Truth for Born-Again. Perse D. Imm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Perse D. Imm
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780578065878
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      Truth for Born-Again

      by Perse D. Imm

      Copyright 2012 Perse D. Imm

      All rights reserved

      Published in eBook format by Eternity Publisher

      Converted by

      ISBN-13: 978-0-5780-6587-8

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.










      Sometime earlier in the history of human world on this globe of the Earth, men had lost the eternity or the connection to it. When men are born into this world, they feel like having been thrown into it with no connection to the eternity only to be picked up easily by any claimers. It is the universal common problem, not just of human individuals, but of the whole universe in the sense that human beings are the center of the whole universe. Its solution, the reconnection with the main stream of the universal eternity, should be the purpose of human lives during their life-spans on this planet Earth, at least the knowledge of it. It should be the initiation of new creation of all beings in new order, and that, the necessary source of human wisdom.

      Man’s re-connection to the eternity should be the ultimate motivation or destination of all movements and activities of all beings in the universe, not to speak of human activities.

      If a man could have the eternity of his own, he should be wise enough to know and practice how to handle the matter of eternity right until he would successfully possess it. Just as the stars in the night skies can never drop on the surface of the Earth as fruits drop on the ground by any strong winds, the eternity cannot be contained in man’s three dimensional physical ideas. The matter of eternity must not be manipulated, conditioned or affected by any physical thoughts, not to speak of any bodily activities.

      The eternity has its own way and its own world of principle. To be substantially benefited by the capacity to think and desire the eternity, man must know and practice how to break into the world of eternity out of this three-dimensional world of physics however meaningful, thrill-some or worthy it may be.

      As most of man's thoughts are related with their physical activities, it seems almost impossible to think thoroughly apart from the body, free from any physical limitations.

      Men and beasts are one in that sense. Generally speaking, that's what men are. Most regretfully, even the matter of eternity, which is uniquely human subject, is decisively related with the physical activities. This amenity between men and animals hurts the eternity itself seriously so that men should eventually give up the possibility of their substantial re-possession of eternity.

      Being a spiritual being by definition, there is no hope for man to possess the eternity as his own as far as his thought-pattern is imprisoned and shackled in the prison of physical world.

      Thinking thoroughly apart from the body is more than a challenge. It's the unique necessary task to be attained by a man as the first step of preparation in searching for the Truth of eternity. The Truth is only for the man who has miserably, yet, successfully and miraculously attained that task.


      This book is designed for mental meditation only, never for any beast-like physical applications. For a man to get any fruitful results from meditation, man's thoughts must be freed from any concerns, desires and hopes serious or trivial, good or bad, which are all related with man's physical limitation.

      This book is a book of challenge and revolution for a miraculous event in mentality only for such a mind as is totally released from them. It's not political, nor social, never religious, nor even physical, but absolutely personal, mental, more accurately speaking, spiritual. It will provide the momentum to break into the infinite world of spirits out of the finite physical world of limitation.


      This book is never designed to be applied in human physical religious life. All the contents of this book are uniquely for human dead spirits to be revived absolutely apart from any human physical matters through the necessary reasonable process:

      1) challenging from outside,

      2) contrite heart,

      3) shaking of sub-consciousness,

      4) breaking and surrendering,

      5) invading of the Spirit, and

      6) the inner miracle of revival of spirit-corpse.

      The purpose of human life is: first; to diagnose human life, secondly; to detect any problem, and thirdly; to solve it.

      There is a problem in human life, which is death. To solve the problem of death, men need to know what, where, when, why and how of it.

      The original meaning of life or death was spiritual, never physical. Men are, by definition, spiritual beings just like angels and gods. Any styles of man’s physical life can not affect the spiritual destiny except the single action of Eve and Adam the first couple in the Garden of Eden in the beginning of human history. Man’s general thought pattern, which is never spiritual, must be totally given up in order to be enlightened with any spiritual knowledge.

      Men should be saved free from the bondage that is based on the knowledge of good and evil, which is the shackle, reined by the Serpent, for men not to fly into the realm of living spirits but only to stay beastly forever with dead spirits.

      Men have beastly bodies and angel-like spirits, which is the uniqueness of humanity, and all spirits, including God the Father and Satan the Serpent, dearly admire human beings for.

      Man is a spiritual vessel that can possess or be possessed by other spirit than his own. The Serpentine dirty spirits can stay with dead spirits. They will enjoy dwelling with the human minds filled with the smell of spirit-corpse just like the flies upon decaying flesh. But, the Spirit of God can never stay with a dead spirit and His Spirit is not just living, but reviving. Wherever light shines, darkness should turn into brightness. Wherever the Spirit of God is, any spirit-corpses must get revived. He should love to stay with that revived and regained spirit within the body as the house, the temple.

      Men are to die twice: in the Garden of Eden first, and the second death at the end of human history. Death is not individual, but universal; men just attend the universal event of death wanting or not.

      Salvation is for all human beings, who had already attended the event of the first death through Adam, to escape their natural destination of the second death. Men are all created equal in the sense that all men are born sinners, the descendants of Adam and Eve who caused the first death in the Garden of Eden and bound for the second death at the end of human history. And also all men are absolutely equal in the sense that Jesus the Savior had died for. There is not a single soul who does not need a rightful, powerful and merciful substitute for him not to be thrown into hell-fire.

      Though believing or not is a personal matter, salvation is not personal, it is the universal event which had been initiated, planned, executed and finished by God the Father. Men are to attend that event of salvation in order not to attend the event of the final death, the second