The Legacy: Book Two of the Lane Trilogy. Vicki Inc. Andree. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Vicki Inc. Andree
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456611705
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      Book Two of The Lane Trilogy

      Vicki Andree

      Copyright © 2012 by Vicki Andree

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

      Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1170-5

      Published in eBook format by


      To my brother, Gary Myers, who challenged me to enter the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) competition on a cold October night in 2009.


      God is so good! He arranged the whole thing. We were sitting around my sister’s home in North Platte, Nebraska one evening in early November, 2009. My sister, Ginger; her husband, Terry; my other sister, Cynthia; her husband, Dave; my husband, David and I burned out on playing Hand and Foot Canasta. I told them about my first book, On Our Own in Jerusalem’s Old City, and how eager I was waiting for the first published copy and to finally see it on Amazon.

      Then I told them that our brother, Gary challenged me to write fifty thousand words in November and to enter the NaNoWriMo competition. I had never written fiction, but that night I decided to take him up on the challenge. After all, it would take my mind off waiting for the book at Aventine Press.

      I wanted to write about someone who gets converted by a Damascus road experience. In no time, I was having more fun with my imagination than in a long time. As I read my first scene aloud, my family offered suggestions and encouragement. Before I knew it, Lyza’s Story took off. I want to thank Ginger and Terry Ault, Cynthia and Dave Matzek, and David Andree. I had a story to enter NaNoWriMo. Eventually, it grew to over two hundred forty thousand words and three books!

      Many wonderful people helped me out in different ways. Thanks to the ACFW His Writers group that encouraged me as a newbie to fiction. I had the time of my life writing fiction and making new friends. Thank you, Donna Schlachter, for introducing me to Tuesday morning write-ins and leading me to the Word Crafters critique group which taught me how to mold the stories to the rules of the craft. Thanks also to the Christian Writer’s Guild critique group, Word Weavers.

      Several individuals helped me by listening to me whine from time to time. Scott Lockhart and Craig Lockhart gave me valuable technical advice. Ginger Ault took time out of her busy schedule to read each book, to tell me ‘the truth’ and make suggestions. Diane King read rough drafts and provided prayer support. Barb Lem also provided much needed prayer support. Preston Wolfram was the Australia expert, having just returned from a summer of work there. And editor Misti Wolanski made the book much better. Thanks so much to each and every one of you.

      Finally, thanks to my incredible husband, David. The Lane Trilogy would have never made it to print without David. He has been at my side through the peaks and valleys. He talked me out of it when I wanted to throw it all away. He edited every page several times, earning the title of “hatchet man.” His constant encouragement kept me plugging away though the years of rewrites.

      Chapter One

      “Who’s the new guy?” Tim Young whispered into Leesa Lane’s bejeweled ear. “Everyone’s curious about Lyza’s escort tonight. No one seems to know him from anywhere. Did she bring him from one of her long-distance projects?”

      “Really, Tim, do you think I know all of Lyza’s business? We’re sisters, not clones.”

      Tim sounded desperate. “Yes, but you’re twins. You have some kind of special ESP, right? Don’t hold out on us. He could be a good contact for future business. What family does he represent? Are they in investments, oil, real estate? Come on; give me some info!”

      Leesa chuckled. She knew Lyza’s escort, but what little information she had about him would not be shared. She had made a pact with her sister not to reveal anything she knew about David Gabriel. But the fact that she knew so little made it difficult not to be drawn into the curiosity of the others.

      Tim continued his speculation. “Come on, what does he do? He reeks of power. What corporation does Daddy own? Now there’s a confident man dancing with one of the richest women in the world.”

      They sat at a small table next to the expanse of polished hardwood dance floor inside the Lane Mansion. The slow dance music played by the full orchestra reflected Leesa’s mother’s favorites from the forties. They sat alone at a table for eight. Leesa wanted to dance, but Tim wanted to talk. He wanted to ask questions about her sister. Questions, questions, questions. When will he shut up and ask me to dance? Finally Leesa could stand it no longer.

      “Get a grip, Tim. Maybe we’ll find out something on the dance floor.” She nodded toward the exquisite couple dancing past them in a slow, romantic clutch.

      Tim jumped up, remembering both his manners and that his date was the daughter of the hostess. He held out his hand in an overdone gesture of gallantry.

      “May I have this dance, Miss Leesa?”

      She took hold of his hand. “I’d be delighted.”

      On the dance floor, he gently guided them through the crowd toward Lyza and her mystery date.

      “Didn’t I see them together at the Lady Gaga concert last week?”

      She grinned, but could tell he was not amused. “Like I said, Tim, I don’t know. I don’t have Lyza’s calendar either, so give me a break. There’s a new guy in town. Get over it. Besides, you can relax; he’s no threat to you!”

      “All right. I’ll get my information elsewhere. And if it’s true that you don’t know anything, I’ll be sure not to share what I find out. Take that, you wicked woman.” He swung her around as the music switched from the slow dance to the fifties-style jitterbug.

      “Now this is more like it.” Leesa laughed. Thank Heaven Mother only throws this benefit once a year.

      Leesa smiled at Lyza across the crowded dance floor, giving her a thumbs-up behind Tim’s back. There would be questions tonight, but Leesa was assuring her sister that nothing had thus far been revealed. Then Leesa bumped into Gary and his dancing partner.

      “Oops, excuse us.” Tim leaned over. “Gary, didn’t you escort Lyza to this shindig last year?”

      “Guilty as charged. Last year, and each of the three years before. Leesa, remember how we all sneaked out early year before last and went bowling?” He stopped short. “Those were the days. Life goes on; maybe we’ve all grown up. I know you all thought I had a thing for her, and maybe I did at one time, but after the plane crash, she changed.”

      Gary’s date said, “What! You can’t be serious. I mean about the bowling.”

      Tim winked at Leesa. “Oh, he’s serious. Leesa and I went along, and it was a lot of fun. We got away with sneaking out and felt like successful criminals!”

      “Evidently we did get away with it, because I got an invitation and had to come tonight.” Gary gave his date a hug. “But I forgive them. Julie’s wanted to attend the ‘Save the Orchids’ benefit for years. Who’s Lyza’s date tonight?”

      Leesa rolled her eyes at Gary’s partner. “Who cares? Oh, that’s right, everybody!” Leesa wasn’t having fun anymore, so she decided to put speculation to an end. “He’s our cousin from Indianapolis.”

      Gary looked ashen. “That’s your cousin? No way. Cousins