Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House). Terry JD Anderson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Terry JD Anderson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456612825
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and Cathy soon entered, peeked into Rita’s office then sat at their desks. Rita left Rafa in her office with Patsy, just as a large man knocked on the front door.

      Rita said, “Let the Lieutenant in, Dixie.”

      “Yes, Ma’am.”

      She buzzed the Army man inside. Rita thought he was huge. At least six four and well over two hundred pounds. She’d never actually met the man before.

      “Hello Lieutenant.”

      He looked at her, at the other two lieutenants. “Hello Major.” He got right to the point. “What did you want to see me about?”

      “You are aware that I am now in charge of this investigation, including the incident at the school?”

      He looked her up and down carefully. “So I heard, Major.”

      “What have you discovered so far? Bring me up to date, Lieutenant.”

      He smiled a little. “That’s easy. We’ve discovered nothing so far.”

      Rita squinted. “Why not?”

      “We have no leads.”

      “I see.” She studied him like a poker opponent. “Is it that you are incompetent, Lieutenant?”

      He glared at her. Thought her a right bitch. “No leads, Major.”

      She smiled. “Well then, I guess we have nothing more to discuss. Except one thing. Badger Troop is now handling things. Stay out of the way, Lieutenant, and we’ll get along fine.”

      “Anything else, Major?”

      “That’s all.”

      He continued to glare. “You’re not making many friends here, Major.”

      She just looked at him. “A threat, Lieutenant?”

      “Just an observation, Major. Have a safe day.” He turned and left the office.

      Rita smiled at Dixie and Cathy, walked into her office and looked at Rafa. “Was he the man you saw with your husband?”

      She nodded. “That was him. A big man.”

      “Thank you, Rafa. My offer of help still stands. Call me if you need to.”

      She smiled, unsure why this short haired western woman would want to help her. “If I need to I will, Major. Thank you. I’m leaving Sidney as soon as I leave this office.”

      “With a business man?”

      Rafa narrowed her eyes, smiled. “You want to know his name, don’t you?”

      The major shrugged. “As long as you trust him, I don’t need to know his name.”

      “His name is Kayle. I’ve known him since I was a young girl. He was never fond of my husband. Yes, I trust him.”

      Rita wrapped her arms around Rafa, gave her a quick hug. Stepped back a step and smiled. Looked her up and down. “Good luck to you.”

      Rita closed the door after Rafa had left the office, she looked at the trooper. “Things should start moving now.”

      Dixie bought coffee for the women, while they waited patiently for something from headquarters. They didn’t wait all that long.

      Patsy looked out the open office door, her headphones on. “Major, you need to hear this.”

      Rita looked toward her office, walked inside quickly.

      Patsy said, “I’ll replay the colonel’s phone conversation with another man.”

      Rita nodded.

      A male voice spoke. “Yes?”

      “Its me. I told you to get that damn Major out of the way. You disappoint me, Kayle. You fucked up. Don’t fuck up again or you’ll be the one who goes down.”

      An audible breath. “She’s smarter than you give her credit for.”

      “She’s a dyke bitch and I want her dead. Is that understood? And I want it to hurt.”

      “I have lost five men already to the one you call a dyke bitch. What is the expression I’m searching for? Oh yes, now I recall. Go to hell, Colonel. You want her? You take her out. I see no future in this relationship. Only grief. I owe you nothing more.”

      “You forget who you’re talking to. Nobody quits me. You’ll end up like the sergeant if you fuck with me. Now you get that bitch for Allah. And don’t fuck it up again.”

      “For Allah is it?” He laughed. “You tiny little man. A tiny little man who knows nothing. Your threats are meaningless. I have become rather fond of this major. At least she is a person worthy of respect. Unlike yourself.”

      “You listen to me, you fuck. You owe me.”

      “We’re even. Watch your balls, Colonel. Or the one you call a dyke bitch will shoot them off. And don’t ever call me again.” The line went dead.

      Rita looked at the trooper. Thought about the name Kayle. “I don’t know the other man’s voice. Sounds like the colonel converted to Islam.”

      “It could be Kayle the Butcher. That’s a name on our wanted list.”


      “Uncertain, Major.”

      “What’s he wanted for?”

      “Attempted murder on you for one thing. I’ll see what else I can find out, Ma’am.”

      “Do you know where he was talking from?”

      “No, Ma’am. He’s blocked his line. I might be able to find out, but it could take some time.”

      “Okay, get on it; see what you can come up with.”

      “Yes, Major.”

      Rita walked into the outer office wondering if this could possibly be the same Kayle that Rafa mentioned. “Either of you know a man named Kayle? Aka, the ‘butcher’.

      Dixie and Cathy both shook their heads.

      “I’m still not sure whether the colonel is the ring leader or is taking orders from someone else. Mamoud maybe. We’ll just let him alone for now. Maybe something else will pop out of his mouth.”

      Dixie asked, “What about Lieutenant Sweet? He sure didn’t look very happy.”

      “Maybe he’ll call the colonel on his phone or talk to him in his office. Either way we’ll know what they talk about.”

      Rita looked at her watch. Picked up her cell phone and called Alex.


      “Hey, Picasso. How’s it going?”

      “He has a big building, but he only wants the front painted.”

      “Painted how?”

      “Fish. He likes fish.”

      “You know how to paint fish?”

      “I’ll put bikinis on them.”

      Rita laughed out loud. “Is the sergeant with you?”

      “She’s sitting in my truck watching me.”

      “Good. How’s your chest?”

      “Its okay. A little sore. I should be finished this job by the end of the day.”

      “Then off to the dress shop tomorrow?”

      “I’ll tell Dianne you like her.”

      “Don’t you dare tell her that.”

      “I’m only kidding, Rita.”

      “Don’t over do it. Take it slow today.”