Truth for Born-Again. Perse D. Imm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Perse D. Imm
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780578065878
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      Fear is the spiritual smell from a dead spirit. By fear, men can know the status of their spirits: un-qualified condition to face the Ultimate Being in the Paradise Regained. What the dead human spirits desperately need is resurrection, the victory over death. When a man hears the Gospel, he must give up his natural religious thoughts that had been manipulated by the Serpent through the knowledge of good and evil. The Gospel means the end of man’s religious ideas by the death of Messiah; and a new life, which is spiritual, by His resurrection.


      All the contents in this book must be applied spiritually, never physically. To know the Truth or to be absolutely free spiritually from death, men must give up their natural way of thinking, which is inevitably contaminated by the knowledge of good and evil and has instinctively been manipulated by Satan the Serpent since the beginning of human history in the Garden of Eden.

      Life being the gift of God the Father, the knowledge of good and evil was the gift of Satan the Serpent. Just as God and Satan can not stay together in the mind of a man, a man can not possess both the genuine life and the knowledge of good and evil.


      “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”






      Heaven and Hell are futuristic, not currently real, but men's spirits, religion, fear, born-again and heavenly joy are. Men's spirits are dead. That's why men in general cannot have any realistic spiritual understandings and easily devoured by religion. They are born into this world physically, carrying the corpses of spirits. That's also why all men have fear. Fear is the smell of a spirit-corpse. Men of fear, religion and the knowledge of good and evil are not qualified to be in Paradise Regained, but are destined to be thrown into the Hell-fire; the final cleaning step of re-creation. To be freed from fear, religion and the ominous knowledge of good and evil, men must be born-again. It's the only task that all men must have it realized during their life time. It's not the task of men, but God-Almighty’s that should be accomplished and realized, never by men's efforts, but totally by God the Father's. Born-again is never man's work, never religious. Man, not as animal-kind, cannot die individually. All men had died, as a whole, at the first death, and will die again at the second universal event of death at the end of human history. Genuine life and death, having nothing to do with existence, are spiritual, not physical as with animals. Man will exist forever either dead or alive. God desires to make all men be born-again with their revived spirits to be qualified for His newly created Kingdom. For God to make a man born-again, man needs to know some basic historical information to be motivated for His re-creation. All natural men, spiritually-dead, are just 'dust'. God needs the 'dust' for His new creation of man; not living-dust, which is improbable, but just dead 'dust'. God gave Adam the life, which was spiritual and genuine. But Satan, in the body of a serpent, gave him the knowledge of good and evil. There's something that men must give up to acquire the eternal life, that is, the Satanic knowledge of good and evil, not to speak of all its applications. All religious merits must be denied totally, which are nothing else but the Tower of Babel designed and being built by men based on the Satanic knowledge of good and evil. The Truth that all men must know to be freed by from 'fear of death' is hidden in the jungle of thoughts and history in the Bible.


      This book is a book of challenge; the challenge of God the Father, the perfect irresistible almighty Love. It'll show whether the Heavenly gate is really open wide or not, and guide any sincere and honest reader to be led into the grasp of the expecting Spirit of the Father who has gone crazy for re-gaining His Own back into His possession from the tenacious grasp of the Serpent; the roaring lion.


      TITLES: Philosophy, religion, science and logic; Existentialism and Cross; Philosophy of Jesus; The core, the secret of the Bible; The knowledge of good and evil-the shackle; Conquering death; Universal event of the Cross; Contents of faith; Miss-application of 'faith without works'; What is the will of God; Possessing or living; Absurdity of keeping the Law; Freedom to sin; Weakness of God; Adam and Jesus; Judas Iscariot the Jew; Repentance-denial of the knowledge of good and evil; Citizenship of His Kingdom; War of reasoning; Words of revival.


      If there're really places like Heaven and Hell, which are mentioned in the Bible of Christianity, everyman should better be qualified as a citizen of Heavenly Kingdom rather than to be thrown into the hell fire as a dead man, which all men are destined to naturally. The only sure way to escape that hell-bound destiny is to be born again with his or her revived spirit by the hand of God Almighty, the Creator, the Father. Individually speaking, there's absolutely nothing that is more important, urgent, miraculous in the whole universe and in the whole history of man-kind. This book is sole-mindedly for the purpose of 'BORN-AGAIN', which is the must of all men during their life spans in this world. Unfortunately, there's nothing that men can do for their own born-again physically, practically or religiously. It is a work of resurrection, or of new creation. It requires the almighty handy work of none-else but the Creator Himself. It is absolutely and totally the task of God the Creator, the Almighty, the legitimate Father of all men. 'Death' in human knowledge has nothing to do with existence. Men, once created, are to exist forever, no matter what, either dead or alive. Life and death are two different status of existence, just as Heaven and Hell are two different places for men’s eternal existence.

      There's something fatally important that a man must grasp crystal-clearly against his or her traditional religious way of thinking in order to invoke the Spirit of God into his heart and let Him do the job of born-again. And there is also something that a man must totally and surrenderingly give up in order to be newly up-graded with his knowledge to be the qualified recipient of the new massage of resurrection. Light and darkness, life and death, God and Satan are not to stay together at the same time and at the same place. Man must be emptied with one to be possessed by the other. The fact that man cannot differentiate God the Father from Satan the Usurper is the ultimate source of human tragedy. The grasp of Satan can never be broken by human efforts at all. Man are believing, worshipping and praying to Satan the Usurper as to God the Father. Only the true God the Father can break the bondage between Satan the fake Father and man. Men's souls are never truly free, they are shackled by the ominous knowledge of good and evil since the beginning of human history. That knowledge of condemnation had been used as the foundation of religion under the guidance of Satan the Serpent; God's sole adversary. Men must be freed from the knowledge of good and evil, which had been acquired by the scheme of the Serpent against the will of God the Father in the Garden of Eden in the beginning of human history. To be freed from the knowledge of good and evil, first of all, men must give up all the results, fruits or merits from its practical applications through their lifetimes. The total self-denial, or surrendering, is never easy but impossible until the mighty irresistible shaking by the almighty hands of God should come. Man's 'BORN-AGAIN' is never self-product, but the new creation of man by the hand of God out of His irresistible love of His Own.