Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House). Terry JD Anderson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Terry JD Anderson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456612825
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      “Just what I told you.”

      She shook her head. “Think harder.”

      Rafa looked at her fair skinned face, green eyes. “Has something happened?”

      “I think Mamoud’s people attacked my house again last night. They shot my son.”

      She stared. “Your son is dead?”

      “No. But he’s hurt and I need your help.”

      “I told you what I know.”

      “There must be something. Did your husband keep an address book?”

      “I’ll get it for you.”

      Rita waited, looked around the tidy house. Rafa returned with a small book.

      “This is what you want.”

      Rita took the book, scanned through the pages. She didn’t see a Mamoud, just an X and a question mark. No number, no address. “What is this?”

      Rafa looked at the page. “I do not know.”

      “Can I keep this book for now?”

      “Yes.” She looked at Rita’s scarf. “The Islam I know no longer exists. I no longer believe in any of it. Perhaps I never did. No god would ask what he commands.”

      “You mean kill the infidels? Beat and brutalize women and children?”

      Rafa nodded slowly. “Yes. Other things too.”

      Rita looked into her eyes. “Like cutting off a woman’s clitoris? Were you mutilated, Rafa?”

      “No, but I know of women who were.”

      “Its dangerous to leave Islam.”

      “Its more dangerous to stay, Major Royale. I’m leaving this island in a few days. A place where no one knows I was ever a Muslim.”

      “Has anyone threatened you? Bothered you?”

      “Not like you mean, but if some knew I was leaving here that might be bad.”

      “If I can help just let me know.” Rita touched her arm. “I mean it.”

      She nodded once. Smiled a little. “Thank you, Major.”

      “Is anyone in the mosque violent or anyone who speaks of Jihad?”

      “I do not think so. My husband used to talk like that. Some of his friends too, but they are all dead now.”

      Rita nodded. “What about the Imam?”

      “I know his wife. She has not spoken to me of Jihad. The Imam has not either, as far as I remember.”

      “What about Army people? Did your husband ever have an Army man in this house?”


      “Could you recognize him again?”

      “Yes. A big man.”

      “What rank was he?”

      “He was dressed like a westerner.”

      “How do you know he was Army?”

      “He mentioned he was moving off the base. I overheard.”

      “Would you like to help me? If I set something up will you tell me if it was the man you saw? You won’t be in any danger and he won’t see you.”

      “Yes, but I am leaving very soon.”

      “May I ask how you sold your house so fast?”

      Rafa tensed slightly. “I called a business man.”

      Rita decided not to push it. She smiled. “So can you be at my office early Monday morning? Before eight o’clock?”

      She thought for a moment. Studied this beautiful military woman’s face. “Yes, Major Royale, that will be fine.”

      “I’ll bring an Army man to the office and you can hide and look at him. Tell me if he was the one who came to your house. Come in the back entrance to the office.”

      “I will, Major.”

      Rita thanked her and returned to the truck, looked all around then hopped inside.

      Alex looked at her. “Where to now, Rita?”

      She thought for a moment. “To the Army base.”

      “Won’t that be dangerous for you?”

      “Whoever the traitor is will do nothing while I’m on the base.”

      Alex moved the truck forward, glanced in the rear-view mirror. Remained quiet. Rita removed the dress and scarf. They arrived at the base and Rita showed her identification to the guards at the gate. Alex drove to headquarters and parked.

      “Stay here. I need to go in there alone. After I come out, we can go and get Amanda and I’ll take you both for a cheeseburger.”

      He smiled. “Can we go to Kats Klub?”

      “Yes, if you like.” Rita squinted. “Wouldn’t you rather go somewhere with straight girls?”

      He shrugged. “Kats Klub is good.”

      “Fine by me. You’re too young to go on dates with straight women anyway.”

      He frowned. “I’m nearly seventeen.”

      Rita patted his cheek softly. “You’re not ready just yet, Grasshopper.” She looked at him closer. “You haven’t been with a girl already, have you?” She shook her head, waved her hands. “I don’t want to know right now.”

      Rita left the truck quickly, entered the building, spotted a young female corporal sitting at the front desk.

      She glanced up at the woman, assumed she was a civilian. Except for the pistol she wore. “Can I help you?”

      “I’m Major Royale.”

      The woman pushed back her chair, stood to attention.

      “Relax, Corporal. Is Lieutenant Sweet on the base?”

      “No Ma’am. His day off.”

      “Could you phone him, please.”

      “Yes, Ma’am.”

      She dialed the number and handed Rita the phone. In a few seconds a man answered.

      “Lieutenant Sweet speaking.”

      “Lieutenant, its Major Royale.”

      “Major, what can I do for you?”

      “I was wondering if you could come to my office at eight o’clock Monday morning. I wish to discuss the investigation with you.”

      “I’ll need to check with Colonel Robinson first.”

      “I don’t think that’s necessary, Lieutenant.”

      He paused briefly. “Yes, Major. I’ll be there.”

      “Thank you, Lieutenant. Enjoy your day off.”

      Rita handed the phone back to the corporal. She wanted to ask where Amanda Slater was quartered but didn’t trust the corporal.

      “Is Colonel Robinson on the base?”

      “No, Ma’am. Its his day off too.”

      “A squad of Badger Troop females will be arriving shortly. I trust you’ll give them your full cooperation.”

      “Females, Ma’am?”

      “Yes. Nine of them. They may need to use this building for a short time. To check in and things like that.” Rita stared at the young nervous looking corporal. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Rita smiled to herself. “I don’t think there’s