospel is rather logical that men can easily grasp, but these miracles are not within man’s capacity of understanding, at least with current scientific knowledge. It is imaginable that there is a fantastic world of reality that transcends human current capacity of knowledge and ability.

      There could always be something that the child could not understand about what its Father does.


      ---- ; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. (Hebrew