The Legacy: Book Two of the Lane Trilogy. Vicki Inc. Andree. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Vicki Inc. Andree
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456611705
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three miles.”

      “I know, I know.”

      He knew and she knew that whatever he said wasn’t going to make any difference. She is so like her father. There will be a hotel. It will be no less than seven stories tall, and it will be magnificent. So much for my design. He resigned himself to doing it all over, to meet her specifications.

      The jet landed, and they crossed the tarmac to board the private helicopter, which took them directly to the middle of Kramer’s Island. They disembarked, and the pilot hunkered down for the unspecified wait.

      Leesa led the short walk to the main building, the old cannery. “They’ve accomplished a lot on this building! My dream is coming to fruition.” She ran the last few steps and swung open the door to the entrance. “It’s amazing. They’ve already gutted it and put it back together. It’s beginning to look like a fun place to be. Look at all the colors.”

      “They’re primary colors, just as you requested.”

      The theme park had begun to look exactly as she had specified, with only a few suggestions from Tim. Mostly Tim had to figure out how to meet safety construction codes that would fit into Leesa’s multihued imagination.

      “The main street storefronts need to be brighter. It looks a bit too Disney.”

      He reeled. “Too much Disney? Just how is that possible? You wanted a place where people could come offshore from Seattle and enjoy Disney-type experiences. I thought that was the goal.”

      They were on the third floor of the old cannery looking down onto the main street of Leesa’s little kingdom. “Yes, yes, but it has to be more than Disney and like Disney—it has to be different, too. But it’s great, really. You’ve done a terrific job here. It’s full of light and color, and, well, it just makes me happy inside.”

      “I think you should change the name from Kramer’s Island to Leesaville.” He gave her a little hug around the shoulder. “Everyone should come and experience Leesaville.”

      She grinned. “Leesaville, hmm, that sounds pretty good. But I’m too in love with the history of the place. Old man Kramer and his family built this cannery from the bottom up, and it was a successful business and employed several families until the recession. When they passed away, the kids couldn’t make it profitable and had to sell, but not before they let it sit for years. It took them some time to part with the family homestead. I want them to love this place as much as I do.”

      “Leesa, you have a good heart. Have you even told them what you’re doing with the property?”

      She got a faraway look in her eyes. “Not yet, but my plan is to involve them in the opening day ceremonies. When will that day come, Tim? How much longer?”

      “Don’t get mad at me. The answer is that the sooner you stop making major changes, the sooner the theme park can open. Building a hotel from the ground up will take some time.”

      “What if it’s only four stories tall? I’ve been thinking about what you said on our flight over. Seven stories are probably too much.”

      She listened to me? Hard to believe. She must really want this grand opening soon. “Four stories would be built quicker, but this park is for kids, and don’t you think children would like something simple? Too much can be a detriment to your vision. I believe you want to keep it on the simple side. It has to be something a family could afford. If they have a few days, they need a place to sleep, maybe some extra room for kids to play and watch some TV, a small fridge, and a microwave.”

      They walked down the quaint, colorful street. It was three blocks long, filled with assorted shops including toy stores, candy shops, arcades, and a movie theater. “Tim, you’re brilliant. No large suites needed, that way more people can be accommodated in a smaller space. A smaller space means quicker construction. Quicker construction means opening day could be—how soon?”

      “Now don’t hold me to this. It’s strictly an educated guess. I think we could get everything finished up in another three months.”

      Tim braced himself for her disappointment, but was surprised when, instead of being disappointed, Leesa came up with another solution.

      “The park rides and funhouses are all ready to go. The village has only a little left to do. Could we open with the hotel under construction here at the very end of this last block?”

      Leesa’s idea actually impressed him. She was blond, she was beautiful, and she was smart. “Opening day is entirely up to you. If you want the hotel here, we can set it back far enough where the general public would not be endangered by the construction. We could do it.”

      Tim introduced Leesa to the foreman and made a few suggestions about storefront colors on Main Street. Tim also gave the foreman a heads-up on the hotel construction to begin soon.

      The foreman looked at Leesa. “A hotel would just about fill this island to capacity. I hope you’re planning to keep the zoo and the petting zoo part for the children.”

      She shook his hand as they prepared to leave. “I would never dispose of the zoos. Animals are a vital part of life. I expect the natural sea lion and whale overlooks to be among the main attractions.”

      The sun began to set, and they made their way back to the waiting helicopter. They flew back to Sea-Tac and boarded the Lane jet back to LAX.

      “Tim, let’s talk about opening day.”

      “From what we saw today, we’re looking at sometime soon. We could probably do it in a month. Don’t publicize anything until I get back to you with a confirmation.” He knew once he gave her the thumbs-up, it would happen like a runaway train.

      She hugged him and gave him a kiss. “A month! Only a month! I can’t wait. You are my hero, Tim. Let’s celebrate!” Her eyes sparkled, and Tim felt himself getting sucked into the excitement.

      He picked her hand up, kissed her fingertips, and looked into her blue eyes. “Sure, let me take you to dinner tomorrow night. It’s too late tonight. Besides, we both need to catch some sleep. May I pick you at seven? Perhaps I’ll have a surprise for you.”

      Leesa’s eyes brightened even more. “I’ll be looking forward to tomorrow night.”

      Tim had always been the default escort provided through their parents’ friendship. Because of that, Tim had become Leesa’s best friend and confidante. He felt that perhaps she was beginning to see him in a different light. Relax, Leesa’s not looking for romance, thank God for that.

      Tim watched as Leesa e-mailed Lyza, using the jet’s wi-fi. “There is much to do. Grand opening of Kramer’s Island soon! I can’t wait to share all the good news!”

      He smiled and settled back in his seat.

      Chapter Five

      Lyza looked up from her reading at the sound of a knock at her door. She realized the sun had gone down, and darkness veiled her window. After ditching her book, she answered the door to her wing of the estate. Usually the door stayed open for Leesa to come in anytime, but Lyza didn’t want Leesa to see her studying her Bible, so she had latched it when she got home from the office.

      As soon as Lyza opened the door, Leesa started talking. “I have got to tell you about what happened today.” She flopped into the nearest chair.

      Lyza adjusted the lighting to dim in the sitting room. “I got your e-mail. Kramer’s Island is going to open?”

      Leesa nearly shrieked. “Yes! It will be spectacular! Tim and I are going to plan it at dinner tomorrow. I am so excited!”

      “I’m excited with you. Can I come?”

      Leesa frowned. “No. No, you can’t come to dinner with us.”

      Lyza laughed. “I’m not talking about dinner, silly. I’m talking about the grand opening!”

      “Of course you’re invited